《A Glitch In The Matrix》17: A Brother's Death


Evie was glad to have the cuffs off her wrists, but she wished she had her blasters back. She still had to act as a prisoner though, as it was the only possible way they were going to escape without question, as long as no one raised the alarm.

Just as they reached the shuttle, some battle droids stopped them.

"Hold it. Where are you going with the prisoners?"

"We're transferring them aboard the shuttle from Citadel to Point Tarron", the reprogrammed battle droid said.

"Point Tarron? There's no outpost there."

"Uh, it's new."

Evie sighed. "This is never going to work", she muttered.

"We have orders. We're coming aboard."

The battle droids stepped aside, and they were almost to the shuttle when the droids received news that they were, in fact, escaping. Evie tackled a droid, and took it's blaster, before shooting it dead.

She darted behind some cargo crates with the rest of the team. She tried to shoot at the droids, but she couldn't look out from behind the crates without getting shot at. She moved to a different position, and managed to shoot some droids down. She was soon joined by Rex.

"Took you long enough", she joked. Rex chuckled, but continued to shoot at the droids. Evie followed his lead. She saw an explosion, and turned to look at Echo and Fives.

"I'm going to go join my brothers", she said to Rex. "See if we can come up with a plan to get to the shuttle."

Rex nodded and she ran to her brothers. "Echo, Fives, got any ideas?"

Before they could reply, six commando droids with energy shields ran out into the field. Evie started shooting at them, but it did nothing. Fives threw a grenade at then, and it destroyed most of them. Evie watched as the one remaining droid left it's shield and blaster and jumped up to the turret. Evie tried shooting at it, but she couldn't get a good enough angle.


"General Skywalker", Echo said. "A droid is manning one of those turrets. They're gonna blow up the shuttle, sir."

Evie watched as Skywalker and Piell used one of the Separatist's flying bikes to try and get to the turret. They were shot down. Evie tried to think of a plan, but nothing came to mind.

"This is our only chance", Echo said. "We've got to stop them!"

Evie watched as Echo ran out and picked up one of the commando droids shields. He ran in front of the shuttle, intending on protecting it. Evie watched in horror as the droid moved the turret toward the shuttle. She faintly heard Fives yell out to Echo, but it was too late. The droid fired, and the shuttle blew up, taking Echo with it.

Evie faintly registered that she was screaming Echo's name. She looked through the explosion, and only saw Echo's helmet remaining. She started running toward it, but an arm around her waist stopped her.

"Let me go!" she yelled. "Let me go! I have to find him! I have to find Echo!"

"I can't let you do that, Evie!" Fives said into her ear as he pulled her back. "We have to retreat!"

Evie didn't stop fighting to go back even as they retreated back into the caves. Fives handed her off once they were relatively safe. Once Rex had her, he made her sit down and she stopped fighting to go back.

"I lost another one, Rex", she whispered. "I can't keep losing them..."

Rex knelt in front of her. "I know, Evie, I know. I know it hurts right now, and I know you want to give up. We've lost a lot of good men today, including Echo. But we're not out of this yet. So I need you to remain strong until we get out of here."


Evie looked up at Rex and nodded once. She pulled off her helmet and wiped away her tears, hardening her expression. "I'm not going to let them take away any more of my brothers. Not today, or ever."

Rex sighed as he took of his own helmet. He looked into Evie's eyes. "Don't say that, Evie. Because eventually you will lose another brother, and you will blame and hate yourself every moment for it."

Evie's eyes fell a little bit. "I know, Rex. But I can't keep losing brothers."

Rex placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know."

Evie stood up, and pulled on her helmet. "Let's go find out what the plan is now. Cause we didn't have a backup backup plan."

Rex chuckled and pulled on his own helmet. He looked over at Fives who gave him a thumbs up. Evie glanced over at Fives before looking Rex.

"I'm going to go keep watch with Fives", she said. Rex nodded, and she hurried over to Fives. The man glanced at her.

"You doing okay?" he asked. Evie shrugged.

"I'll be better when we're off this planet and I can finally grieve", she muttered. Fives placed a hand on her shoulder.

"We're the only ones left of our squad", he said. "We've got to survive this war for them. It's what they would've wanted us to do."

Evie smiled sadly. "Yeah, it is."

They were quiet for a while, just watching the skies to see if any droids would spot them.

"When we get back to Coruscant", Evie started. "I'm changing my helmet design."

Fives looked over at her. "What are you going to change it to?"

"Something similar to Echo's", she murmured. "I think he deserves it."

Fives squeezed her shoulder. "He does. And you know, he'd be proud of you for staying strong right now."

Evie snorted. "I'm barely holding myself together right now."

Fives chuckled. "I couldn't agree with you more. He's definitely going to be missed."

Evie nodded. "He'll never be forgotten."

Fives hesitated for a moment before he echoed what she said.

"He'll never be forgotten."

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