《A Glitch In The Matrix》7: Separatists


Evie woke to the sound of an animal screeching. She looked up and saw two creatures ready to charge. She stood up and stumbled over to Rex, who was ready to shoot. As they were running toward them, Rex managed to shoot one of them down, but completely missed the other. They dodged out of the way, letting the other one run past them, but falling to the ground in the process. It tumbled full force into the makeshift hut that 30 seconds prior, Evie had been leaning against.

"I'm glad I woke up when I did", she muttered as she rolled over, seeing Ahsoka, Rex and an odd creature pulling on a rope that was wrapped around the animal's legs. With one swift pull, they knocked the animal off it's feet and the odd creature wrapped the rope around several more times.

She stood, but almost tumbled to the ground as shooting pain shot up from her ankle. She grunted, and pulled her weight off of that foot, balancing on one foot.

Rex limped over to her, but she shook her head. "Go check on the general."

He hesitated, but eventually walked over to Skywalker. Evie started limping her way over. She soon figured out that she probably sprained her ankle when she fell earlier. As soon as she made it over to the group, Rex glanced over at her. She gave him a gentle smile.

Very quickly, Ahsoka and Commander Bly constructed a makeshift cot to put Skywalker on to head back to the odd creature's village. Evie soon learned that his name was Wag Too.

They started walking, and Rex and Evie lagged behind. They had both injured their legs, so they were both limping. As they walked, Evie spoke up.

"You technically didn't wake me up this morning", she said quietly. "I woke up to the sound of those creatures growling."

Rex chuckled. "Sorry about that. I was a bit preoccupied."

Evie looked over at him and smirked. "I noticed. Did your flirting with those animals turn out badly?"

Rex scoffed. "I wasn't flirting with them. There's only one person I would flirt with and it's-" he cut himself off, averting his gaze.

Evie smirked, though butterflies flew in her stomach. "Oh? So you found someone that you want to flirt with? What's her name?"

"I'm not telling you", he said sharply.

"What?" Evie grinned. "Afraid that I know her and would tell her?"

Rex shook his head. "Even if you didn't know her, you'd still find her and tell her."

"Oh, so I do know her", Evie grinned, though her stomach twisted with a raw green emotion. "That narrows it down to very few people."


Rex groaned, and shook his head. "You're very good at interrogations", he muttered. Evie laughed.

"Of course I am", she said sweetly. "It's one of my many talents."

Rex chuckled, and nudged Evie with his arm. Evie smiled, and nudged him back. They walked in silence for a bit, before a question hit Evie's mind.

"Hey, Rex?" she said, glancing over at him.

"Yeah, Evie?" he responded, catching her gaze before it turned back to the patch in front of them.

"If you could change one thing in this entire universe, what would you change?"

Rex was quiet as he thought about it. After a while, Evie wondered if he forgot about it. She glanced over at him, and found his eyes watching her.

"Rex..." she said, her voice quiet and unsure. "Why are you watching me?"

Rex shook himself out of his stupor. "Sorry, Evie. I got lost in thought there."

"It's okay", Evie said, looking away from him. "It just- look, there's the village!"

She pointed forward to the sight of strategically placed pod-like structures. She could see little creatures scurrying about, all of them probably the same size of Wag Too. She smiled as they were let to a pod where General Skywalker could rest. Where they all could rest.


Evie sat next to Rex, enjoying the peace and quiet of the village. Neither one said anything, just happy to be in the others presence. Rex was fiddling with a piece of armor on his arm, while Evie was studying the picture that Hevy drew for her. She smiled sadly as she looked at the faces she knew and loved and dearly missed. She couldn't wait to be able to return to the ship and eat in the mess hall with Fives and Echo again.

A familiar sound filled the air, and in an instant, Rex had his binoculars and was looking up into the sky.

"Not good", he said. "A droid ship. Heading right for us."

"Do the separatists know we're here?" Evie asked, her eyebrows furrowed together. Rex shook as head as he looked at her.

"It's not likely. More likely the separatists are trying to take over this peaceful world."

He turned his com-link and told the commander what he saw. Evie sighed, and folded the image back up and placed it in the secure pouch, right next to her soulmate rock.

