《The immortal boy》"I can handle this!"



"I'm home!" Shoto called out as the two walk into the traditional home. No reply comes except the eerie echo of the boys words. Shoto slips his shoes off grabbing a pair of red and white slippers and motioning Izuku to do the same. The two make there way through corridors padding gently on the mats through the house all the way to shotos room. Surprisingly Izuku was leading the way weaving in and out of any obstacles that sands up. He's memorised the layout of the house or so it would seem.

Once arrived at the destination the green boy stretches out, "Aw it's nice to be back here!" Izuku says sitting on the floor and spreading out his limbs. He stays in a starfish position making Shoto have to be careful not to step on him, though the room was plenty big enough to avoid him.

"You were here yesterday?" Shoto says raising an eyebrow at the boy. It was true Izuku liked this house for one reason or another the old style resembled his memories from his alive self. When he was alive almost 900 years ago things were very different from the modern high Tec world they live in now.

He's used to the floors, the structures, the futons and even the smell of it takes him back so many moons ago. But sadly just like many moons ago a young boy is trapped in this house. Maybe not as bad as Izuku was but Shoto is still trapped. This is the modern day equivalent. Izuku will finally help this boy so it won't be too late. He's never lost someone because he wasn't good enough, not since him being re-born.

The smile on his face may be forced but his words are true as he speaks. "I know but still it reminds me of my old family." Izuku sighs bringing his limbs in and curling his body. "Not that that's a good thing. Anyway do you need help packing up your stuff?" The small boy asks looking up from his place. Shoto shakes his head, deciding his question can wait till a later date. Izuku will open up when he's ready Shoto can appreciate that.


"I've been packed since the dorm system was announced. I can't wait to get out of here." He say sitting next to his lover. The taller boy rests his head down onto Izuku. It's peaceful, quiet and a precious moment. The two stay in comfortable silence just being until a loud bang is heard followed by a shout,

"SHOTO!" Shoto flinched. His head snapping up. "Don't worry I got this one." Izuku says smiling softly. The boy knows Izuku has a plan and knows he'll be okay. His father may be the number two but Izuku is a literal god. It's not exactly a fair fight.

"Let him come to us you may want to be around for this..." he says a devilish smile on his face. His eyes glint with something unfamiliar and it somehow comfort Shoto contrary to the dark aura that could scar a villain off. "Why does that scare me more?" Shoto chuckles. Izuku just shrugs, standing up dragging Shoto with him.

A loud knock is heard as endevor enters the room. "Shoto why didn't you answer me? I- YOU!" He screams noticing Izuku. "Hello enji. Long time no see." The boy says sweetly. "Sadly not long enough." He adds turning his voice dark. The man shuddered but hit it well letting his flames burn brighter. "Why are you here? want to take another son of mine away?" He spits flames growing angrier around him.

"You know I didn't take your eldest. You can take all the credit for that!" Izuku spat back. Shoto has never seen Izuku truly angry, and honestly it scares him. He makes a mental note not to anger the young god anytime soon.

"WATCH YOUR TOUNG BRAT!" The elder todoroki scream. Izuku holds his ground holding endeavours glare. "I despise you- no I pity you enji you used to be so nice as a child then power and greed got to you. Just look what you have become! You split your own family up, caused one to go insane the other to choose a dark path and poor Shoto!" He points to the boy standing behind him. "You were never the father he deserved. I had to raise him! A kid helping another kid! Do you realise what that means? I was the friend who he couldn't allow him self to believe he had! I was there. I cared. I fed him and took care of him. Now I will take care of you!"


Endeavour and shoto stare shocked by the boys words but soon the man let out a laugh. "You talk like a god yet here you stand only a child. You have no right to talk about my family when you weren't alive to know it!" Izuku sighs and started to glow a dangerous green. It flicked threatening towards the mans flames. It flowed and dropped like poison. It's a clear warning To back off. Seems the elder todoroki didn't get the hint.

"Who do I think " The room fell quiet only the hard breathing of Izuku could be heard and the echo of tension. The tone of voice the young boy used had never been heard by either of the todoroki's. It took a while for the man to respond clearly lagging behind in processing.

"What nonsense you spout. I'll end your insolence quickly!" The man of fire said engulfing the boy in flames.

It's true how they say history repeats itself.

How ironic.

Everything slowed down. The flames grow closer yet Izuku couldn't react. It was all too familiar leaving him stuck to the spot and just like that he witnessed the flames so similar to those of his fathers consume him whole.

He's half aware of shouts outside the flame wall. Shoto practically begging his father to stop. Izuku sighs snapping back to the reality.

"NO, Father! Stop!" Shoto called out. He crawls to the edge trying to use his ice to counter. So worried for his lover he nearly missed the ball of flames heading his way. He knows Izuku is a god but he has never seen his immortality be tested like this before.

After a while of Shoto shouting and the fires heat endeavour is satisfied and release the flames only to fall back at the sight. There stands Izuku looking the same if not more angry. Endeavour staggers back pressing against the wall.

Izuku's body shakes as anger rolls of him in waves. The feeling is strong enough to push enji back. Making the man wish the wall would open up and let him run. The boy keeps his head down but walks forward caging the man in.

"You dare try to kill a god?" He says in a tone only holding malice. " The boy finishes looking dead into the mans eyes. Once his head is lifted the viewers could only gasp. His bright green eyes looked like poison while trails of red float around. The colours mix into the light already surrounding the boy. His gaze is cool and sharp, cutting any comeback in half.

No reply is spoken but soon Izuku is grabbing shotos hand, the whole room lights up green then they're gone leaving the older todoroki to think back on what had just happen. The room was bare and the boys have vanished.

Izuku drops down on the floor of his home after teleporting them there. Shoto concerned picks up the small boy and places him on the bed. "Izuku?" He asked checking over the boy. "Sho...?" He asks weakly. "I'm here zu. It's over now." The two boys smile. "I owe you an explanation don't I?" The green eyed boy says with a shaky voice. "Yes greeny you do. But only when your ready you have used a lot of energy on the stunt you pulled." Shoto lays down the green boy snuggling into him. "But thank you zu I love you." "M'love you too." Comes a sleepy reply. Shoto shushed the boy and stroked through his green hair the flower crown had long vanished and shoto was left with his thought till sleep over took him.

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