《The immortal boy》my family ever growing


Everyone was gathered a few blocks away from the cultural house.

Sir. Nighteye had Izuku go ahead to check if Eri was okay and in place. Even if he didn't trust someone who he couldn't see the future of and how he spouts nonsense with most heroes wrapped around his finger he couldn't deny his information on the situation.

Once the green head had returned confirming Eri was safe and in place the hero's moved in on the carefully crafted plan. Mostly done but Izuku himself but he would never admit that the heroes ego are to fragile. With some final words they were off.

"Okay everyone let's do our best. There's a little girl on the line, GO!" And just like that the heros took off towards the house. Izuku disappearing easily and reappearing in Eri's room. Teleportation was a very handy skill to have. Even though it had only been a few minutes the room was newly silent and dark. It immediately put Izuku on edge who braced for an attack while trying to locate Eri.

Confusion dawned on him. why it was suddenly so dark? For better or for worse he called out into the room. "Eri? My darling?" He called out into the darkness. No answer came but the lights suddenly turn on taking the boy back and revealing a tall man holding Eri tightly by the arm.

Sadly this was A man Izuku knew too well. He wore a green coat with purple fur on the hood, his face was covered by a bird inspired plague mask. And poor Eri looked so uncomfortable and I'm pain at the way he arm was being held.

"Kai..." Izuku breathes out. He had lost most contact with this particular child but his pool always showed Izuku his wrong doings and aftermaths of his little mistakes.

"Don't! ...call me that!" He shouts stomping closer to him. It looked to Izuku like the man was four throwing a temper tantrum. Poor Eri dragging behind him like a rag doll. Izuku tried rushing to the girl.

"Kai look what your doing! Stop this before I have to take action." The green haired boy begs. "I said stop!" The man in the bird mask screams. Placing a hand to the wall and creating a new wall splitting the two parties up. He placed another ungloved hand down placing four walls around the little girl. Izuku can't help but think this man child never fully grew up, this just proves his point.

"I won't let you take away my shot at being someone." He points to the girl snarling. Izuku shook his head and pushed his anger down. Two wrongs never make a right and even if Izuku is never wrong he knows his own emotions won't win this fight. He started to glow green his eyebrows furrowed in anger as he starts to shake.

Okay so maybe he had more anger than he realised. "Your shot at being someone? Is that all this little girl is to you. People, no CHILDREN are not objects to own. You can't play with them! You can't throw them out! I gave you a shot at a new beginning when I lead the old leader to you. You wasted it. No one else here took anything from you. That's no ones fault but yours. Now he is sick because of your wrong doings. You think I don't see? You think I'm blind. I know everything you've done. I know everyone whose dead and I know everyone who hates your guts. So I'll ask again hand Eri over." The man flinches at the words, accusations puncturing the man with sharpened pins. He hesitantly lets the walls down never breaking eye contact. But his grip on Eri stays firm.


Izuku tries harder he knows Kai won't last long. "The tone the young boy used sent shivers down the mans spine, yet he didn't let go of the child. Points for being brave or maybe stupid the line between the two is blurred at best.

This only angered the boy more. "One last time Chisaki. Give me back my child." For a split second Izuku could see fear and regret flash across his face. "But the league..." the man mumbles off. Izuku sighs, he slumped slightly knowing the battle has been won. He's going to have to use old fashioned ways of parenting. "My child, Kai please come here." He speaks softly patting the space next to him as he lowers to the floor. It's like a baby animal that's unpredictable yet obviously predictable.

"I know your in a tough situation but that doesn't mean you can do the wrong thing and get away with it." The man lets go of Eri who runs straight to Izuku's waiting arms. "Thank you." They both say. Kai sits next to Izuku and pouts. "I only did this to repay you. You did a lot for me and welcomed me into you family I don't want to ruin that. If I hand myself over and stop this will you visit me?" Izuku laughs. "I'll never stop visiting you, your my son and my responsibility. Your choice has consequences but one day you'll be able to look past that. Until then," Izuku say standing up holding Eri tightly on his hip. "Please stop this and walk out with me?" He offers his hand to the older man. Kai laughs taking off his mask. "All members stop the attack, give yourself to the heros...please." He can't help but smile. It's nice that he not too far gone.

He takes the small boys hand and they teleport to the meeting area. Police and heros turn to the three. They quickly surround them pointing guns, this scares the young girl. Her head digging into Izuku's neck. Izuku senses the change and shouts out. "Don't fear he will go with you willingly."

Izuku smiles. Soon all the villains were apprehended. Izuku was calming Eri down when a concerned eraserhead walked over. "Is everything okay shota?" Izuku asked. The man in return shook his head pointing to two ambulances. "Shota...who's" before he can finish he sees tamaki wheeled into one on a stretcher followed by Kirisima. "I have to go. Eri please stay with Aizawa okay?" The young girl nods clinging to Aizawa.