As soon as Rex stood, Evie did too, pulling on her helmet as she did so. They hurried through the village, where they met up with the rest of group. The leader of the Lurmen villagers, Tee Watt Kaa, was walking away. Evie and Rex entered the pod to see Skywalker attempting to stand, but failing.


"The Lurmen have asked that we leave", Aayla explained. "As to not bring our war to their village."

Evie nodded and watched as both Commander Bly and Captain Rex helped the general stand up. With a little help, he managed to walk and they slowly snuck their way through the village, hiding from the separatists. They paused to look back as the droids began tearing about the village. Ahsoka looked back at the generals and clones.

"Can't we do anything?" she asked.

"No", General Secura answered. "If we are discovered, all the Lurmen will be slaughtered."

"We'll be okay, if we make it to the tall grasses", General Skywalker said, gesturing to the sea of grass. He started limping over, with the help of Commander Bly and Rex. As they walked, Evie glanced back once, but didn't stop moving.

Eventually, they reached a clearing far from the village where they stopped to rest, mainly for Skywalker's sake.

As the others talked about the villagers, Evie stared at the sky. She let her mind wander and soon they wandered to Rex which caused her to look at him from across the clearing. She smiled underneath her helmet as she thought about how close they had gotten.

Evie was startled out of her thoughts when Ahsoka moved in an alarmed fashion, pointing towards something in the tall grass. When Evie turned to look, she saw a separatist probe. She looked back at her fellow clones, who followed Ahsoka's lead in chasing after the probe. She was about to follow, when she noticed General Skywalker hunched over in pain. General Secura noticed it as well.

"Evie, stay with Anakin", she ordered. "We'll go after the probe."

Evie nodded and stood by Skywalker as he started to slowly walk forward. They walked in silence for the first part of the journey, but Skywalker was the one to break the silence.

"You and Rex seem to be getting close", he commented, glancing over at the female clone.

Evie smiled. "He's my best friend", she said softly.

"But you feel something more for him, don't you?" the general said. Evie looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, though he couldn't see it. She wondered if he could sense the overwhelming amount of panic that swirled inside her.

"He is also my brother", she pointed out. Skywalker shook his head.

"I don't think he is", he said. "There's something about you that the other clones don't have, and I'm not talking about your physical appearance. In my honest opinion, I don't think you're related to the other clones at all."

Evie was quiet for a moment. "General Skywalker, can I tell you something strange that recently happened to me?" she asked suddenly.

"Sure?" he said, sounding confused. Evie smiled softly.

"Back at the makeshift camp, before I woke up, I had an odd dream. I met this old guy who told me he could say who my soulmate was. In that dream, he gave me a rock that he had carved and painted to look like my soulmate. When I woke up, the rock was in my hand", Evie explained. The general was quiet for a long time.

"Can I see the rock?" he asked. Evie nodded and fished it out of her pouch, handing it to Skywalker. As he looked at it, a surprised look came over his face.

"It looks like Rex's helmet", he said Evie nodded as she took the rock back.

"I know. I told the old guy that it couldn't be possible, but he implied the same thing you just told me about me possibly not being related to any of the other clones."

As they approached a tall tree, she noticed several small figures up in its branches. She recognized them to be Rex and the others.

"I'll look into it, if you'd like", Skywalker said before he started climbing. Evie smiled.

"That would be nice", she said as she climbed up behind him. "Thank you."

"Of course", Skywalker said just as they reached the others.

"I hope you're feeling better, Master", Ahsoka said as she handed over a pair of binoculars. "Cause look what we found."

"I'm getting stronger all the time, Snips", Skywalker said as he looked through the binocs. "But I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

Evie walked over to Rex, and started a quiet conversation with him.

"I got a question", Evie said to him.

"I might have an answer", Rex said, not even glancing back at her as he looked through his helmet scope. She wished she had one of those, but she knew that she wasn't anywhere close to reaching that point yet.

"How did Ahsoka get the name 'Snips'?" she asked. Rex chuckled.

"That's a long story", he said. "Remind me to tell it to you later."

Evie nodded. They both turned back to the group, and started listening in.

"Apparently the separatists have a new toy", Skywalker snarled, before looking at Commander Bly. "See if you can get a closer look."

The commander nodded. "Yes sir."

Rex spoke. "I'll go with you, Commander."

The two men climbed down the tree and Evie decided to keep an eye on what was going on over at the separatist camp, as a lookout for her brothers.

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