《A Glitch In The Matrix》23: Escape From Pirates


"Evie?" a confused voice broke through the clone's thoughts. Evie looked over at Ahsoka, who was looking down at her.

"What are you doing here?" Ahsoka asked.

"Oh, you know... being the slave of the leader of the weequay pirates", Evie muttered.

"Slave?" Hondo gasped dramatically. "How could you be a slave if you are here willingly?"

"How am I here willingly if I'm in shackles?" Evie asked drily.

"Hmm... you make a good point", the pirate said.

"What do you want, Hondo?" Ahsoka spat. Evie smiled up at the padawan, who seemed to hate the weequay just as much as she did.

"What else?" Evie replied for Hondo. "A profit."

Hondo laughed. "Ah, my dear, you certainly know me well, don't you?"

Evie silently glared at him, whilst Ahsoka looked between the two. Hondo smirked, and leaned forward. "A Jedi would bring me a fortune. And this clone Jedi would double the amount."

Evie scoffed. "As if. I'm nothing special to the Republic."

"And yet there is an incredibly high bounty on your head", Hondo said. "I have just been waiting for the right moment to turn you in, and it seems that it has appeared."

Evie's widened. "Wait, you knew who I was from the start?"

Hondo chuckled. Evie glanced over at Ahsoka, who looked extremely guilty.

"What's been said about me, Ahsoka?" Evie asked. Ahsoka sighed as she looked at the female clone.

"After the first two weeks with no sign of you, the Jedi Council and the Chancellor asked Master Skywalker if he knew anything about where you might have gone as he was the general in charge of your squad. He said he didn't know much about you, but Master Kenobi refuted his statement and shared my master's concerns about you not being related to any of the other clones."

Evie's eyes widened. "Did he tell them? Did he tell them what we learned about who I really am?"

Ahsoka's eyes drifted away from Evie's. "He did. And he showed then proof. He had made a copy of the data chip he gave you, just in case it was needed."

Evie closed her eyes. "What did they say to that?"

Ahsoka was quiet. "The Jedi Council wanted to meet with you, see if you could possibly be trained as a Jedi even if you are older than they normally prefer. But the chancellor overruled them, and said that because you are a deserter, you must be executed for treason against the Republic."


Evie's eyes opened as she looked at Ahsoka. "Are you going to turn me in?"

"Only if I have to", Ahsoka said. "I want you to be able to live out your life, Evie."

Evie smiled sadly, and closed her eyes, tears slowly dripping from her face. Hondo finally decided to speak. "Well, this has all been very heartbreaking, but unfortunately I do not share the same sentiment as your friend here. So, I would get ready to say your final goodbyes. But first, we drink!"

Evie watched hatefully as the weequays partied. She looked over at Ahsoka, who looked just about as done as she did. Upon feeling the clone's gaze, the togruta looked over at Evie.

"Hey, Evie?" Ahsoka called. Evie tilted her head, silently acknowledging that she was listening. "When we get out of here, I have something I need to return to you."

Evie raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Ahsoka only smiled mysteriously. "Something that belongs to you, and always has."

Evie frowned, but didn't argue. Instead she leaned back against a nearby crate and closed her eyes. "If I know anything about Hondo's parties, Ahsoka, it's that they last forever. I suggest you get some rest while you still can."

At those words, the female closed her eyes, and started drifting off to sleep.


Evie woke to someone roughly pulling her up. She snarled at whoever it was but they didn't let go of her arm as they dragged her outside, and made her sit next to Hondo. Ahsoka was seated beside Evie shortly thereafter.

Evie looked around, and noticed a carnival caravan performing in front of her. When the main act was introduced Ahsoka groaned quietly. "Oh no..."

"I take it you know these guys?" Evie whispered to her. Ahsoka sighed softly.

"They're Jedi younglings. I was their chaperone when I was taken by Hondo. They must be trying to perform a rescue mission."

Evie groaned. "This is not going to go well."

Evie watched as the five younglings completed their first stunt. One walked over to Hondo and beckoned to him. The pirate joined willingly.

Evie watched as one of the younglings managed to grab Ahsoka's lightsabers without Hondo noticing. It wasn't a difficult task, due to him being severely drunk. The youngling managed to slip away to Ahsoka and Evie.