Izuku runs to the ambulances as fast as he can. "I'm coming with you!" He demanded climbing into the back of one. The crew just nodded not wanting to anger the boy. He was well know to the medical teams around the area and his reputation spreads across most if not all of Japan. "Tamaki..." he whispers gently caressing the boys pale cheek.

Izuku looks around analysing everything. He seems to be coming up with a plan. "Stand clear I'm going to heal him until he's stable, then I will go do the same for Kirisima please inform the other ambulance of my plan!" A medic in the back nods radioing the other vehicle. "Stay with me maki." Izuku carefully assessed the boys injuries then let's his hands touch gently his eyes glow a bright green as he uses all his energy to focus on the poor boy. He realises his focus to let his energy and being flow down into the injuries mending and healing with his growth gift.


Soon the steady beep of the heart monitor could be heard. Izuku slumps slightly mostly relieved to hear a resting heartbeat. Stumbling upheaval grabs the side of the ambulance. "He's...stable. I have to... go...now!" He says through heavy breathing. Before anyone could voice there concern the boy vanished.

He stumbled back as he arrives in the other ambulance. "Are you okay?" The medic asks putting a hand out to stable the boys movements. "I'm fine. Just using a lot of energy." He replied. Glancing to the sight of Kirishima he holds in his hiss. "How bad are his injuries?" He asked the girl. "He has a deflated lung several broken ribs, Severe internal bleeding and a broken leg. A few cuts and scraps but those will be fine." She reads from her clipboard. Izuku nods taking a steady deep breath.

"I'll take care of everything except the leg and his cracked arms. After that I may pass out don't worry it's normal!" He say placing his hands on Kirisimas chest. He gently pressed down holding back tears at the pained face that greats him. "Don't worry I'll help you." Izuku whispers lighting up his hands.

Izuku digs deep in hun to find the energy he needs to give to the boy. His body even holds back in protest as he lets it flow through his hands deep into the injured boy. The worse the injuries the more Izuku has to strain to heal. Even though he's a god his stamina and energy isn't unlimited. Yes it's much higher than your average person but for big internal injuries it takes a lot just to stabilise them.

The medic behind him looks amazed as she watches the injured boy start to stabilise. The monitors show how much work the godly boy is doing. Her attention is ripped away by the breathing monitors beeping frantically. "He's not getting enough oxygen!" She screams at the boy.

Izuku huffs "Hold on." The boy says much lower showing his exhaustion. His eyes snap open glowing a bright white, green tears seem to flow out dropping onto the boy below him. He starts to get very pale as he takes energy from his blood supply. His legs threaten to give way but he keeps going until Kirisima's breathing is back on track. Both lungs at 100 percent.

As soon as he's satisfied his eyes turn back to normal before rolling back into his head. He collapsed straight onto the floor of the ambulance. Ironic. Panicked the girl calls ahead to the hospital asking them to prepare another bed for the boy. "What a hero..." she mumbles as they pull up.

Shoto was about to cook dinner when his phone rang. He answer wondering why someone would be calling him at this time on a Sunday. His worry grows when Aizawa informs him that his boyfriend and classmate are in the hospital. He rushes out the door all thought on food long gone. He doesn't even stop to figure out how to lock the weird green door. Instead heading for the station catching the next bus to the hospital. The journey wasn't long but every second seemed like hours and he bounces his leg up and down. Nerves got to him. He couldn't help but laugh a little, "what's up with him and testing his immortality?"

The bus finally reaches his stop and he runs out shouting a thank you to the driver. He dives into the hospital and Once in stumbles up to the front desk. "I-Izuku? Do you know where he is?" he asks. The lady taps away at her computer and searches for his two friends. "That will be ward 3 in the hero unit!" She says as he rushes off repeating what she said in his head so he doesn't forget.

He found the ward and runs in to find Kirisima and tamaki looking to the pale green haired boy. "Todoroki!" He calls. "Kirisima are you okay? You to amajiki?" They both nod. "Only thanks to izu he risked his life to stop us from dying. I know he's immortal but it's still really scary he almost looks like he'd never wake up!"

"Kirisima!" Tamaki scolded. "He will pull through he's our mother and he's never abandon us. He just needs to rest and so do we!" The red head nodded at the purple boy hiding some stray tears before settling down on the hospital bed. "You two really should sleep if the others come I'll inform them and I'll wake you if zu wakes up." They nodded and closed their eyes. Shoto could have sworn he heard Kirisima say night dad, but he will have to ask later ,for now he climbs up onto the bed resting the green haired boy between his legs. Petting his hair and calming his nerves by watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

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