《A Glitch In The Matrix》20: Rex Learns Everything


Rex approached Fives and Ahsoka, his face crestfallen. They were at 79's, ready to enjoy a night out. Evie was supposed to be there, but she wasn't. Rex had no idea how he was going to tell them. Especially since it had already been a few days.

"Hey, Rex!" Fives called, a large smile on his face that slowly disappeared when he noticed the captain's face. Ahsoka caught on too.

"Rex?" Ahsoka asked. Rex looked at them, trying to hide his confusion. "Where's Evie?"

"She's, uh, not coming", Rex said, fishing something out of the pouch on his belt. He held it out for them to look.

"She gave me this, said it would explain everything. I haven't had the courage to open it."

Ahsoka and Fives looked at each other, both recognizing the data chip. Fives wrapped an arm around Rex's shoulders.

"Let's go somewhere quieter", he murmured. "This isn't something Evie wanted to get out."

Rex frowned, even more confused, but followed Fives outside. They quickly scaled the side of a building to talk on a roof. Ahsoka followed.

"Okay, first of all, Rex", Fives said, placing his hands on the captain's shoulders and stared him directly in the eye. "Where. Is. Evie?"

Rex sighed, and looked down. "I don't know. She left a few days ago. She said she couldn't stand to see anyone else die. Said she... she couldn't stand to lose me."

Fives and Ahsoka share a glance. "Did she say anything else, Rex?"

Rex nodded. "She told me to tell you that she was sorry she couldn't complete training. She also told me to tell Fives that she was sorry she left without saying anything to him."

Fives looked at Rex, and caught a debate crossing his face. "She told you, didn't she? About her feelings."


Rex looked at him, and nodded once. "She said she loved me. I thought... I thought she meant it as siblings, but she told me it wasn't. That... that she wasn't even our sister. At least not biologically."

Fives and Ahsoka shared a glance. The ARC trooper sighed softly.

"Before we say anything else, I just want to say that me and Echo tried to get her to tell you. That's what we were talking about on Kamino", Fives said.

"Kamino?" Rex asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"Yeah. We were teasing her about her feelings for you when you came up to us. That's why she didn't want to tell you his name. Because his name is Rex."

Rex stared at them in disbelief. "You're joking. All of this is a joke."

"If this was a joke, Rex, Evie would be here with us", Fives said. "But now she's who knows where. She's deserted the army. She's deserted us. And you know what our duty is. We have to tell the general."

Rex looked down. "He's already been notified."

Fives sighed. "Let's talk about that data chip she gave you."

Ahsoka spoke. "I was there when she read through it. She learned that she wasn't cloned from Jango Fett, but from Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas."

Rex couldn't wrap his mind around what they were saying. She wasn't related to any of them. Not in the slightest. Rex felt betrayed. His eyes narrowed and he started shaking.

Fives noticed this. "Rex, calm down. She didn't tell you any of this because she was scared. You're her best friend. Not only that, but her soulmate."

Rex looked up at Fives. "No."

Fives' eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"I'm not her soulmate. I'm not her brother. I'm not her best friend!" Rex shouted, crushing the data chip. He stormed over to the side of the roof, and climbed down, walking into 79's. Fives and Ahsoka watched him go, their eyes filled with sadness. But nothing compared to the sadness of the girl who hid behind a small structure on the roof, her eyes brimming with tears.


"Evie", Ahsoka called out. "I can feel you there. Please come out and talk to us."

Evie ignored Ahsoka's plea, instead running across the roof. The duo watched as she threw something toward them, and then leaped to the next roof. Soon she was out of sight. Ahsoka walked over to the thing that Evie threw, and saw that it was the small rock that she had carried around with her at all times. The togruta had occasionally seen her fiddling with her, but she didn't know why.

Now she did as she looked at the helmet carved and painted into it. Fives looked at it and he sighed.

"Rex is hurt. He didn't mean what he said."

Ahsoka stared after the female clone. "We might know that, but does she?"

Fives looked down at the rock then back in the direction Evie ran.

"No, I don't think she does."

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