《A Glitch In The Matrix》26: Rex's Orders


Rex walked next to General Skywalker as they approached the office of the Supreme Chancellor. Rex couldn't deny that he was nervous, especially because the Chancellor had requested to see him specifically.

When they reached the door, Rex took off his helmet and held it under his arm out of respect. They were greeted by the Chancellor and his Vice Chancellor. Skywalker smiled and they walked into the office. Rex stood next to the couch that General Skywalker took a seat on.

"Please have a seat", Chancellor Palpatine said to Rex. Rex remained where he was.

"I prefer to stand, sir", he said respectfully.

"Very well", the chancellor said. "But what I am about to ask of you may come as a shock."

Rex continued to stand, his face neutral. Chancellor Palpatine sighed, but continued speaking.

"General Obi-Wan Kenobi is currently on his way back to Coruscant. In his custody, he has the deserter, ARC Trooper 3413."

Rex's eyes widened and his breath grew heavy. "They found her? They found Evie?"

"From what I understand, she turned herself in", Palpatine said. Rex tried to keep his face neutral, but inside he was panicking.

"Why are you telling me this?" Rex asked.

Palpatine rose up to his feet, and the other two in the room followed. "Because I am asking you to carry out her execution."

Rex's breath caught in his throat. He looked over at Skywalker, who looked just as surprised.

"You can't ask Rex to do that", the general said. "Evie is his best friend."

"But is he not also the one who informed you of her desertion. He should be the one to bring her to justice."

"He is, but-" Skywalker was cut off by the Chancellor.

"I am no longer asking, Skywalker. This is now an order. CT-7567, you are to carry out the execution of ARC Trooper 3413."

Rex couldn't defy a direct order from the Chancellor. "I understand, sir. It will be done."

"Good. The execution shall be held at daybreak tomorrow", the chancellor said. "You may go."


Rex immediately headed for the door, followed by the general. As soon as they were out of the room, Rex pulled his helmet back on, so that way he could show his emotions without being questioned.

"Rex, what are you doing? You can't really plan on killing her", Skywalker hissed. Rex looked over at the general, who had stopped.

"It's my duty, General. I cannot defy an order from the Chancellor. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for an execution."

Rex walked through the halls of the Senate building, heading toward the exit when he bumped into Ahsoka.

"Rex! Did you hear? Evie's back on Coruscant." Ahsoka said, a worried look on her face. Rex froze.

"She's here already? The chancellor said that she was on her way here."

Ahsoka frowned. "Our ship landed almost forty minutes ago. And you spoke with the chancellor?"

Rex didn't answer her and instead made his way faster to the exit of the building.

"Rex!" Ahsoka cried, chasing after him. "What are you doing?"

"I need to see her", Rex said, his voice breaking. He made it into daylight and paused, unsure of where Evie would be.

"I can take you to her, Rex", Evie said. "Cody was charged with taking her to the prison, where she's to wait until it's time for her execution."

Rex froze at the word. The word he was growing to hate. A tear slipped from his eye, and he was grateful his helmet shielded it from Ahsoka's eyes.

"Rex?" Ahsoka asked. "What's wrong?"

Rex sighed softly. "The chancellor wanted to speak with me. He told me that I've..." Rex swallowed painfully. "I've been ordered to execute Evie."

"What?" Ahsoka cried out. "He can't do that! It's gonna break both of your hearts."

Rex closed his eyes. "It already has."


Evie sat in her new cell. She was on Coruscant, but she knew it wouldn't long until her execution. She sighed and laid down. She had nothing but her suit that went under her armor on her. She didn't even have her soulmate rock. That was the only thing she really wanted to keep. Evie rolled over, her back facing the door. She closed her eyes, and a small tear fell from her eye.


"Evie", someone breathed out from the behind the ray shielded entrance. Evie's eyes shot open as the ray shield was opened up.

"Evie", the person said more clearly, which allowed her to recognize the voice. She sat up, and looked at the man who wore white armor with blue accents. He didn't have his helmet with him.

"Rex", she whispered. "Rex, what are you doing here?

"I needed to talk to you", he said, his eyes watering slightly. Evie stared at him, keeping her face neutral.

"Then talk", she said, looking away from him.

"I missed you", he started as he took a step towards her. Evie tensed.

"Did you, Rex?" she said quietly. "Did you miss me? Because the last time I saw you, you were angry with me. You were going to turn me in for leaving something that was tearing me apart from the inside out. And you know what, Rex? The last thing I heard you say about me was that I'm not your best friend."

Evie glanced over at Rex to see surprise flash over face. "I was on that roof when you were talking to Ahsoka and Rex about me. I heard everything you said about me."

"I'm sorry", Rex said. Evie shook her head.

"That doesn't cut it, Rex. Do you know how much pain you caused me? My heart has hurt everytime I've thought about you."

"And you think mine hasn't?" Rex cut Evie off, taking her by surprise. "The day you told me you were leaving, I was so broken and confused. You didn't tell me anything, Evie! You told me that Ahsoka and Fives would explain it! And now you're telling me that you were there and could have explained it all yourself?!" Rex shouted. Evie stood and turned toward him.

"If I had revealed myself that day, you would have turned me in, and I wouldn't have been able to explain myself!" Evie exclaimed, stepping forward until she stood directly in front of him. She looked up at him, eyes brimming with tears. "So, no, I couldn't tell you that I'm not a clone of Jango Fett. I couldn't tell you that I'm a clone of a dead Jedi master! I couldn't tell you that I'm not you who thought I was! Who everyone thought I was. Who I thought I was..."

"Why not?" Rex asked harshly glaring down at the woman. Evie stared at him, a tear trickling down her cheek.

"Because I was afraid!" she snapped, turning away from him. "I was afraid I would lose your friendship! I was afraid you would say that we couldn't be friends anymore. I was afraid you would reject me. And you know what? I was right! You found who I really was, and you rejected me. You turned me away. You left me."

"You left me before I left you", the blonde haired clone snapped. "You left the army, your family, and for what? Why did you leave us all behind? Why did you leave me behind?"

Evie whirled around, fire burning in her watering eyes. "Because I love you too much to see you die!"

The young woman started crying, and she hugged herself as her gaze dropped to the floor. She heard Rex take a step toward her, and she took a step back in response.

"Please, Rex... just leave me be", she whispered. "Let me face my execution without having to see you and remember all these broken things."

"I can't do that, Evie", Rex said quietly. "Chancellor Palpatine has ordered me to carry out your execution."

Evie's eyes widened and she looked up at Rex, but he was already gone and the ray shield was in place.

Tears fell from Evie's eyes, and she fell to her knees beside the bench she would become very familiar with through the night.

"I'm so sorry", she whispered. "I'm so sorry, Rex."

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