《A Glitch In The Matrix》19: Leaving the Army


Evie hid next to Rex amongst the trees on Felucia. She watched for Skywalker's move, and as soon as the general moved in, she and Rex followed, shooting at the droids.

They moved in through the front gate of the droid outpost, slowly taking out the droids. She moved almost like a ballerina with guns, taking out droids on her left and right, sometimes without even looking.

She scanned the area for her next droid, but there were none. She placed her pistols in her holsters, and looked around for Rex. She spotted him near General Skywalker, who had a worried look on his face. She noticed everyone fanning out, so she hurried over to Rex.

"What's happening?" she asked as she approached him.

"Commander Tano is missing", he said, heading toward the main gate. "General Skywalker has ordered a perimeter sweep. Evie nodded, and walked with Rex as they checked out the perimeter. There was no sign of Ahsoka. Still, the general insisted she had to be nearby, and wouldn't let anyone rest and she was found.

Soon, daylight was breaking over the horizon. Evie glanced over at Rex, who was taking off his helmet. Evie followed suit. Rex looked over at her, and she tried to give him a smile.

"She'll be okay", Evie said. "She's strong."

Rex nodded and looked toward the sunrise. "I'm more worried that General Skywalker will run the men to ground trying to find her."

Evie sighed. "Yeah."

"C'mon, we better go report back to the General", Rex said. Evie nodded, and followed him back through the plants on Felucia to the outpost, where she saw the General waiting.

"General, we've been over the same area a dozen times", Rex said. "There's no sign of Commander Tano."

"Not good enough, Rex", Skywalker said sharply. "Try again." Evie huffed.


"General, permission to speak brashly?" Evie asked. Skywalker glanced at her.

"No", he said. "Go back to searching."

Evie's face curled into a glare. "Yes, sir", she spat, turning and walking into the forest once more. Rex followed her. Once they were far enough away, Evie let her helmet drop to the ground and she collapsed to her knees.

"Evie?" Rex asked quietly as he approached her.

"Do you ever just want to run away from the army? Leave all your obligations behind, just so you don't have to worry about seeing your friends and family die?" Evie asked. Rex was quiet as he sat next to her.

"Once", Rex admitted. "While you were regaining your strength on Kamino, I was on a mission in the Saleucami system. I was injured whilst there, and I found shelter with this twi'lek woman and her children. The twi'lek's husband was a clone, like us. He was a deserter. And... seeing what he had... from leaving the army made me wish I could do that. But I couldn't do that to my brothers. To you. Letting you think I was dead when I really wasn't. Besides... I don't think I'd be able to find anyone I'd want to settle down with. At least... no one outside the army."

Evie smiled sadly. "You mean Ahsoka."

Rex furrowed his eyebrows together and opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted by his com-link going off.

"Call everybody in, Rex", Skywalker said. "We're leaving."

Evie smiled once more at Rex, though it was filled with sadness. She pulled on her helmet, and walked away, leaving behind a very confused Rex.


Evie sat on her bunk, fiddling with her soulmate rock. There weren't many in the barracks, and the ones who were had already fallen asleep. Evie sighed softly, and studied the rock. She always did that before she took off her armor. But she wasn't planning on taking her armor off that night.


"I won't ever be able to tell him", she muttered.

The doors to the barracks open, and Evie quickly hid the rock under her pillow, glancing over her shoulder to see who it was. She tensed when she saw it was Rex. She looked away, silently cursing, unsure of what to do without looking odd. Rex stood in front of her.

"Permission to sit?" he asked. Evie gave a short hesitant nod, refusing to look at him. They were both awkwardly quiet.

"Evie?" Rex started quietly. "What did you mean on Felucia when you said that the person I'd want to settle down was Ahsoka?"

Evie shrugged. "You just seem so happy when you're around her. You make her happy. And I can see that she makes you happy too."

Rex was quiet. "Do I make you happy?"

Evie's breath caught in her throat. She glanced over at Rex to find him watching her with nervous eyes. Evie subtly reached under her pillow and wrapped her fingers around the rock she hid there.

"Yes", Evie whispered. "You do."

Evie grabbed her helmet, and looked over at Rex. She gave him a sad smile. "And that's why I can't stay here. Because I don't think I'd be able to see you die like I've seen so many of our brothers die. Like how Echo died. Or Droidbait, Cutup or Hevy."

She stood up and was about to pull it over her head when Rex stopped her. He made her look at him, and she couldn't hide the tears in her eyes.

"What are you talking about, Evie?" Rex asked. Evie pulled away from him.

"I can't lose you, Rex", she whispered, staring into his eyes. "I love you too much."

"Evie, I love you too, but-"

Evie shook her head. "You misunderstand. I don't mean as siblings." She let out a soft, sad laugh. "Although we were never related to begin with."

"Evie" Rex started, but Evie shook her head. She pressed the data chip she got from the general into his hand.

"This will tell you all you need to know", she whispered. "If you don't understand anything, you can ask Fives, Ahsoka, or the general."

Evie started walking away. "Evie", Rex called quietly. "Don't do this. I don't want to have to report you."

Evie cast a glance at him over her shoulder, a tear slipping down her face. "Goodbye, Rex. Tell Ahsoka that I'm sorry we couldn't finish training. And tell Fives I'm sorry I'm leaving without a word to him."

With that, Evie walked out of the barracks, ready to start a new life.

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