《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》I


Hello, my name is Caroline Anne Garrison. I'm about as normal as they come, except one little part; I live in an orphanage. I also have a little sister named Robin Ryan Garrison. She is currently 12, and is turning 13 in two months; April. I, on the other hand, am 14, and I turn 15 in 10 months; November. This is our story on how we got taken under Jensen Ackles' wing, and how we eventually got onto the show of Supernatural ourselves.


"Wanna play 20 questions?" I ask my little sister, Robin, as we swing on the small swing set outside of the small orphanage.

Robin smiles, "You already know everything about me."

I nod and shrug, "I know, just kinda bored.."

Robin quickly jumps off the swing, and starts running towards a small piece of paper, "Maybe this will help our problems," She yells behind her shoulders, and I quickly get off the swing and follow.

"What is it?" I ask, taking the paper from my sister.

She shrugs, "It said something about Supernatural."

Robin knows I'm in love with the show, Supernatural, but she never really got into it. I honestly have no idea how though.

I admire the fine print, and start reading it out loud, "Ever wanted to be famous? Here's your chance! Head over to the CW building (right off Route 66 and to the left) and set up your audition. This is your chance to become the new internet sensation. Set up your audition now #supernatural. We need a 14-17 year old Caucasian, a 30-40 year old African American, and a 1 year old baby girl."

I look at Robin, "We're going now."

"No way! We have to get back to the orphanage anyways! It's almost time for school! We can't go and set up an audition out of the blue! What would Miss. Smith say?" Robin replies sadly.


I cross my arms across my chest, "Fine! If you wanna go to school, go ahead. I'm going to go and set up my audition. Have a good day, Robin."

"Wait, Caroline! Please don't go! I don't want Miss. Smith to hurt you again," Robin begs, throwing a 'Sam Winchester' puppy eyes at me.

I sigh and nod, "Fine, I'll come back right after I'm done. Just tell Miss. Smith I went into town to get food or something," I reply, and she nods.

"Love you, Robin," I hug my little sister, and she smiles into my shoulder, "Love you too, Caroline."


I'm walking through town, when I finally reach my destination. I heavily sigh, a wave of anxiety hitting me, but I quickly shake it off, "C'mon Caroline. You got this," I say to myself, slightly motivated now.

I push open the heavy doors, and walk through the quiet building, taking in the surroundings. There were posters with the Supernatural characters everywhere! In the corner beside the door, there was a cardboard cutout of the Impala, and beside it, on the wall, was black angel wings, like the angel just got killed, and left its wings behind, "Woah..."

My voice echoes through the building, and a secretary looks up from her computer, "Can I help you?"

I jump and look at her, "Yeah. I'm here to set up my audition for Supernatural please."

She nods, "Name, age, and address," she replies blankly.

"Caroline Garrison, 14, and 634 Bumber Way," I reply, hoping she won't catch that I'm from an orphanage.

She types some things on the computer, and looks back down at me, "You should get your script in a week. You'll have one week to practice for the audition. Please come back here on February 23rd."


I nod, and smile, "Thank you so much!"

She silently nods, and goes back to her paperwork, not sharing another word with me. I honestly couldn't care less about her rudeness; I'll have a chance to make it on Supernatural!!!


"How did it go? Did you see Jensen Ackles? Did you get Jared Padaleki's autograph? What did Misha look like in real life?" My annoying, but my very best friend, Jonah Wars, asks, bouncing around happily.

"Shh, Jonah! You're gonna get me caught! And, sadly no, I didn't see Jensen, Jared, or Misha. But, in two weeks, I probably will," I reply, and Jonah smiles.

Jonah was the first person to get me to watch Supernatural, and I thank him so much for that. He introduced it to me one night, when we were both very bored, and hungry, so he showed me the first episode. It scared me at first, because ya know, Mary burns on the ceiling, but I soon got used to the death.

"That's so amazing! You better get onto that show, Caroline. That would be the greatest day of both of our lives," Jonah smirks, and I nod.

"Agreed. I can just imagine what it would be like to stand in the presence of the golden trio. But, they would actually know me. We'd be family," I smile, "One week until I get the script."

Jonah hands me my hairbrush, and I comb out my curly brown hair, "I wanna help you rehearse the script, Kay?"

I nod, "Of course. And remember, Miss. Smith can't know about this. She's shut down this operation immediately."

"I still have your secrets that Miss. Smith doesn't know about. I'll keep this one most secret though. You're gonna do great, and you and Robin are gonna get out of this Hell hole," Jonah says, giving me a thumbs up.

I smile, "Robin's gonna love hanging out with Misha, Jensen, and Jared. They seem like such fun people."

"Remember that one time I snuck out of here to go to a comic con?" Jonah asks, and I laugh at the memory.

He goes on, "Well, when I snuck in the place, I actually caught a look at Misha. He saw me as I was being dragged out by the guards."

"Why didn't you tell me that? Misha Collins noticed you?" I ask in awe.

Jonah nods, "I was gonna tell you, but Miss. Smith was being a bitch that day, and I kinda forgot about it until recently."

I nod, "Well, I'll see you in class. Bye, Jonah."

Jonah waves, and starts walking to his classes. I can't wait until I get my first script!!!

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