《The immortal boy》My past,your past,our past


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The two boys were sitting eating breakfast in the magical cave that was Izuku's home when the smaller one sighs. He places his knife and fork down on the table, disregarding his food. Shoto looks over puzzled by the shift in movement waiting for Izuku to voice his thoughts. "I'm ready." He says standing and taking the dishes to the sink to be cleaned later. "Are you sure?" Shoto asked surprised. Not that he had forgotten their conversation but he was shocked, maybe slightly worried too.

He didn't want to seem pushy or nosy to the green eyed boy. Appearing aggressive and nosy was not a look he was going for. The boy simply nods taking shotos hand leading him to the water pool in the center of the room. They sit down on the big square cushions and Izuku takes a long deep breath. Preparing himself for whatever he's about to dig up. He looks to the water so still and calm, it's a shame to disturb it with a past Izuku felt was long forgotten. Yet at the same time he knows it's not as forgotten as he makes it out to be, otherwise he wouldn't even be saying it was forgotten in the first place. Shoto can see his reflection as the greenett looks over to his own reflection.

"I trust you Shoto," he speaks softly "...this is my past it's fair for you to know." With that The boy waves his hand over the water lightly tapping it with his finger and letting a crystal drop fall. It sends ripples through the pool bringing a image of a happy family with it. A man with white curly hair, silver eyes stood with his arm around a beautiful woman. She had long green hair tied up elegantly into a bun letting loose hair cascade down he back like a waterfall. A pair of strikingly green eyes placed wide and happy on her face to match. She held every aspect of beauty gracefully smiling down to her arms.

Looking down with her the boys can see The woman was holding a small child bundled up in a blanket. His hair a mix of both adults green and black with light almost white highlights, spuwed into curls that frame his face. Wide Emerald eyes that hold flecks of gold and freckles powdered all over compliment the baby's pale skin. Next to the two was second man. He had dark roots fading to white hair and golden eyes. His face was round and freckles that matched the boys litter his face.

Shoto was still studying the image when Izuku's soft voice broke the silence. "This was my family. My father," he points to the light haired male. "And uncle," he points to the other white haired man. "Used to be very close and he would stay with us almost all year. He was also quirkless so my father had a sense of protection over him. My mother loved his company when my father was at work, and I loved when he played with me. One day my father came home late and when he saw his brother he immediately ran over to him. He started babbling about new quirk information and how he never knew how powerful he was. He was talking so fast and had such a manic grin on his face. It was almost frightening. He started to calm down and excitedly reexplained how his quirk wasn't what he thought it was.


You see although my uncle was quirkless he had accepted that fact but my father never did. He went into quirk research to find away to give his brother power. He had found away but my uncle declined the offer. My father tried to persuade him but he never agreed. He reluctantly understood but kept the offer open." Izuku sighs down placing a hand against the womans face.

"As time passed my mother became ill and since my father was always working my uncle and I started to look after her. Sadly when I was 11 she died. My father didn't take this well he screamed at me and my uncle and abused us. Hitting and shouting none stop.

It got so bad that He eventually snapped at my uncle forcing a quirk onto him-" Izuku stoped wiping his eyes. Shoto hugs the boy and brings him into his lap whispering sweet nothings into his ear to calm the poor boy. Once calm he began again. "A-anyway my uncle disappeared one day and that was the final straw for my father. I became his lab rat. He locked me in a room barely fed me. He was constantly talking and giving me quirks using me as a toy. When I turned 16 I started getting too weak. My body couldn't handle what my father was doing. And one night I tried to fight back I used my original quirk that he could never take from me. I wasn't strong enough. He killed me where I stood. Burned me alive..." "Izuku-" Todoroki's voice broke. "That's why my dad-" Shoto stoped remembering what happens the day before. "Is that why you lost it at my house?" He asked calmly. The small boy just nods in his arms. "Okay that's enough I know the rest anyways... just rest zu, for me." Green watery eyes met blue and gray. Shoto cups Izuku's cheeks and gives him a soft kiss. "You have a new family now, and we love you." The boy smiles. "Thank you Shoto. How about I tell you some past memories about us. Lighten the mood so to speak." Shoto nods. "I'd like that zu."

The rest of the day the two spent sharing good memories although it was mostly Izuku talking. They sat by the pool. Izuku projecting this memories onto the clear water. It was nice for the two they both felt warmth from the time spent even if Shoto didn't live though them in this life he still felt he knew them. He may be young physically but his soul had been along side Izuku's for many decades. They cuddled and laughed as it got later in the day.

But there laughter was cut short by the pool lighting up. Izuku immediately ran over leaving a confused Shoto. Izuku gasped. Turning to face Shoto. "I'm sorry I have to go a Child needs me and this one is bad." Shoto nodded "I'll wait for you be safe." Izuku nodded before vanishing leaving Shoto to wonder what he saw.

