《A Glitch In The Matrix》22: A Vision on Florrum


Evie watched as several Weequay talked loudly around her. It had been nearly a month since she left the army, but she had to admit, this was not where she wanted to be. She had wanted to get off Coruscant, as she figured she'd have less trouble off world. She hadn't expected to end up on Florrum.

"Ah, E, my sweet!" a familiar voice proclaimed. Evie groaned quietly and looked toward the door. "Guess who is back and has a surprise for you!"

"Hondo, for the last time", Evie started. "Only one person gets to call me E, and you're not him."

"And you think I care?" Hondo grinned. Evie sighed, and shook her head.

"Oh, I know you don't, my dear", Evie said, almost snarling. "But I will remind you every time until it finally gets through to your thick skull. Now. What was this surprise for me?"

"Come, come", Hondo said. Evie stepped around the bar toward Hondo as another weequay took her place as the bartender. As Evie drew close to Hondo, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

The female clone sighed. "This again?"

Hondo placed them around her wrists. "Just so you don't try to run off, and leave me without my favorite drink!"

Evie grimaced in disgust, knowing exactly what he was referring to. In the two short weeks she had been here, she had been forced to do some questionable things for the pirates... entertainment.

Hondo led Evie to the main room where he loved to celebrate. The clone bit back a gasp when she saw a familiar togruta strung up, though she was unconscious.

"How nice", Evie said sarcastically. "You caught a togruta."

Hondo laughed. "Not just any togruta. A Jedi." He held out Ahsoka's lightsabers, and Evie saw her chance. She reached out, and with the force, pulled them out of Hondo's hands. She fumbled with them for a bit, before she managed to turn one on and cut her cuffs off.


She was uncertain how to hold them, but she tried to make it seem like she did. She got into a fighting stance like she had seen Ahsoka do, and turned on both lightsabers. Hondo laughed humorously.

"You're a Jedi too! But I could have sworn the armor I took from you was clone armor." He laughed before getting serious. "If you don't give those back right now, I will shoot your little Jedi friend over there."

Evie snorted. "And have Anakin Skywalker on your back? That Jedi over there? That's his padawan. Skywalker isn't like the other Jedi. You hurt someone he cares about, like Ahsoka over there, and you will die at his hand."

Hondo started to seem uncertain. "Uh, well... you surprise me, E. I thought that you liked being here, but I guess not!"

Evie glared at him. "You think I would like being your own personal slave. Those short few days when you were gone were the most relaxed I've been since I left the army! Since I left Rex!"

"Now, now, my dear, let's not bring up the past. He's gone now, and I'm here. Besides... if you're a deserter, then won't you be killed if they find you?"

Evie looked down at the ground for a brief moment. "If it meant I got to see Rex again, it'd be worth it."

Evie had looked away for one second too long because when she looked back up, Hondo was standing in front of her and holding her wrists. She started struggling.

"Now, now, E", he said. "I don't like getting my hands dirty. So be a good girl, and drop those lightsabers."

Evie continued to struggle, but when it proved to be to no avail, she dropped them. They turned off automatically as she did so, and Hondo released her hands long enough to place her in cuffs once more. He forced her over to where Ahsoka was and made her sit down.


"You will stay there until I decide what to do with your... misbehavior", Hondo said, sitting down in his chair. Just as he did so, more weequays filled the room, making it seem like a party was happening. Which to them, a party probably was happening. These weequay were known for their constant partying.

Evie sighed and moved to sit criss cross instead of on her knees. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore all the noise.


The women's eyes whipped open and she looked around to find the source of the voice. As Evie looked around, she noticed no one was looking at her. Ahsoka was still asleep as well, so it couldn't have been her.

Evie closed her eyes once more and blocked out the noise happening around her.


The voice sounded again. Evie focused on it, and soon found herself somewhere else. Somewhere she didn't recognize. As she looked around, she noticed she was in a hangar with odd spacecraft. She also noticed three clones talking to a fourth who she couldn't quite see. As she got closer, she recognized Fives. He was arguing with the fourth clone that she still couldn't make out. It was almost as if his face was blurred. As she stepped up next to Fives, he pointed a finger at the fourth clone.

"It's what Evie would've wanted and you know it!"

At those words, the blur around the fourth clones face disappeared and Evie's eyes widened. "Rex?"

He didn't respond to her. Evie watched as his face hardened, before he turned and walked outside. Evie looked back at three clones before she bolted after Rex. When she got outside, he was nowhere to be seen at first. She looked around rapidly, and saw him disappearing around the corner of the building. She hurried after him, and as she turned the corner, she saw him looking at a piece of paper. As she approached, she recognized the paper. It was the one she had asked Skywalker to give him.

She stood in front of Rex and looked at the paper upside down. She noticed there were several water marks around it, but only small circular ones. She also noticed that the 'my' from the 'my family' was crossed out and above it was written 'our'. Evie let out a quiet breath of disbelief as she looked back at Rex's face. He was staring at the paper.

"Oh, Evie... I wish I could tell you how sorry I am", he whispered as a singular tear rolled down his cheek. Evie reached out to wipe it away, but paused when she noticed her hand was translucent. The tear dripped off his chin, and onto the paper, creating another mark. Evie suddenly realized what the marks were and she looked back up at Rex.

"Rex", she whispered, attempting to cup his cheek with her hand, but her hand only passed through him. A tear fell from her eye and went through the paper.

"I hope one day I'll be able to tell you this... I want you to know that you are my best friend. Always have been since our contract began", he said. Evie let out a soft chuckle as she moved closer to Rex, wrapping her hand around the one that held onto the paper. "I miss you. A lot. When this war is over, I'll find you, I promise. We can be a family. Me, you, and Fives. I love you, Evie."

Evie felt another tear drip down her face and it again went through the paper. She pulled away from Rex and closed her eyes sadly. When she opened them, she was back on Florrum with the weequays.

"Just as I thought", she whispered. "It was only just a dream."

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