《A Glitch In The Matrix》25: The Return


Evie let out a surprised yell as the building shook as she approached the entrance. She didn't let it stop her from running with Ahsoka and the younglings through the chaos of blaster fire. They made it to the speeder that R2 had hijacked and used the blaster to shoot some droids. She noticed that Katoono wasn't with them and hoped that she was safe with Hondo.

They followed Hondo through the canyons, but were forced to go in a different direction than him when Grevious attacked. Evie stood near the back of the speeder, her blasters at the ready in case any droids came up behind them. She nearly fell off when they started swerving from the left to the right before doing a full loopy loop. She grabbed on, but was forced off when they crashed into the ground.

As Evie got to her feet, she noticed her blasters a few feet in front of her. She grabbed them, and put then in their respective spots before turning to see if she could find any of the others in the dust cloud from the crashed speeder. As the dust settled she noticed the younglings and Ahsoka facing off Grevious, who's back was turned to her. She immediately pulled out her blasters and was ready to shoot him, when a ship rose up from behind them.

"Hondo", she smirked and started shooting at Grevious whilst running toward him. The cyborg turned toward her, swinging a lightsaber at her. She dodged and made her way to the Jedi. They started running to the ship, while Ahsoka faced off with Grevious. As soon as Evie reached the ship, she turned to watch as Ahsoka leaped over Grevious and with the calls of the youngling, ran toward them. As soon as Ahsoka was on board the hatch shut, and Evie let out a deep breath.


Ahsoka looked over at her before moving into the cockpit. The younglings followed after her. Evie remained where she was, knowing that where they were going next may very well be the end of her life as she knew it. She sat down against the wall, and wrapped her arms loosely around her knees. She stared blankly at the wall across from her, not really thinking of anything.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Katooni said, startling Evie. The clone looked up, and she smiled sadly.

"I am", Evie whispered, looking into the young girl's eyes.


Evie frowned. "Multiple reasons. I'm scared because I know what my punishment for deserting is, and I'm scared because... well, the man I love will most likely be on the ship we're going to. The last time I saw him, he was trying to hunt me down and turn me in."

Katooni sat next to Evie. "Is he a clone, like you?"

Evie smiled sadly. "He is."

"But wouldn't that make him your brother?"

The female clone shook her head. "No. He was cloned from a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. I was cloned from the Jedi who requested the clones be created. That's why I'm able to utilize the Force."

Katooni frowned. "Oh. That makes sense, I guess."

Evie nodded and looked up as Ahsoka approached them. With a quick word to Katooni, the youngling left them. Ahsoka sat next to Evie.

"I heard you talking to her", she said quietly. "Are you going to be alright?"

Evie nodded. "I have to be. For the younglings. For myself. For... for Rex."

Ahsoka smiled, but was unable to say anymore as the ship jolted as it landed.

"We're on your master's cruiser, aren't we?"

Ahsoka shook her head. "Master Kenobi was closer, so we're on his instead."


Evie let out a breath of relief. "Well that's a little better. Not by much, but better. I don't think I could face Rex just yet."

Ahsoka gave her a gentle smile as the hatch opened. The younglings were the first ones out, followed by Hondo and his men. Ahsoka stood up, and walked out, beckoning to Evie.

Evie hesitated, but stood and walked out as well. She looked around at the unfamiliar, yet familiar surroundings. A sense of nostalgia washed over her as she looked around. She saw General Kenobi talking to Hondo, with a familiar white and yellow armored man standing behind the general. She saw him tense when he saw her and she gave him a soft smile.

She made her way over to the trio, just as Hondo started walking away.

"Evie?" General Kenobi asked, a surprised look on his face.

"General Kenobi", she greeted. "Commander Cody."

Cody pulled off his helmet, and stared at her. "Evie, what are you doing back here?"

Evie sighed. "Believe me, I didn't want to come back, especially when Ahsoka told me what my punishment is to be. But I think I'd rather that being forced to serve Hondo for the rest of my life."

Cody sighed. "I'm going to have to arrest you, you know."

Evie nodded as she handed her blasters over to Cody. "I know. I also know that I've been accused of treason to the Republic and have been sentenced to death. I assume that will happen back on Coruscant."

Cody nodded as he pulled his helmet over his head. He turned her around and handcuffed her. He moved her toward the younglings, who all watched as she was willingly moved to the brig. As she passed them, she gave them a sad smile.

"Be good for your Masters, alright?"

They all nodded and she closed her eyes for a moment before continuing to the brig. She could feel the clones who knew her staring and she could sense their feelings of sadness. As she entered the brig, she spoke to Cody.

"Do you know who will be carrying out my sentence?" she asked. "I know it will be a clone because the Jedi wouldn't do that."

Cody didn't say anything until she had entered her cell and turned around. He pulled his helmet off, and Evie frowned at his sad eyes.

"I don't know who it is, but I have my suspicions."

Evie closed her eyes. "Who do you think it's going to be?"

Cody shook his head. "I don't want to tell you until I know for certain."

"You promise you will tell me?"

Cody nodded, and Evie sat on the bench at the back of the cell.

"Thank you, Cody."

"Of course", he said, about to close the door. "Evie? I'm sorry."

With that the door closed, and Evie was left to her own thoughts.

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