《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》V


*Caroline's Point of View*

After we're done scripting, Jensen smiles, "We'll call you if you make it," he pulls out a piece of paper, "If you could put your number and fill out everything else on there, we can go ahead and recommend you."

I nod, and sit back down at the table we were previously at, "Anyone got a pen?" I ask.

"Here," Misha says, pulling a pen out of an unknown pocket.

I silently thank him, and fill out the slots. Then I get to the forbidden question. The question that I hoped I would avoid forever. Address and homelife...

I gulp, "How many of these do I have to fill out?"

"All of em," Jared replies, playing paper football with the other guys as they wait for me to finish.

I nod, and gulp, "Ok..." I fill out, 108 Bumber Street; the orphanage address. And for homelife, I put, orphan.

I throw Misha his pen, and he catches it, "I'm done."

Jared walks over and takes the paper from me, and smiles, "We will call you in about three days time," he then gets close to my ear, "I think you have a pretty good chance of getting in, Caroline," he whispers, and I smile.

He backs away, and I smile at all of them, "Can I have a hug and picture before I leave please? I want to remember this moment forever; especially if I don't make it into the cast."

They nod, and I hug Jared first. My arms wrapped around his waist, because ya know, he's almost as big as my ego, so it would be impossible to hug him correctly. He smelled like a manly flower, so it just made everything easier.

Then, I hug Misha, "Do you two use the same cologne?" I giggle.


"That would be Misha stealing mine. He likes to do stuff like that," Jared replies, facepalming.

I laugh, and then I move to Jensen. He was a little easier to hug. He felt more fatherly with the hug than everyone else, and it made me feel wanted, "Good luck, kiddo. I'm rooting for you," he says, ruffling my hair.

I smile, and blush, "Thanks, Jensen."

"Now, picture time!" Misha yells, picking me up.

I scream from excitement, and laugh, "What are you doing?"

"We're doing poses right? I wanna do something where I'm holding this child," Misha replies, earning a laugh from the others.

Sense I'm up the highest, thanks to Misha, I'm holding my phone to take the picture. Jared and Jensen were making silly faces at the camera, while Misha was holding me bridal style, and winking into the camera. I, however, was doing an actual smile.

"Thank you guys so much," I say, giving them one more hug.

"No, thank you, Caroline," Jared replies, letting me out of the room.

*Jensen's Point of View*

After she leaves the room, I sit back down, "I think that's the most fun we've had in an audition like, ever."

Misha nods, and sits beside me, "She's a lot like us in a way. She's really strange and funny, but a great actress."

Jared nods in agreement, "We should get her auditions to Robert before we audition anyone else."

*Caroline's Point of View*

I get back into the waiting room, and I see Bandit reading her book again; this time accompanied by a man. I rush over, and sit beside her, "Hey, Bandit."

She automatically closes her book, and smiles, "So, how'd it go?"

"Amazing. Jared said I had a huge chance in getting in. I'm so excited! Oh, I need to show you something," I ramble, and pull my phone out.


The man sitting beside her; probably her dad, coughs awkwardly. I smile and wave, "Hi, I'm Caroline Garrison. You must be Gerard Way. I love your band."

{A.N.} in this, MCR is still a band, but they don't play a part in the story. Only Bandit is really in it.

He nods, and smiles, "Yep, that's me. Glad to hear Bandit has a friend."

Bandit blushes, and hits her father's arm, "Dadddd, you make me sound desperate..."

He laughs, and I go back to finding the picture of Jensen, Jared, Misha, and I. I quickly find it, and show Bandit, "Oh my God. That's amazing, Caroline!"

I nod, "I'm so happy! Misha picked me up, and was like, I wanna do a pose where I'm holding the child, and I was like, yessssss plzzzzzzzzz."

Bandit laughs, "Dad and I were wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight."

"I'd love to, but I can't," I say, remembering I'm an orphan.

Bandit nods, "Understandable. If you ever do, just give us a call. You do have my number, so use it."

I smile, "Thanks, Bandit."

She nods, "I gotta go now. See ya later, Caroline."

I wave, as Gerard and Bandit make their way out of the studio; sharing small talk. As the leave, I decide to leave as well. I've been gone longer than I was originally supposed to be, so Miss. Smith is gonna be pretty mad.

I gather up my script, shove it into my small backpack, and rush back to the orphanage. I text Jonah and tell him to get ready for me to return. He quickly replies, and says that he's been ready for the last hour, and he can't wait to hear everything.

I run down the sidewalks, and I finally reach the building that I've called home for around seven years. I sigh, and push the door open, carefully avoiding Miss. Smith, and making it successfully upstairs to Jonah's room.

He's currently laying on his bed with Robin. Both of them are laughing, and hiccuping, "What's so funny?" I ask, plopping on the bed beside my friend and sister.

Jonah points to the TV, "I just showed Robin the Tuesday episode of Supernatural, and we're just laughing about all the times Dean died."

I start laughing as well, "Why'd you pause it? I wanna watch! I'll tell you everything after this episode is done."

Jonah starts the episode back up, and we share thousands of giggles, and most of all, we got Robin into Supernatural!!

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