Izuku teleports into a dimly lit room a young girl no older than 7 huddled in the corner. "Oh my poor child." Izuku says walking over to the girl. The girl looked up at the voice, her red puffy eyes scream how scared she is her arms and legs wrapped in bandages and her hair messily sat on her head almost covering a small horn. "P-please no m-more!" She says voice soft but still scared. "Of course not my child. I'm here to help." Izuku says softening his voice walking carefully towards her. She stays still as he sits in front of her. "Are you hungry?" He asks she nods her head. "I'll make you some fruit do you like apples?" He smiles at the girl as he lights up his hands making two apples. "Here..." he hands one to the girl. She looks wary and looks to Izuku again. He laughs quietly, taking a bite out of the second apple, trying to prove it's okay.


Satisfied the little girl starts to eat hers. After she was finished she looked to the boy again. "Who are you? I'm E-Eri!" Izuku smiles again. "I'm your new family Eri. You can call me mommy if you want." The little girl looks shocked but still she nods. "Now Eri can I see your arms I want to heal them okay?" Eri puts her arms up to the green eyed boy. "Thank you Eri your being really brave!" Izuku lights his hands up again. Eri saw this and closes her eyes tight. "This won't hurt I promise." Izuku says placing his hands or Eri's arms. After a minute he takes his hands away and unwraps eris arms and legs. Showing her the healed skin. She runs her fingers over the scars sadly. "Don't worry Eri scars just show what you've survived. Look even I have some." The older boy lifts the sleeves of his jumper to show the many scars on his arms. "M-mommy?" The little girl speaks to Izuku. He smiles widely at her. "Yes my child?" "C-can you get me out of here?" He brings the girl into a hug. "Of course I can..." he creates a flower crown like his and a few apples. Placing the crown on her head and the apples in her arms. "Tomorrow I will come and get you I'll bring lots of smiling hero's with me okay? Can you wait till tomorrow?" He asked her. "Yes mommy!" She says still not smiling but happier than before. "I'll see you then my child."

Once Izuku was back at his home todoroki was there waiting. "Sorry Shoto but I have to leave again! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow will you be okay on your own? You can always invite denki over if needed okay?" Shoto nods giving Izuku a hug before the green haired boy leaves using the door this time. The boy walks towards the city weaving in and out of people until he finds the place he was looking for. He enters and is stoped by women. "I'm sorry sir there's an important meeting about to start so I can't let you through." Izuku sighs. "Miss bubble girl I know about the meeting that's why I'm here I must speak to sir nighteye it's a life or death situation." The girl seems taken back but still wouldn't let the boy through. "I'm sorry but I don't know you. I was instructed not to let anyone through if you could come back that would-" "I'm sorry but I don't have time!" Izuku cuts her off teleporting into the meeting room startling everyone in the room. "Calm down heros. I'm no villain!" Izuku speaks calmly walking over to sir nighteye. "Izubro why are you here?" Kirisima asks. "Child? What are you doing here! This is a dangerous mission I wouldn't want you getting hurt. That includes you two to!" He say pointing at the two girls.

A new voice sounds out. "My I ask who you are, And how you know so much?" Izuku turns to sir nighteye. "That won't work on me." Izuku states as sir. Nighteye touches the boys shoulder. "Wh-" Izuku cuts him off agian. "You can't see the future of a god. It's too unpredictable." He says looking pleased with how unpredictable his life is. Others would argue that's not something to be proud of but Izuku loves to make things hard for heroes so he won't complain.

"A god you say?" Sir nighteye questions. Before Izuku could answer a gruff voice sounds out. "Mother why are you here?" Everyone in the room went silent turning to face the hero eraserhead. "Yes I was wondering that too, mother why are you here?" Kirisima asks oblivious to the strange looks the others in the room are giving them. "Kirisima did you just call a teen boy your mother?" The hero fatgum asks. "No before that did eraserhead just call a child his mother too?" Sir. Nighteye questions again. Izuku smiles at the room. "I'll answer, for everyone wondering I am Izuku protecter of children and also known as Mother Nature. I am here regarding the child Eri it is my job to protect her. Since you are going to save her tomorrow I am here to tell you I'm going aswell! Especially if two of my children are going!" "Wow he really is like a mother!" A blond boy exclaims Izuku looks over and smiles. "My goodness tamaki is that you hiding next to Kirisima!" "H-hello m-m-mother..." he shyly says back sinking further into the floor. Izuku walks over hugging the purple haired boy. "Me too!" Kirisima shouts joining the hug. A cough snaps the three out of it. "Izuku..?you have disturbed this meeting enough if you've nothing else to say I would suggest you leave." "That's not a good thing to say." Eraserhead advices the man. "And what would you know Aizawa?" Sir nighteye speaks back. "My child Aizawa knows along with these two boys that people who disrespect a god don't end up well." Izuku starts glowing green as he walks over to the man. Their eyes have a silent battle and it's clear Izuku wins. With a huff of annoyance sir. Nighteye allows the boy to stay for the meeting.

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