《A Glitch In The Matrix》27: The Execution


Evie sat on the bench, her back pressed against the wall as she looked at her cuffed hands. It had been several hours since her visit from Rex and she knew that soon she would have to face him again, but this time for her execution.

Rex stared at the helmet in his hands. It didn't belong to him. It was Evie's. He had held onto it in the hopes that she would return to him. And in a way, she did. But now he was going to lose her for good and it was going to be by his doing. A tear slipped from his eye and he was quick to wipe it away.

Evie stood as the ray shield to her cell opened. At the door stood two clone troopers, their white armor having red accents. She didn't say anything as the entered her cell ushered her out toward two more clones. They guided her through the hallways to the place she knew she would meet her doom.

Rex put Evie's helmet to the side and pulled on his own. He made sure he had his blasters as he stood. He had just about reached the door and Fives entered the barracks. The clone glared at a Rex, conveying a silent message. The captain slouched slightly, but didn't say anything as he made his way past Fives. The ARC trooper did nothing to stop him.

Evie stood in the center of the square in front of the prison. There were clone troopers everywhere, and Evie was surprised to see that they were all ones who knew her. She was forced to kneel down, before the white and red armored clones disappeared. Evie squinted as the sun broke the horizon.

Rex reached the top of the stairs and almost froze when he saw Evie kneeling in the center of the square. Fives placed a shoulder on Rex's shoulder, almost seeming like he was trying to comfort the man. Rex took a deep breath and continued to walk forward, the sun rising behind him.


Evie blinked when the sunlight was suddenly blocked by the man she was afraid to see. Rex. She glanced behind him and saw Fives, who wasn't wearing his helmet. Their gazes met, and Evie saw her own fear and sadness reflected in her own eyes.

"ARC Trooper 3413 has committed treason against the Republic", a familiar voice rang out. Evie looked around to see Skywalker. "Her sentence is execution."

She could hear dissenting yells all around her, and she shed a small tear at how many men she knew, or even barely knew were upset with her sentence. She looked back to Rex to see that he had removed his helmet. She gave him a sad smile.

Rex stared at the woman he loved. He wanted to tell her how he felt more than anytime he had in the past but he couldn't say it. He couldn't bring himself to. He silently cursed as he pulled out his blaster and aimed it at Evie. His hand started to shake, even with his attempts to keep it steady.

Evie noticed this and gave Rex a small, sad smile. "Rex. It's okay. I know you have orders. You need to follow them."

"Evie... I can't", he started to protest. "I can't kill you."

"You have to, Rex. Otherwise we'll both end up dead", she said softly.

"I'd rather be dead with you than live a life with you gone."

Evie's breath caught in her throat, and she blinked back tears. "Rex. Pull the trigger."

He shook his head. "I won't. I can't."

"You must", she said softly. Rex tried to protest once more, but Evie wouldn't let him. "Rex. It's okay. I understand."

A singular tear rolled down Rex's cheek as he squeezed the trigger.

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