《A Glitch In The Matrix》6: Soulmate Stone


Evie stumbled about, almost falling out of the gunship, but Rex caught her and pulled her back to safety.

"Hold on to me", he told her. "Don't need you falling out." Ahe did as he said, grabbing hold of his arm.

"Hey, kid", Rex called out to Ahsoka.

"I know, I know", the togruta cried out. "I'm hanging on."

As soon as the ship crashed into a hole on General Secura's star cruiser, Ahsoka jumped out. Evie followed close to behind, mumbling to herself about how lucky they were to have crashed there and not anywhere else.

She followed behind Rex and Ahsoka as they made their way through battle droids toward General Skywalker. Evie didn't shoot many down, especially when they finally reached the general.

They quickly made their way to General Secura, a female twi'lek.

As the two generals discussed the plan, Evie kept wary of their surrounding, watching for droids. Soon they were on the move again. They reached the docking bay door, just as an explosion started rumbling down the halls toward them. Evie watched as many good men were taken by the explosion, and she was glad none of them were Fives, Echo, or Tup.

A sudden force sent her flying backwards, and she hit her head hard against the floor. Groaning, she sat up, and looked at the scene in front of her. It was really blurry even as she blinked several times. She tried to stand up, but swayed on her feet, feeling very dizzy. She made an odd noise, and fell backward. She was out before she hit the floor.


All Evie could see was darkness. She tried calling out into the darkness, but received no response. Still she continued to try.

"Rex!" she called. No answer. "Ahsoka! General Skywalker!"

Growing frustrating, she continued yelling into the darkness. "This isn't funny, Rex! I know you're there and that you're trying to scare me."

"Your friend is not here", a voice said from behind Evie. The female clone whirled around and spotted an old man leaning heavily on a cane as he walked toward her.

"Who are you?" she said, getting into a defensive stance. As the man approached the scenery around her began to change until she was in a village surrounded by a lush, green forest.

"My name is Rho", the old man said. "But most people call me Mr. R."

"Okay..." Evie said. "How did I get here, Mr. R?" She didn't change her stance, watching the old man as he walked past her. She turned, not letting him out of her sights.


"I appear to those who are searching for something", Mr. R said. "Specifically, for people who are searching for a person."

"What kind of person?" Evie asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at the old man's back. He turned back to her with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Their soulmate."

Evie froze, knowing what the old man was implying. She knew it was true. Ever since she was old enough to know what love was, she had wanted to meet her soulmate, even if it wasn't likely she would ever be able to settle down with him.

"Come, Evie. And we shall discuss who your soulmate is", Mr. R said. Evie shook her head.

"No, I need to get back to R- my brothers", Evie said, ignoring the fact that she almost said Rex's name.

Mr. R smiled knowingly. "Your body is healing. This is all taking place inside your mind while you heal."

Evie suddenly remembered hitting her head. After a short debate, she sighed and started following the old man. He led her to a large hut, and gestured to a mat that sat near the center of the hut.

"Have a seat", he said. Evie followed his instructions, and sat criss cross on the mat. Mr. R sat across from her on another mat.

"Give me your hand, and close your eyes", he instructed. She did as he said, and waited patiently for his next instructions.

"Now, I want you to start thinking about your want for a soulmate", he said, holding her hand firmly. She did so, and heard the old man muttering to himself. She didn't peek, just waited patiently for him to finish.

It took a long while, but eventually he let go of her hand. "You can open your eyes", he said. When she opened them, he had a small rock in his hand that he was carving into.

"I am carving what I saw when I looked into your heart and saw your soulmate", Mr. R explained. "Perhaps you will recognize who it is, perhaps you will not. But you must hold onto this rock no matter what as it will eventually lead you to him."

Evie nodded, and watched as he finished carving and started painting the rock. She watched as he used only two colors. White and blue. Once the man was done painting, he set it to the side to dry. At the angle it was at, Evie couldn't see it, and she was ever so curious.

