《The immortal boy》Home is where you are


'Welcome back Izuku' the vines say gently swaying out the way to reveal a old worn green door. Paint was flaking off in parts and a rusted lock made it look near impossible to open. Vines covered it well untill they were moved aside and apart from the gently worn path there is no indication of any residence.

Izuku smiles fondly as the wind rustles past him gently caressing his green hair. Curls bobbing up and down like leaves of a tree. His crown stands tall the petals dancing before resting once more on top of his head. This boy was beautiful.

Naturally beautiful.

"Thank you" Izuku whispered to the world around him, lighting up his hands and giving away some of his energy, in turn making the flowers on the vines brighter. And the wind a little warmer. Still with his glowing hands Izuku reaches for the bronze handle delicately engraved with swirls of patterns. Allowing deep carved crevasse in the metal to form. Shoto stand in awe watching as a gentle green light slowly seeps and wraps around the small boy's body. Gently feeling out and lapping around the boy in front of him. It seems like an old spirit from the myths. The ones who's hearts are filled with kindness that seek only to help aid and protect a chosen vessel.

As the power gains more confidence green lightning sparks up glowing brighter. Shoto could feel the warmth and affection it gave off reminding him of a home he never had. The old doors groans as it's cracks light up with the green power matching Izuku's. The bronze handles gashes fill with the light as it seeps through the full being of the door. It seems like a long time passes as the feeling grows stronger reaching out to affect everything within its radius. Shoto feels calm.

A true sense of calm, not the facade he puts on, not the blank stare people miss take for calm. A peaceful solution. A warmth his fire power could never become. A kind embrace like a mother's hug. Shoto could relish the feeling all day.

Then without warning the door bursts open sending green sparks flying. They burst and dissolve into thin air or wherever they land sending a shock of green hat Shoto could only describe as pure childish happiness. A familiar laughter that make his heart clench left echoing his ears. His eyes open surprises to find they were closed he could have sworn he saw everything so vividly. He watched arm slightly outstretched letting the green light fade around them. The "younger" boy turns to face the red and white one. He smiles brightly easing Shoto mood just like the light did. The green boy grabs the hand and softens his gaze almost bashfully breaking eye contact. "Your eyes are beautiful zu." Todoroki murmurs in a daze. The low voice eased Izuku finding it so relaxed and ancient in itself.


Todoroki wasn't wrong Izuku's eyes shone and glowed a brilliant green. As if emeralds lay in front of the sun. Ever moving like a liquid, gold flecks scattered the outer corners adding to the glow. They were the kind of eyes described in fantasy, stories but here they are. Real and staring back to meet his own. Shoto knows he could easily get lost in those eyes, the same way he did when they first met. Izuku pulls shotos hand and carefully leads him into the room. The taller boy gasped at the view. Shoto didn't know what he expected but this was much, much better. "It's pretty isn't it? Do you like it?" Izuku asked quietly looking around the open room. The boy nodded at a loss for words.

In the centre of the room was a crystal clear pool surrounded by rocks and moss. Behind the pool of water, a mattress lay on the floor a soft green comforter neatly placed on top with a few pillows scattered around. To the left side of the room was a little kitchen a round table and chairs sat in front of it. Then another door Shoto assumes leads to the bathroom. Then to the right a small tv sits on a coffee table. Two sofas sat with fluffy green blankets.

The space being open and one connected together through the clearly separated areas. The colours and interior blended and worked together seamlessly. To say they were standing in a cave the place felt like a home. There were no windows to be seen yet the room was lit up by the soft glow of crystal sticking out from the middle of the ceiling. Many plants hung, climbed and weaved together as decoration. Breaking apart the cold gray rock walls.

To sum it up it was like walking into a fairy tale. "It's Beautiful...like you zuku." Shoto finally said coming back to reality. "I'm glade you like it. Only denki has ever been here but he was younger..." Shoto walks over and sits on the bed watching Izuku pack a small bag. "So did you meet me before denki?" Shoto questions. "I did but at the point I first met you I wasn't there for you." He replied honestly yet still cryptically. "Oh?" Shoto says back, wanting the boy to elaborate more.

Izuku just finishes packing his bag and walks over to the water pool. He beckons Shoto over and the two sit on the large cushion laid on the floor. "I was first summoned to your home when your brother was in danger..." he waves his hand over the pool.


It rippled gently and when it stilled Shoto was looking at his lost brother. "Toya..." he breath out. "Yes your brother had such a hard time before he left. I tried to help him and guide him but your father did a number on him so he ran from the world. I still keep and eye on him but I'm disappointed in the path he took." He waves his hand over the pool again and a new image showed up. It's was a small boy trembling before a man covered in flames. "This was when I was called to your home for the second time." He says looking to Shoto. "When my quirks manifested... I remember that day. I was so scared. Then you showed up... you made my father fall asleep then you talked with me till I fell asleep." Izuku smiles leaning on Shoto. "I thought I had guided him. I didn't think he would go back after what happens with your brother. I was so wrong." Shoto hug Izuku. Burying his head into soft green hair. The comforting smell of the flowers that made up his crown eased the tension he felt. "You made my life worth it zu." He says gently. The green boy stiffens.

"I detest your father sho. He reminds me of my father and that scares me to the core. I vowed never to let any child suffer what I had yet I could only watch as your father abused you." Izuku stares at Shoto silently crying. Shoto wipes his eyes kissing the corners. "You do so much for me. You provide food and healed my injuries. Thanks to you I can see out of my eye." Izuku smiles. "I'm sorry about your mother. I visit her sometimes and give her flowers. We talk about you, your siblings I make sure she has hope." Shoto smiles at the boy. "I know she tells me, asked me if we were getting married after graduation..." he chuckled softly.

"Izuku we almost in our second year now, time is flying for me whilst your time never runs out. I want to stay with you forever but I know it's not possible. I-" he stoped stunned by what happened. "You kissed me?" He says reaching for his lips. "I did," Izuku says almost surprised himself.

"Shoto I only ever fall in love with you." He looks away blushing at the confession but continues. "I've tried not to so many times but you keep coming back to me over and over. No matter what life time you're always there for me. This time I'll find a way to keep you with me. It's selfish I understand but maybe this once I'll be allowed to be selfish."

Shoto stands up reaching a hand down to the boy. "I know I do. sometimes I dream of us it's so detailed it's like a memory but I can never remember it. I realised that in every life I live the only one constant is you my dear. So I'm not afraid of losing you because I know I'll meet you again." He picks up the boy spinning around laughing. "So my dear Izuku please keep waiting for me?" He asked. "Of course I will my love." The boy in his arms said smiling loving. "So Shoto lets make it official be my boyfriend?" Shoto shook his head. "No, zu be my home" he said pulling out promise rings. "Promise me when we're older we'll get married and live our life together until I have to leave, then promise to find me again!" Izuku started crying, frantically wiping his eyes. "Sho...of course my home is where you are!" They slipped the rings on. "There beautiful." Shotos ring was gold with an emerald, Izuku's gold with a ruby and a few diamonds. "Shall we?" Shoto said holding his arm for Izuku. "We shall!" Izuku giggled picking up his bag and walking out of his home. The door shut behind him and the vines covered it back up, bidding goodbye to the two. The two then walk to shotos home talking about the feature the past and the present.

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