《The immortal boy》I'd give my life to you


It took a while but the boys fall asleep. Todoroki keeps an eye on them while glancing at izukus figures displayed on the screen. They're all fine, normal even but it still worries him. Call him a worrier if you must but this is his future husband we're talking about.

Twenty minutes after the two boys successfully fell asleep, two blondes rush through the door. One literally rushed through the door while the other opened it like a normal person. "Shhhh!" Todoroki said rushed before the too say something to wake the sleeping boys, "Don't wake them up they need rest!" The two stoped and calmed down before going to their respective (boy)friends.

"What happened?" Bakugo asked holding back his anger for the sake of the red heads peaceful sleeping form. "I'm not sure Aizawa called to say he was in the hospital," he motioned to the boy below him. "...after stabilising kiri and amajiki." The two toned boy says pointing to the sleeping boys beside him. "Hay isn't that the boy that they called mother in the meeting?" The other blond said.

"Who-?" Todoroki was cut short by Bakugo. "Shitty hair called him mother in front of people!" He proceeded to laugh quietly holding back a howl. The other nods then faced the calmer todoroki, "Yeah him, tamaki and Eraserhead. Oh I'm mirio by the way!" The blond known as mirio said. "Todoroki-" the poor boy gets cut off again by the explosive one. "Aizawa called deku mother aswell? This couldn't get any better!"

Bakugo stops halfway through a cackle as A cough could be heard from the door. The three turn to face the sound and there stood the man himself. Bakugo just started laughing harder. Todorokitrying to shush him. He failed miserably.

"Todoroki glad you could make it." He nods in response. "Bakugo correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure I heard you call Izuku mom before too." Aizawa said with his signature grin. Bakugo flushes red with embarrassment. "Okay will someone explain why every one is calling a 14 year old boy their mother?" Everyone turns to mirio. "He's not 14." Shoto says simply.


"You wouldn't know unless amajiki has talked about him before?" Mirio shakes his head. Aizawa sighs. "This..." he points to the peaceful green haired boy. "Is one of the scariest beings on this planet." "The scariest being." Todoroki correct. "I saw his argument with my dad." He shivers as Aizawa and bakugo give him a knowing look. "But he's a boy?" Mirio states. "Nope he's a god." The sleep deprived man says simply. "A...god!" Mirio shouts all too loudly.

"IM UP!" The boy in question sits up scaring everyone in the room. "Zu!" Shoto exclaims bear hugging the boy from behind. The small boy lets out an 'eek' of surprise. "Sho! What's going on? I sensed someone talking about me!" He says eyeing Aizawa. "Shota? Care to explain?" Mirio not realising the situation blurts out. "He called you the scariest person on the planet!" The teacher just turns to face mirio giving him a look. "Expelled." He states. Mirio gapes. "Bu-what? Sir!" He stutters. "He doesn't mean it." Todoroki tries to comfort. Mirio made the decision to shut up after that.

"The scariest person aye?" Izuku muses. "My child I'm far from a person." Shoto sighs. "That's the part you focused on?" Izuku just giggled. "Mirio togata: a kind, smart and loving boy, you never needed my help so let me introduce myself again I'm Izuku I'm a god also known as Mother Nature. I protect all children who go through hardship. Speaking of, where is Eri?" He whips his head left to right.

"She's in the children's IC unit. As soon as visitors are allowed I'll notify you." Izuku nods again. "Now where was I?" He says, Shoto pokes his cheek and stares at the boy. Somehow Izuku knows exactly what Shoto wants and gives him a gentle kiss. "I was so worried zu you scared me again why do you have to keep testing your immortality?" He says as they break apart. "Sorry Sho it's part of the job. I would have hated to loose a family member. I'd give my life for all of my family no matter what." "I know..." Shoto whispers sadly.


Izuku looks over to Kirisima's bed. "Hay Prince Charming how about you kiss your prince awake?" He chimes. Bakugo just glares at Izuku. "What? Are you scared kacchan?" This gets his attention. "You know what deku?" He kisses Kirisima who decide this is the perfect time to wake up. Both boy blush and look away. "Deku! You did that on purpose you little-" he's cut off by Kirisima grabbing his hand. He looks down at the boy all his anger falling away. "D-did you mean that?" He questions quietly not making eye contact. The blond smiles gently and kisses the red head again. "*Click* Picture perfect!" The green boy says snapping shots of the two. "Deku? Wha- where did you even get a phone?" The boy says flushing again.

"It's Shoto's kacchan! Besides I am your Mother isn't this my job?" He turns to Shoto for validation shoto just nods his head. Tapping the phone screen.

"Sorry to interrupt whatever 'that' is but if your there Mother doesn't that make todoroki their father. And another thing does that mean all these guy when through something bad to have met you?" Mirio still confused asked. "Icy hot is not my dad!" Bakugo shouts. "No he is our dad just not by blood. He's like the boyfriend of the mom friend in the group so he takes on the dad friend roll. Most people that know Izuku call him mother since our parents aren't around or just don't care, that kind of thing. And I mean he looks like a mother too!" Izuku raised a brow at that. "Thank you Kiri? that's very sweet of you... I think!" Kiri just beams up at the two boys. "Anyway how are you? Are you in any pain?" Izuku asked trying to get out of shotos death hold. "Shoooootoooo let me goooo." Shoto eyes widen in realisation. "Don't!" "Shoto if you love me let me gooooo!" Every one sighs at Izuku's behaviour. "What was that?" Tamaki asked waking up. "Togata? what?" He's crushed in a hug. "I feel I'm just a seventh wheel." Aizawa says. "Go find zash then bring him back and you won't be alone." Izuku says. "Good idea but I'm not bringing him here you have bonding time with you boyfriends." Then he leaves. "He's not my boyfriend!" Kirisima and amajiki say at the same time. "Who are you trying to fool with that?" Todoroki states. "Fine!" Kirisima shouts. "Bakubabe we're boyfriends now." "Okay." The boy responds. "Awwwwe" izu squeals. "Now it's your turn maki!" Izuku says looking at the two. "T-togat-ta..." the rest is mumbled as the shy boy inches further under the blanket. "Tamaki come out for a sec." Mirio says. As soon as the boys head is above the blankets the blond kisses the boy on the cheek. "Well we can start small and work up okay?" He asked the blushing boy. All he gets is a nod in response. "Today was a good day!" Izuku states before everyone bursts into fits of laughter.

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