《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》VI


{A.N} Hey guys :) it's me. Ok so, today I tried out for show choir, and we had to dance and sing. So, I kept laughing during the dancing part, because I looked like an idiot the entire time. But, singing however, I sang Carry on my Wayward Son, and all of my friends said I sounded amazing, and they tackled me when I got back to the stage where they were at, but me being me, I thought I sounded like a donkey in heat, so this should be fun. I'm quite excited about it tho :) also, I'm wearing a shirt with Sam, Dean, and Cas on it, and one of the show choir people complemented it, so yay, frennnnn!!


*Caroline's Point of View*

The episode finally ended, and I smile, "Now, I'm gonna tell you everything that happened, ok?"

Jonah props himself up, and pushes his long black hair out of his face, "Spill girl. How hot was Misha?"

Jonah is bisexual, and he thinks Misha is hot, and it's honestly hilarious seeing him fall head over heels over Misha. I'm laughing right now thinking about it!!

"He was hilarious, along with Jared and Jensen. I gotta show you something though," I pull my phone out of my pocket, and pull up the picture with Jared, Jensen, Misha, and I in it.

I hand my phone to Jonah, and he almost faints, "Misha picked you up!? And they took a picture with you!?" He exclaimed, breathless.

I nod, and laugh, "Misha just kinda swooped me off my feet, and said, she's with me. I was screaming in my head. It was amazing. Jensen made me play Carry on my Wayward Son on guitar, so that was pretty scary, but cool. He said my voice was pretty," I say, all at once.


Jonah starts fanboying again, and throws Robin my phone. She catches it, and smiles, "Wow, you're lucky, Caroline. I've only watched one full episode of Supernatural, and I'm jealous as hell!"

"Language!" I yell, making her flinch, and roll her eyes.

"You say it too, you hypocrite," she replies, throwing my phone back at me.

I smile, and catch it, no problem, "Doesn't mean you have to. I am your older sister, which means I'm in charge. You better remember that, little child," I joke, and stand up.

"Fight me," Robin yells, standing up as well, and holding her fists in a fighting position.

I roll my eyes, and smile; grabbing her fists, and push them to her sides, "Don't even try, lil sis."

Jonah smirks, and stands up beside me, "I'm starving. Did you by chance, when you were walking back in, see what we're having for dinner?"

I try to think back, but I can't. I shrug, "Sorry, Jonah."

"That's fine. Dinner is in 15 minutes anyways. So, what should we do while we're staling?" Jonah asks.

I look at Robin, "Wanna watch Supernatural from the very beginning?" I smile at her, and she nods, "Fair warning though," I start, "Very sad deaths."

"How could someone's death in a TV show hurt me? I'll take that warning into consideration, but I won't put it to heart," Robin replies, plopping back onto Jonah's bed, and starting Supernatural from the very beginning.

"I warned you..."


"Frickkkkk! Noooooo! Mary!!!" Robin yells, grabbing the blanket, and screaming into it.

I smirk, and pat her head, "Welcome to the Supernatural fandom, my dear sister."

She looks up, eyes blood shot, "Why am I crying? The Winchesters aren't even real! None of this is real! I'm crying over a fake woman's death! What has my life become?" I start laughing.


"She's an official fangirl!"

I start paying attention to the show again, when Miss. Smith calls us down for dinner. Robin sighs, and pauses the show, "Right after we're done, we're coming back up here, and finishing this off."

"I'm down for it," Jonah and I reply at the same time.

We all rush downstairs, and instantly, the smell of pizza hits our nostrils. There are stereotypes for orphanage food, that it's pretty bad, but our orphanage has pretty great food, "Smells great!" I say, complementing the chef's ability in cooking.

She smiles, and silently thanks me, allowing me to have two slices of pizza instead of one. I smile, and wait for Jonah and Robin to get their plates, and we head to our usual lunchroom spots.

We sit down, and I automatically split the extra slice into three pieces, "Here ya'll go," I say, handing my sister and friend the extra slices.

"Thanks, sis," Robin exclaims happily, taking the small piece, and shoving it into her mouth.

"Yeah, thanks, Caroline," Jonah says, shoving it down his throat as well, smiling.

"I really hope I get to be a part of Supernatural," I say, staring at my pizza, and sighing.

Jonah nods, "I'm sure you'll make it. The golden trio said they liked you, which means you have good luck with them."

"They could just be saying that to not hurt my feelings. I'm sure they do that a lot," I reply, suddenly doubting my abilities.

Robin sighs, "Jensen made you play guitar for them. If they weren't interested, would they've bothered with that?"

"Good point, Robin. Jensen wouldn't of even bothered if he didn't think you had zero talent. He could see it. And now he knows it. You're gonna get onto that show, and if you don't, you're gonna make Supernatural regret not hiring you as Piper! I swear it!" Jonah concludes, smiling.

I smile back, and pat his head, "Thanks, Jonah. I needed that, big time."

He nods, "Anytime. So, imma eat the rest of my pizza, and if y'all don't want yours, just hand it over to me. I'll take care of it for you."

I laugh, and start eating my small slice of pizza, continuously shooting jokes at my friends, causing milk to come through Robin's nose, and Jonah to spit pizza 5 feet across the cafeteria, and onto Sarah's tray. Good luck, right!?

Life is good!!

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