《The immortal boy》"Family bonding time!"


A few months have pasted and the students of class 1A have gown accustom to Izuku's random visits. The boy can usually be seen around school grounds with Eri ,teaching her what she has missed.

Luck was on Izuku's side and he suggested Eri should meet Shinso. Secretly hoping for Aizawa and Hizashi to adopt yet another problem child. They did. Now the boy sits talking in a tree, people give him weird looks as they pass, but Izuku and the tree are having a great conversation about the past 300 years. Sadly there conversation was stoped when Izuku was knocked out of the tree. He falls letting out an 'oof' as he hits the ground. Snickers could be heard from behind him as he turns to face the- "ugh Shoto why would you push me out a tree?! I was talking to him!" Shoto just rolls his eyes and grabs the boys hand. "Come on greeny it's Friday, schools out for the summer and I have an awesome idea before we meet up with the others!" Izuku just let's himself get dragged around town. "Shoooooo I'm hangry can we go back now?" Izuku whines. "Yeah I got everything I need." He say putting the last bag in his backpack. "Up up up!" Izuku says making grabby hands like a child. "Zu no just- no your to big to carry and I have a backpack on my back so I can't." Izuku looks like he's going to pout before an idea pops into his head. He smirks at Shoto who looks confused before realising what Izuku is about to do. "You want to be carried that bad?" He asked the now much younger Izuku. "Yaah up up up!" The toddler says. Shoto just sighs picking up the younger boy. "Happy now?" He asks. The young boy just snuggles into shotos chest more. And that's how they arrived at the dorms Shoto holding baby Izuku. "What the-! Todoroki's didn't know you had a kid?" "I don't." He says in response. "Then who's-" "IZUKU!" Denki screams running towards the two and snatching Izuku. He lifts the baby in the air and spins around. "Now I get to be the mom! I've never seen you so young. Your adorable! Uraraka! Look at mother!" The loud blond shouts. A thud could be heard above them then footsteps then a squeal. "Awe izu look at you!" The brunette gushes. Izuku loving the attention starts to blabber gibberish at the two. "Why is deku a baby?" A voice says from behind the two. "Izubro's a baby?" The confused shark boy repeats. "Give him here." The blond demands. Izuku was carefully handed to Bakugo who proceeded to shock everyone with his gently side. "Hay baby. Did you decide you wanted some attention?" He says softly. The little boy just babbles more teaching his hands out to grab Bakugo's face. "Yes you deserve all the attention in the world!" The red head says coming out of shock. "Bakubro hand him over I want to hold him too!" And so baby Izuku was handed around getting all the attention he wanted until he started to get grumpy. "What's wrong izu?" Uraraka asked. All he did in response was grow a few years. Now the age of 6 he looked over to the bi colour boy. "Shoto!" He said marching over to him. "Hello greeny forgot about the draw backs didn't you?" Izuku nods climbing todoroki like a tree until Shoto gave up and held him in his lap. "This sucks!" He states. "Well you only have to wait a few hours it's not the end of the world." "But Sho I want to kiss you! But not as a baby!" The green eyed boy whines. "Well that's your own fault." Shoto simply says. Fed up Izuku just fiddles with the ring on shotos hand. "Sparkling!" He says green eyes going wider. "Yes it matches your eyes." Shoto says bopping the younger boys nose. "Oh yeah todoroki what's up with the ring you engaged or something?" Kirisima asks. Shoto about to answer gets cut off.


"FAMILY BONDING TIME!" Uraraka shouts out of nowhere. "ALL FAMILY MEMBERS REPORT TO TODOROKI'S DORM!" "Why my dorm?" Shoto mumbles. "Let's go Kirisima, Bakugo." Shoto says standing up holding Izuku's hand. "Where are you guys going?" Mina says walking into the common room. "Didn't you hear Uraraka?" Bakugo grumbled. "What family bonding in todoroki dorm? Yeah what's that?"

"Like she say the family bonds in one of our rooms every Friday." Shoto replies blankly. "You guys are related?!" She squeals. "Yes only through Izuku he's the mom." Shoto replies again. "Oh oh todoroki is our dad since he's like married to Izuku or something!" Kirisima adds as the walk up stairs. "I'm not married to him Kirisima." "Not yet anyways!" A tired voice says from shotos arms. "Aw that's cute!" Kirisima says opening todoroki's door. "Hello everyone!" Denki says. "Why's Izuku a child?" Shinso said staring at Izuku who was struggling to get out of shotos hold. "Let me go Sho I go back now!" He pants. "Okay." He says dropping Izuku to the floor. "That wasn't very nice todoroki!" Denki scolds. "Are you okay mother?" Denki says walking over to the now fully grown teen. "Yes thank you denki. Nice that my children appreciate me, Unlike my HUSBAND!" He says glaring at the boy above him. "I'm not your husband...yet." Shoto smirks tho a blush is evidently his face.

"Aw you two are already like an old married couple!" Uraraka and denki say at the same time. Both boys blush todoroki sits down pulling Izuku into his lap. "Okay family bonding time. Who wants to start?" Izuku asked looking around the room. "Me!" The exited blond says. "Denki go for it!" Izuku smiles happily. "Okay well a few weeks ago before school ended Shinso and I became official." The purple haired boy hugs him from behind. The others reply with 'aw's' and different congrats.

"Shinso anything you add?" Denki says turning around slightly. "Well you already know this but Eri and I got adopted. Making us official Aizawas." Izuku squeals and congratulated the two. He claps lightly acting almost surprised, he wasn't as he new this was coming. A perk of being a mother!


"Me next! I got a part time job to help support my family. And I also was hanging out with Mina! She did my make up a-and made me look pretty..." Everyone looks at each other before gushing comments to the girl. She blushes and get flustered so they lay off. New voices express how impressive that is of how she got a job. "That's very mature of you Ocha I'm proud good job." Izuku says the others nodding in agreement leaving the girl with a small blush. "T-thank you tsu said she'll come by on the weekends j-just to see me!"

Izuku laughs giving her a knowing gaze.

"Kiri Bakugo? How's your relationship?" Todoroki asks. "Shut up!" Bakugo snarled. "He means it going great. Since the kiss

we've only gotten closer and are happy with what ever we are." Kiri translates "now you two spill the details on the rings!" Uraraka shouts bouncing up and down. The two chuckle "well todoroki basically proposed to me." He says simply. "When?!" Bakugo questioned. "Oh a few months ago." Shoto answers. "A few- A FEW MONTHS!" Denki exclaimed. "How did you hid it for that long?" The pair laugh again. "We just didn't want the attention we're still young." Shoto says. "Speak for yourself I'm almost 100!" Izuku hesitates "or like 900..."The room goes silent before they all laugh again. "Okay next topic..." and so the small family talked all night eventually it turned into a sleepover. Everyone falling asleep together. Happy dreams of a fun filled summer and a glory filled future graced them as they slept.

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