"You guys shouldn't be here", Ahsoka hissed at the young girl.


"Don't worry. We have a plan." The youngling looked back toward the rest of the carnival act. "I think."

Evie groaned softly. "Great. We're being rescued by a group of younglings who have no idea what they're doing."

Evie watched as a youngling jumped from the top of the ship onto the end of a board and sent Hondo, who was on the other end, flying through the air. She snickered when the pirate hit a metal pole and fell down into a bunch of crates.

"He deserved that", Evie muttered. While the rest of the pirates were distracted, the youngling used Ahsoka's lightsaber to cut both the togruta's and the clone's cuffs.

The group of seven started running away, but they were spotted. Evie heard blaster fire and she managed to dodge it successfully. They managed to hide under the ship and Evie took cover behind Ahsoka as she activated her lightsabers.

"What I wouldn't do to have my blasters back right now", Evie muttered as 4 of the 5 younglings activated their lightsabers. As they blocked blaster fire, Evie searched for a way to get to safety. She spotted a speeder not to far away, just as the ship they hid underneath started flying away.

"Ahsoka, get into that speeder!" Evie shouted. Ahsoka looked back at the clone and repeated the order to the younglings. They all quickly got onto the speeder and while Ahsoka blocked blaster fire, one of the younglings started directing the speeder. Evie looked around, itching to help Ahsoka with the battle, but she had nothing that could help her. She growled softly and crept up next to Ahsoka, peering through the darkness of night to try and spot their enemies.

She could see the weequay falling behind and she reached out through the force to hold them back until they couldn't see them anymore.

"How do you feel?" one of the younglings asked as she handed Ahsoka a canteen filled with water.

"Better now", Ahsoka said as she took a seat. "I could pretend to be angry, but you were all very brave. Thank you."

Evie nodded in agreement and sat next to Ahsoka.

"We disobeyed orders", a male youngling said, pulling off the carnival mask he still wore.

Ahsoka looked down. "Well, I've learned from my master that sometimes doing the right thing means bending the rules."

Evie smiled sadly. "But sometimes bending the rules does get you into trouble."

The younglings looked over at her. "Who are you?"

Evie opened her mouth to introduce herself, but Ahsoka beat her to it. "Younglings, this is Evie. I'm sure you've heard about her."

"You mean this is the female clone that deserted the army?" the human male youngling asked. Evie winced.

"Yeah, that's me", Evie muttered. "And since it appears there is no other option, Ahsoka, you're going to have to turn me in."

Ahsoka sighed softly. "I know, Evie. I know."

Evie looked to each of the younglings. "This is what happens when you don't follow the rules. You get in trouble and then you're stuck trying to escape from the consequences. Eventually, though, you can't escape, and you must accept your punishment."

"What will your punishment be?" the female tholothian asked, her congested voice sounding concerned. Evie glanced at Ahsoka.

"Don't worry about that", Evie smiled as she looked back at the younglings. "Why don't you introduce yourselves instead?"

"I'm Katooni", the tholothian said. "The wookie is Gungi, and the ithorian is Byph."

"I'm Zatt", the nautolan said. Evie smiled softly before turning to the human male.

"I'm Petro", he said. "The best Jedi that's ever going to be out there!"

Evie chuckled. "I hope you do become the best Jedi out there, Petro. But make sure that your ego doesn't consume you."

As they drove toward the moon, Petro bounded to the front of the speeder and started talking into a com-link.

"Ganodi? Come in please. Get the ship ready. We need to take off."

Evie looked over at Ahsoka, who was watching her. "Ahsoka, you said you had something to return to me?"

Ahsoka's eyes lit up and she reached behind her into one of her small pouches. She held her closed hand out to Evie, and the clone held out her open hand. Ahsoka dropped the thing into Evie's hand. As soon as Evie saw what it was, tears came to her eyes. The familiar pattern called out to Evie and she gently brought the object to her chest, right over her heart.

"Thank you, Ahsoka", Evie whispered. "I've missed this."

"What is it?" Katooni asked. Evie glanced over at her and gave her a small smile.

"My soulmate rock."

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