《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》VII


*Caroline's Point of View*

We start heading back to our rooms, when Miss. Smith stands on a lunch table, and attempts to get our attention, "Hello, kids. I have an announcement to make."

I pull Jonah and Robin back to the cafeteria, and we sit down again; listening somewhat to Miss. Smith, "Tomorrow morning, we're having a man and a woman coming here to adopt, so be on your best behavior. They won't want naughty kids."

I roll my eyes, "Is that all?"

"Not a good way to start out, Miss. Garrison. Now, go to your rooms," Miss. Smith demands, glaring at me, as all the kids file out.

We sigh, "I guess there's no finishing Supernatural tonight," Robin exclaims, saddened.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder, "It's ok. We can always finish it tomorrow. We are gonna be here forever anyways, so we have a very long time to watch it together."

She smiles, and nods, "Yes."


The next morning, Robin and I wake up to the blinds being pulled away from the windows, and sunlight flooding into the room. Robin and I both scream, earning an annoyed look from Miss. Smith, "The lovely couple is coming in an hour, so get ready."

She leaves, and I groan; rolling out of bed. I land on the floor, and Robin follows my movements; landing slightly to the right of me, "Ready to watch one of the other kids leave with a happy family?" Robin asks, standing up, and walking to the closet.

I nod, "Of course. It's what we're good at," I stand up, and walk to the closet as well.

I grab a long sleeved Twenty One Pilots shirt, and a pair of red skinny jeans. I also tie a flannel around my waist, and I put a red beanie on top of my curly brown hair.


Robin grabs a black shirt with the Flash symbol on it, and she grabs some ripped up shiny jeans. She puts on a red beanie as well, and smiles, "You look so hot, girrrrllll."

I smile, "I know."

"Wow, I wish you weren't so modest," Robin says, sarcastically, and she rolls her eyes.

I chuckle, and grab her hand, and I drag her downstairs, "We need to find Jonah."

"Don't need to tell me twice," Robin says, following me, and twisting her arms out of my grip, "There he is."

Eating pancakes while playing on his phone, was my best friend, Jonah. He was wearing a Pierce the Veil shirt, and black skinny jeans. He was also getting syrup all over his phone screen, making me want to slap him, "What the hell are you doing to your phone screen?" I ask, sitting in front of him.

"I'll clean it later. Get your lady bits out of a twist," He replies, licking his finger.

I roll my eyes, "Watch it, pal."

He smirks, "Ok, so I've looked up the couple that's gonna be adopting us. Their names are Jamie and Shane Richardson. I hacked this system, because Sam Winchester is a great influence, and taught me how, and I'm looking at their background info right now," Jonah says.

I nod, and sit beside him, grabbing one of his pancakes with a fork, "You think they look nice?"

"Looks can be deceiving, but yeah, they look somewhat friendly. Wait, ok, here's their background information," Jonah says, scrolling with his sticky fingers.

We stay quiet for a second, and he looks at us, "Ok, I was right. Looks do deceive. They have apparently been arrested for drug dealing. 3 times actually. And, they killed their THREE MONTH OLD CHILD!" Jonah yells, looking at us, alarmed.


I sit there, shocked, "Why is Miss. Smith allowing them to adopt?" I ask.

"Normally Miss. Smith doesn't give shits about who walks in and out with a child, as long as they take us out of here," Robin points out, and I slap her arm.

"Language!!" She sighs, "Sorry..."


Jonah, Robin, and I are all back in Jonah's room, watching Supernatural, when Miss. Smith comes on the announcement machine, "Would our 12 year olds please come to the adoptive room, please?"

I look at Robin, and she whimpers up at me, "I don't wanna go..."

I rub her head, "Just be obnoxious. They won't adopt you if you're obnoxious."

"Don't watch anymore Supernatural unless I'm here with you, ok? I wanna finish off this episode," Robin says, and I nod.

I push her carefully towards the door, "Just annoy them or something. Just make them not want to adopt you, ok?"

She nods, and runs down the stairs. I turn to Jonah, and sigh, "What if they take her? She'll be alone with drug dealers and murderers..."

Jonah notices my fear, and hugs me, "No one will take her from us, ok? Now, let's watch some Supernatural, ok?"

I nod, and lean onto his shoulder, "Let's watch Supernatural."

*Robin's Point of View*

As I make it downstairs, and I instantly get a very bad vibe from this couple. As they turn around, and the first thing I notice, is their yellow teeth. It's obvious that they smoke. I gulp, and stand by David, "Good luck, David."

"Please don't wish me good luck. I'd rather die than go home with them," David replied, stepping closer to me.

I nod in agreement, "Jonah looked up their background information, because he's smart and stuff. He's figured out some pretty terrifying stuff about them."

Jamie and Shane, the adoptive parents, turn away, and start talking to some other 12 year olds, and I decide it's time to tell David what we've learned, "So apparently, they've been arrested 3 times for drugs, and they murdered their 3 month old child for no reason."

David gulps, "I could see the drugs, but murder?"

I nod, and back up a little as Shane approaches us, "Now who might you two be?" He asks, stroking his grey caterpillar mustache.

"I'm Robin Garrison, and this is my friend, David Greene," I say, rolling my eyes as his wife comes over, and kisses his cheek.

"Tell us about yourselves, darlings," Jamie says, scratching her big nose.

"Well, I am 12, obviously. I can play guitar, and I love the show Supernatural. I'm with the Raze program here at school, and I'm Christian, and I wanna be a police officer when I grow up," I say, eyeing them.

They look at each other, and they smile, "Looks like you know more than you should. Velma. Velma Smith! We'll take Robin Garrison!"

"No! No! You can't take me!" I yell, backing up, and running up the stairs, and bursting into Jonah and Caroline's room.

They jump in alarm, "What's wrong, Robin?" My sister asks me, scared.

"They want to adopt me!!!"

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