The two sat in silence, until Mr. R picked up the rock again and held it out painted side down. Evie took it and flipped it over. She furrowed her eyebrows together as she recognized Rex's helmet.


"This can't be right", she said. "Rex is my brother."

Mr. R smiled mysteriously. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. But you cannot deny the feelings that you have grown for him."

Evie blinked before sighing soflty. She had done an amazing job at hiding her feelings thus far, but now that this old man brought it up, she knew that she couldn't dent her feelings anymore.

"I know. I've tried. They won't go away, no matter how much I try. If he wasn't my brother, I wouldn't hesitate to admit my feelings. But because he is my brother, I cannot."

Mr. R smiled. "I suggest you do some research when you are able. Perhaps you will find not everything is as it seems. As of right now though, it seems as if you are waking up."

As Evie looked around, she noticed the sky darkening whilst some parts of the walls were beginning to fade. She looked down at the stone and closed her hands around it.

"If I can, I'll look into it", she promised. Mr. R smiled, before he disappeared completely. The scene around Evie change and instead of a nice village, she was leaning against a crude structure in the middle of nowhere next to a wrecked ship. As she looked around, she noticed that Rex was pinned under a strange creature. Without hesitation, she grabbed her blaster which lay near her and shot the creature. It bounded off, and Rex rolled over, shooting at the creature. He missed, but Evie hoped the creature was scared off now. She let her blaster fall to the ground and noticed a small weight in her opposite hand. She took a quick glance and saw the stone she received in her odd dream. Quickly, she hid the rock in the pouch with the drawing from Hevy and looked over at Rex, who was helping General Skywalker back into the crude structure she was leaning against.

"How bad is he?" she asked Rex as he sat down next to her. "And where is everyone?"

"He's not good", Rex said as he took off his helmet. "General Secura is with Ahsoka and Commander Bly looking for someone to help both General Skywalker and you. But you shouldn't worry yourself with them. How are you feeling?"

Evie shrugged. "I feel fine, besides this headache."

"You did hit your head pretty hard", Rex said. Evie glanced at him.

"Yeah, I think I was there for that." Rex rolled his eyes at her comment, and she continued talking.

"At least... I was there for the first time I hit my head against the floor. I was passed out by the time I hit the floor the second time."

Rex looked away from her, a bit of pink spreading across his cheeks.

"You didn't hit the floor a second time", he muttered. "I caught you when you fell."

Evie's eyes widened and she looked away from Rex as warmth flushed across her cheeks. "Oh... well... thank you, Rex."

"Well, you've had several chances to save my life", Rex started. "I figured it was my turn to save yours."

Evie snorted. "As if I would've died from hitting my head twice on the ground. I'm tougher than that.'

They glanced at each other, and, after a moment, started laughing quietly. Evie sighed softly as she leaned her head against Rex's shoulder, causing him to tense slightly. To anyone who knew them, it would've appeared as a sibling moment, but to both of them, it meant something else, but neither one would admit that to themselves or each other.

As soon as Evie realized that he was tense because of her touch, she pulled away.

"Sorry", she whispered, looking away from Rex.

"It's okay", Rex said. "I didn't mind."

Evie looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "You tensed up as soon as I put my head there."

"It just... surprised me, is all", Rex continued. Evie smirked.

"Uh huh." She stood up and stretched, but then a wave of dizziness overtook her and she stumbled. Rex was instantly by her side and holding her steady.

"You okay?" he asked, worry filling his voice. Evie smirked.

"Didn't know you cared so much, Rex", she said, looking up into his eyes.

Rex rolled his eyes. "You're my sister and my best friend, of course I care. Now are you okay?"

Evie sighed. "Yeah. Just dizzy."

"You should get some more rest", Rex said as he made her sit down.

"Aw, but I thought you enjoyed my company", Evie pouted. Rex sighed and knelt next to her, looking directly into her eyes.

"I do enjoy your company", he said. "But I also know that you need to rest if you're going to heal properly. So get some sleep."

Evie sighed, and nodded. "Fine, fine. But the moment the others return, you wake me up."

"I will."

"You better."

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