《A Glitch In The Matrix》24: A Deal with Pirates


"Ahsoka, they're getting closer!" Evie yelled as she dropped into the speeder, stumbling as a blast hit them.

"I know, I know!" Ahsoka almost yelled back. Evie poked her head back out as the others tried to get a hold of Ganodi. Several minutes later, she noticed a large republic ship flying overhead.

"Hey, our rides here!" she yelled down and climbed out of the speeder. The others followed her. Byph and Gungi managed to grab onto the ship, but they had to swerve away from the ship as they approached a cliff.

Evie watched as Katooni and Zatt grabbed onto the trail of younglings from the ship and she groaned. She looked back toward Ahsoka to see a trial of smoke coming from the ship. Her eyes widened when she realized the pirates hit the engine. Ahsoka realized this too as she turned toward the younglings.

"Everyone, let go!" she shouted. "Jump down now!"

Evie watched as they let go one by one. Ganodi, the only youngling she hadn't met, was followed by a falling droid, and a flying R2 unit. The side of the ship knocked into the speeder, sending it crashing into the ground. Evie grunted as she crashed into the hard ground. She rolled a bit, and when she stopped, she groaned.

"Ow... my everywhere hurts", she muttered, rubbing her side as she sat up. She looked around and saw Ahsoka glaring at the pirates who had been chasing them. One of them held the padawan's lightsabers. Evie growled and got ready to fight, but a shock of electricity sent her falling to the ground. She looked behind her to see a pirate with an electric staff. She snarled at him, and he shocked her again. Evie screamed as her vision went dark.

When Evie woke up, she was on the pirates speeder, surrounded by the younglings. Ahsoka was seated next to her.

"What the...?" a pirate said quietly as they approached the stronghold. "Droids? It's an invasion!"

Evie snorted. "You guys deserve it."

Ahsoka nudged the clone, and when Evie looked over at the glaring togruta. She shrugged, and turned her eyes back toward the stronghold. The pirates forced them to get off of the speeder and sit on some rocks while they looked over the situation


"This isn't good. Those scrappin droids are looting the place. They're dismantling our ships!"

"The fact that Grevious is here with his entire fleet means that Master Kenobi must have been overrun", Ahsoka said. "This entire statement is now in Separatist controlled space."

Evie grimaced as she thought about the kind general. There had been times when she wished she had been under his command instead of Skywalker's, but she also had to admit that she fit in better where she had been placed. She did miss her family, but now she couldn't go back. Not without facing the death sentence.

"You're not running anywhere, skug", a pirate snarled. "You're still my prisoner. Maybe I can trade you to the Separatiats in exchange for my freedom."

"Not likely", Ahsoka said. "Grevious didn't come here to make deals. He already controls the planet and the system. If you hand us over to him, he'll kill us and then you."

Evie hummed thoughtfully. "What we need is a way off this planet." She looked toward the pirate. "If I remember correctly, Hondo has his own fleet of private ships, am I correct?"

"Yeah, but only he knows where the ships are", the pirate responded. Evie glanced at Ahsoka, a smirk on her face.

"Then we'll have to rescue him", Ahsoka said. "I know Grevious. And I know droids. With my help, you stand a better chance."

Evie spoke up. "I know droids too. And if I can get ahold of my armor, I can be of help to you as well."

The pirates looked at each other before one of them pointed a gun at Ahsoka's cuffs. Evie smiled as they broke apart. Ahsoka took her lightsabers back from the pirate and removed everyone else's cuffs. Evie stretched.

"Oh, that's so much better", she said. "Now let's go find Hondo and my armor."


Evie snuck past with the others into the stronghold as R2-D2 distracted the droids. They were quick to find Hondo in the brig, taking out the two droids that stood guard.

"Jedi", Hondo said. "And here I thought you made your escape, no?"

"No", Ahsoka said. "There were... complications. Now we have to put our differences aside and be friends or else we're all gonna die here."


"Ah, very diplomatic." Hondo let out a bark of laughter. "I knew you did not come back to rescue Hondo, how do you say it? Out of the goodness of your hearts. No, no, no, no. You need something from me."

Evie glared at him. "Trust me, my dear, if we didn't need you, I'd leave you here to rot."

"A ship, to be specific", Katooni stepped forward. Evie added onto to what she said.

"And my armor and equipment", she said. "I know you still have it, Hondo. I mean, my republic gear probably could have made you quite a fortune."

Hondo laughed. "Oh yes, my dear. I did keep it. In fact, it's actually in a crate right outside. Now isn't that lucky?"

Evie narrowed her eyes. "Too lucky. Tell one of your men to go and grab it. I don't trust you."

Hondo sighed and directed one of his men to go and grab it. As he did, Ahsoka reminded Hondo about the ship.

"Ah, yes. A ship, a ship", he muttered. "Ah, but where would we find one of those. My new friend General Grevious has destroyed my ships."

The pirate brought a crate into the room and opened it. Evie grinned when she saw her gear. She quickly changed into it, enjoying the feel of it being back on her person again. The only thing she didn't have was her helmet. She turned back toward the group and smiled at Ahsoka.

"Feels good to be back in my armor", she said. Hondo smirked.

"I must admit, my darling, you do look rather dashing in that armor. But, back to the ships! We'll never reach them. Grevious' army is too big!"

"We can fight!" Petro declared. The droid spoke up.

"If I may, sir, I instructed younglings for over a thousand generations and these are among the best I have ever seen."

"Well, then, show me", Hondo said. "Show me your swords, tiny Jedi." At his words, the younglings each pulled out their lightsaber. "Show Hondo you are ready to fight."

All the younglings had produced their lightsaber, except for Katooni. Hondo took notice of this.

"Ah. And you, child. Where is you saber?" The younglings put away their lightsaber as Katooni pulled out the parts for her lightsaber.

"It's not finished. I never finished it", Katooni said, sounding as if she was about to cry. Evie placed a hand on her shoulder and offered a comforting smile when the youngling looked up at her. "I've done everything right, but it won't work."

The droid crouched down to Katooni's level. "You must trust that the components that form your lightsaber are meant to be together. There is no other way. It is the force that binds them."

Evie pulled her hand away as Hondo spoke.

"Yes, I was just about to say that. Finish it now! Finish, finish! This is worth the price of a ship. To see the construction of a Jedi lightsaber."

Evie had to agree with Hondo. It was very rare to see a Jedi construct a lightsaber. Evie had actually never heard of it happening.

Katooni sat on the ground and placed the parts in front of her. She closed her eyes and Evie watched in amazement as the parts floated upward and began to fit themselves together, a kyber crystal in the center. Once it was completed put together, Katooni grabbed it, and turned it on. A blue light filled the room as she stood up.

"Well, cut me down, little Jedi", Hondo said. "It's time to leave."

Katooni swung her lightsaber and Hondo fell to the floor and gave the youngling a grateful smile. Evie walked over to Ahsoka.

"We gotta go, now", she said. "It won't be long until Grevious hears about this."

Ahsoka nodded, and looked over at Hondo. Evie let the two talk, and instead walked over to the celebrating younglings.

"Great job, Katooni", Evie said. "I wish that one day I'll be able to construct a lightsaber like your own."

"But you're a clone", Petro exclaimed. "You can't be a Jedi as well!" Evie smirked.

"May I?" she asked, gesturing to Petro's lightsaber. He grabbed it and held it out to her. Without hesitation, Evie used the force to pull it into her hand.

"I'm not like the other clones."

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