《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》II


*Caroline's Point of View*

"Mail's here!" Miss. Smith bellows up the stairs.

I race down, and look eagerly at the adoption lady, "Do I have anything?"

Miss. Smith shuffles through the papers, and nods, "Yeah," she hands me the think envelope, and I bolt upstairs.

"Jonah! It's here! It came early!" I yell, jumping on his bed, earning a groan.

He lifts his head from the pillow, "Dude. It's like 6 a.m, and it's a Saturday. Can't I sleep in for once?"

"No! The Supernatural script came in!" I reply, sitting beside him.

He sits up, and smiles, "This is a good reason to wake up as early as I did. What does it say?"

I shrug, and carefully tear into the envelope paper; avoiding the paper inside. I finally get through the seal, and pull out the good stuff, "There's a note, and a script," I say with excitement.

As I say this, Robin walks in, "I heard happiness, and now I'm here to destroy it."

I roll my eyes, "It's the Supernatural audition people. They messaged me back!"

Robin smiles, and jumps beside Jonah and I on the bed, "Well, read it!"

I nod, and open the note first; "Hello, Caroline Garrison. In this letter are a few details for your auditioning times, locations, and script part. As you are aware, you are 14, so you have to audition in that area, and right now, the only thing available is, Piper, Crowley's daughter," Jonah cuts me off, "Crowley has a kid?"

"Apparently so," I reply, smiling and getting excited.

I clear my throat and continue, "So, in this letter is your script that you must practice for a week, 2/1/17 to 2/8/17. Please have your script memorized by then. You may have someone else practice lines with you. Any questions? Email me at,


~Robert Singer

I squeal, and hug Jonah, "I can't believe this is happening!"

Jonah celebrates with me, jumping around, "You're gonna be the daughter of Crowley!! I'm helping you rehearse!"

I nod, and hug my little sister, "Of course. I can't imagine you not helping me!"

Robin pushes me off, "No touchy. Noooo touchy."

I roll my eyes, and pull the script out, "I have to memorize ALL of this?" I ask in awe.

The script was about as thick as a hand laying straight out on a table. I have no idea how Misha, Jared, and Jensen do this.

"Well, we should probably start then," Jonah suggests, taking the script out of my hands, "I'll play everyone besides Piper, and I'll use different voices for them."

I nod, "Good idea."


Dean: sighs and looks at Sam, 'what are we supposed to do with her?'

Sam: shrugs, and looks at the frail girl with brown curly hair, 'Crowley'l be coming after he sooner or later.'

Piper: looks up, 'Might as well give me back, because ya know, Crowley isn't one to screw around with; especially when it's his daughter. But, I'm not one to know the Winchester's plans, so go on, princess.'

Dean: 'She's definitely Crowley's...'

Jonah sets the script down on the table, "We can resume this later; we have literally 5 minutes till school! We're still in our pajamas!"

I look down, and realize he's right, "Crap. Ok, get out of my room, I gotta change."

Jonah obliged, and runs out of Robin and I's room, and I slam the door behind him. I run my fingers through my hair, and send nervous looks at the script, "Well, let's get ready then."

I walk to Robin and I's tiny closet, and pull out a my Panic! At The Disco, and Weezer tour shirt. That concert was the best thing ever. Even though once I got back here to the orphanage, Miss. Smith didn't feed me for like a week. Totally worth it.


I also grab some black skinny jeans, and I slip on my light purple converse. I quickly grab the script, and shove it under my bed; far from Miss. Smith's knowingness.

I grab my phone and headphones; slipping the headphones into my ears, and Mama, by My Chemical Romance starts playing, and I start rapping my toes to the beat.

"Caroline! We gotta go!" I turn around, and Robin rushes in, wearing a black shirt that says, 'Normal People Scare Me,' a red flannel, black skinny jeans, and high top converse.

I nod, and follow her, "Happy last day of semester," I joke, rushing down the stairs, and running down the halls to my first class; language arts, with Mr. Wolfe.

I burst through the door, and the teacher doesn't even bother to look away from his computer, "Welcome, Caroline. Glad you could find your way here. Make some extra effort, and find your way to your seat."

I huff in annoyance, and sit beside Jonah. His blonde hair has been gelled up, and he wears a smirk on his face, "Smooth."

"No thanks to you. If you didn't convince me to practice the script all morning, I would've been ready," I reply, flicking his nose.

He was about to reply, but Mr. Wolfe stands up, and walks to the front of the room, "Ok class. Today, we're gonna write notes about Theseus and the Minotaur. So, take out your notebooks, and pencils, and turn your attention to the board."

I still secretly have one headphone in, because the orphanage school is very strict about phone usage, so I have to keep my usage very unknown. Right now, the song, Better Than Me, by the Brobecks, is blasting through my ears, pulling my attention away from the Greek notes.

I zone out for a bit, but I'm soon brought back into reality by Jonah elbowing me in the side, "Hey idiot, take your notes."

I nod, and begin taking them again. King Minos from Crete fought Athens. Blah blah blah. Crete won. Blah blah blah. Athens, every 9 years sends over 7 men and women. Blah blah blah. Theseus, demigod to Poseidon, kills the Minotaur. Blah blah blah.

That's pretty much happened during the next hour and half... boring right.

Well, it gets a whole lot sweeter.

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