《A Glitch In The Matrix》18: Rescue From the Citadel


Evie walked next to Fives alongside the lava river that ran through the caves. They paused to discuss plans with the Jedi council. Just as the discussion ended, droids appeared. Evie didn't hesitate to shoot them. Fives threw a grenade and it eliminated the droids, but also knocked Fives to the ground. Rex helped him up.

"No doubt there's more on the way", Kenobi said as they continued on their way. They soon reached the end of the cave where they were greeted by droids and a sheer droo

"Everybody follow me!" Skywalker said as he started walking down the cliff face. Evie focused on shooting the droids until it was her turn to go down. She was about halfway down when a cable was shot, and two clones fell to their death. She winced, but kept moving downward. As soon as she reached the bottom, she ran along the pathway, faintly hearing General Skywalker yelling to keep moving. They managed to escape the droids and slowed down.

They walked alongside a lava lake. She could hear the Jedi talking up ahead, but she focused more on what was behind them, knowing that they were fairly vulnerable to an attack. She heard a howl come from behind them and sighed softly.

"Gonna have company soon", she said to Rex. He nodded. They continued walking, not worrying about them for the moment. But after a while, they heard the howling again, this time closer.

They paused to discuss a plan or action. Evie kept an eye on the path behind them, while half listening to the plan.

After a few moments, they were hiding in the cave while Generals Skywalker and Kenobi moved ahead with R2. Evie watched as the creatures tracking them ran past, as well as several droids on their air scooters.


As soon as the creatures were a good ways ahead, General Piell started moving the group forward. As they were running, a crab droid climbed over the side of the cliff, and ambushed them. Evie started shooting at it, but she was knocked back. As she was getting up, she noticed that the general had destroyed the droid.

Two more droids climbed onto their ledge as General Piell looked toward the group.

"Keep going!" he said. "Ahsoka and I will take care of the droids."

Evie nodded, and turned toward Rex and Cody, the latter of whom started leading the others away. Evie followed, but not before shooting one last shot at the droids.

It wasn't long before they caught up to the generals who went on ahead and they started shooting at the droids on their air bikes.

When the last droid fell, Evie relaxed. She looked back through the mist, and her heart fell. Ahsoka was walking toward them, carrying the lifeless body of General Piell.

Evie stood back with Rex as the Jedi began to prepare the body for a short funeral. She closed her eyes.

"He seemed like he was a good man", she said to Rex. Rex nodded silently, and when Evie glanced at him, she noticed he was looking toward Ahsoka.

Evie smiled sadly, as her heart gave a jealous pang. The Jedi moved Piell's body to a small rocky outcropping that overlooked the lava river.

Evie joined the group in a small half-circle around the outcropping.

"We don't have much time", Kenobi said. "Let's take this moment to honor him, then we must move on. He would have wanted us to complete out mission."

Evie closed her eyes respectfully as the two remaining Jedi Masters used the force to move Piell's body into the lava. She watched as it burned slowly before dropping over a lava fall. As soon as the body disappeared, the group got underway again. Evie walked next to Rex, but she could feel him glancing between her and Ahsoka, who walked further ahead.


"Go on", she finally said. "You obviously want to go talk to her."

Rex looked over at her, and Evie smiled at him, nodding her head toward Ahsoka. Rex hesitated.

"Go", she said firmly. He nodded and darted over to Ahsoka and struck a conversation up with her. Evie jumped when Fives stepped up next to her.

"You know, you're going to have to tell him one day", he said. Evie shook her head, glancing over at her brother.

"Tell him what? That I'm not actually related to any other clone, and that I have feelings for him? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?"

Fives sighed. "He's still your best friend. He deserved to know."

Evie looked up ahead at Rex and Ahsoka. Ahsoka's face seemed much lighter than it had been since Piell died. Evie gave a sad smile when she noticed that Rex seemed to be stepping lighter, like there wasn't as much weighing down on him.

"Look at how happy they make each other", Evie told Fives. "I could never make Rex that happy. Besides, it's not like he'd ever return my feelings. Not to mention that we're in a war."

Fives sighed. "You're never going to tell him, are you?"

Evie was quiet as she watched Rex and Ahsoka. The togruta looked back at Evie, and gave her a wide smile.

"No, I don't think I will", Evie said. Fives intook a breath to say something, but he stopped when they saw the rendezvous point. Cody and General Skywalker shot some cables across to the island, and attached it to the rocky outcrops on their side of the lava lake.

Rex and Tarkin were the first to go across. As Evie began to cross, Rex pointed out some droids as well as Sobeck coming in on their flying rides.

Evie started moving across faster, not wanting to be above the lava with blaster fire all around her. Rex helped Evie get up onto the island. She instantly took out her pistols and stood back to back with Rex, shooting at the droids the best she could. It was harder because they were moving.

However, she paused in her shooting when she noticed the Jedi taking out the droids in the air. As she scanned the area for more droids, she noticed Tarkin about to be thrown into the lava. Evie wanted to have a mini debate on if she should save the man who gave her a bad feeling, but she wasn't able to due to Ahsoka killing Sobeck. Evie pouted for a moment, and was silently glad her helmet hid her facial expressions, because if anyone saw them, she would be in line for some serious questioning.

"The rescue ship should be here by now", General Kenoni said. Evie looked into the sky and spotted a gunship heading their way. It hovered above the ground and Evie followed Rex and Fives to the gunship.

Evie was tense as they navigated through space, though she couldn't see what was happening. All she could do was clutch onto the handle above her. She was glad when they landed in the cruiser and made the jump to lightspeed.

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