《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》VIII


*Caroline's Point of View*

Jonah and I jump up, and grab Robin; sobbing, "They can't take you... They can't take you...." I say, in between sobs, and sniffles.

Robin clenches onto my shirt, and sobs into it, "I don't wanna live with them. I want to finish Supernatural with my sister, and my slut," Robin says, grabbing onto Jonah.

Jonah hugs her, and pats her back, "I love you, kid."

"I don't know why you bother calling me kid, because you're literally only two years older than me," Robin sniffles, and smiles, "I don't wanna go..."

I hug her again, "When I get into Supernatural, I'll save you, ok?"

She nods, "You better keep that promise, Caroline. I don't want to die..."

"Once I get that call from Jensen, I'll tell him, and we'll save you, ok?" I promise, holding out my pinky towards my sister.

She hesitantly nods, and locks pinkies, "I better get packed then..."


After about two hours of packing, Robin is downstairs, and in the arms of her new family. I'm standing beside Jonah; tears leaking down my face. She's the only thing I'm focusing on, and likewise for her, "I love you," she says, as her new family starts taking her away.

"I love you too, little Robin," I call back, my voice breaking.

Jamie and Shane grab her, and pull her out, causing my face to go emotionless. I will get her back. I swear to god, even if I have to take her back, I'm getting her back.

Jonah grabs my hand, and squeezes it reassuringly, "She'll be ok... once you become a member of the cast, you'll be more intimidating, and maybe you'll scare 'em into giving Robin back."

I silently nod, and slowly walk up the stairs, ignoring everyone and everything completely.


I rush into Robin and I's room, lock the door, close the blinds, and lay in her old bed. It doesn't have any blankets on it, but even if it did, it wouldn't help the coldness that I'm feeling right now. A tear slips down my cheek, as I hear a knock on the door, "Caroline, I get you're upset, but you gotta let me in. It's easier to cope with things if you have someone to cope with," Jonah says, his voice muffled by the locked door.

"Leave me the Hell alone, Jonah. I will talk to you when I'm ready. Just go and talk to someone else," I yell, my eyes swelling up.

I hear him sigh at the door, and fading footsteps. I walk over to my bed, and pull my blankets off of it; putting them on Robin's. I'm sleeping here for now on.

*Robin's Point of View*

We've literally just got home, and their house reeks of cigarettes and beer. I slightly gag, as Shane pushes me forward, "Welcome home, kiddo."

I frown, shake his hand off of me, "Don't touch me, freak."

Shane frowns, and pushes me inside the door; Jamie close behind, "Don't tell me what to do, bitch."

I sigh, "Whatever."

"You knew a lot about us. Who told you that information?" Jamie asks, sticking her fat nose in my face.

I cover my nose away from her horrible breath, "A friend."

"We need more information than that, hon," she says, looking at her husband.

"Well, I'm not giving it to you, 'hon'" I say, mocking her annoying voice.

She growls, "You better stop, unless you wanna end up like our daughter that you somehow knew about. Her name was Kansas. She somehow died in Kansas as well. To bad there's not a state called Robin," Jamie smiles, and I gulp.


*Caroline's Point of View*

I must've fallen asleep, because I wake up to my phone loudly vibrating. I groan, and open my eyes. I groggily grab my phone, and check caller ID. Jensen??

"Hey, Jensen. What's up?" I ask, trying to hide the sadness and sleepiness in my voice.

"Is this Caroline Garrison? I've never called your number, and I'm not sure if I got the number correct or not," Jensen replies. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah," I reply, sitting up, "It's Caroline speaking. How can I help ya, Jensen?"

I hear him slightly inhale, "Caroline, you got the part! We're picking you up tonight so you can start tomorrow! So, pack your bags!"

"A-Are you being serious!?" I ask in awe.

I hear Jensen laugh, "Why would I lie about this? Now, you have about three hours until Jared, Misha, and I come and get ya. Normally we'd send a driver or something, but we wanna formally introduce ourselves."

I smile, wiping away my crusty tears, "Jensen, you might be shocked when you find where I live."

"Nah, we're cool. We get that not everyone gets to live a happy life with a family, and that some get stuck in an orphanage. We get it. We don't judge. Now, get packed, kid," Jensen says, and it makes me feel all happy inside.

"Thanks, Jensen."

I hang up, and fall back onto Robin's bed. I will tell them about her later. I don't wanna dampen the mood. Anyways, I gotta pack and tell Jonah!

I leap up, and turn my music on. The first song that comes on is, 'Radioactive,' by Imagine Dragons. I turn it up, and start dancing as I pack up my clothes, and placing my guitar into its case.

My guitar is a nice electric Fender. It's bright red, with a bunch of stickers; Panic! At The Disco, Vices and Virtues style, I have a Rock&Roll hall of fame, Crossfit with a skull, and a bunch more.

I put all my books into my small backpack as well, all being Harry Potter. So at this point, with all my clothing and books, my bag is full. I race to the bathroom, and pull my hair into a messy bun, "Jonahhhh!" I yell, running down the hall.

Jonah bursts out of his room, "Caroline? What's wrong?"

I run into his arms, "Jensen just called! I'm officially a cast member in Supernatural, and they're picking me up tonight!"

He smiles, and hugs back, "Told ya you'd make it."

"It just sucks Robin isn't here to see me... anyways, happier topic. They're gonna be here in three hours, and I've already packed," I say, dragging Jonah into my room.

Jonah sits on my bed, "You'd better stay in contact with me."

"I can't see me not."

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