《The immortal boy》Seconds the best!


The former class of 1A sits in the common room of their new dorms. No one had really changed other than growth spurts and fading tans.

"Okay everyone tomorrow is the start of a new academic year we are now class 2A!" A few people celebrate while others just groaned at Iida's enthusiasm. "This means we are half way though our time here. As such we should all strive to better ourselves as hero's! I'm sure this year will be just as villain packed as last year. Be. On. Your. Gard." Iida finishes and turns to his room for the night. "Well that took an unexpected turn." Mina states laughing a little. "Yes, still he's right just because we moved up a year doesn't stop villains from there..." momo paused thinking of a word. "Villainy!" Denki shouts out. Momo just looks to the boy, "I suppose that word works." She sighs before heading off a few girls follow her lead. "Well I'm tired see you all tomorrow." Shoto says heading to his room. He could hear faint 'goodnight' and 'byes' from the remaining people.

Opening his door Shoto plops down onto his bed. They're second years now. 'Time flys by.' Is all the boy could think. Finally deciding to get up and get ready for the coming day he doesn't register the flowers left on his cabinet. Instead getting out a loose t-shirt. And hanging his school uniform up. He heads to the bathroom for a shower. The now relaxed half hair boy walks back over to his bed this time noticing the flowers. He chuckles at his boyfriends shenanigans. Plucking the note out from the flowers he reads what's written for him.

Hi Sho,

I'm sorry I couldn't give you the flowers myself but duty calls.


He laughs at that.

Anyway I wanted to congratulate you on surviving to your second yeah. Times flying by huh?

Shoto nods his head agreeing with the greenett.

I hope you'll keep your promise when you graduate. <3 I'll be waiting for you! I fear I'll be distant for a few weeks. I'm visiting a few of my really problem children, your brother include. I want to keep you, my children and UA safe so until I know I won't be followed or anything like that I won't be around.

Shoto frowns. He didn't like the idea of Izuku hanging around villains and "problem" children. Call him protective but he really just cares. I mean who wouldn't care about the person you've loved for over 100 years.

I can imagine you frowning at me! But don't worry my safety is granted. Please don't worry about me! If there's trouble call out for me I'll be there in a flash. Lots of love to you and the others.

- your zu xxx

Shoto lays down holding the letter to his chest. "Out of all the promises I've made that one will never be broken nor forgotten zu." He doesn't know if Izuku heard him or not but he still says it drifting to sleep.

Izuku was running. Not necessarily for his life but still running. Two figures chase after the boy. Two of his problem "problem" children, a girl called himiko and a boy called Tenko. Sadly Izuku didn't know the ally's aswell as he thought and soon found himself cornered. Cursing under his breath. He just sits down and waits for the two to catch up to him. "You run pretty fast kid." Tenko or more known as shigaraki. Says catching his breath. "Yeah yeah. I should be calling you kid I'm way older than you!" Izuku snaps at the man. "You got some nerve boy." The man says walking towards the boy sitting in the ally. "Where's himiko?" He asked not bothered by the man about to grab him. "She's not a good runner." He states simply. "Oh." Is all Izuku says before shigaraki grabs hold of him, he is still careful to keep one finger lifted. Not that it would affect the immoral boy but it's a nice thought.


"Are we heading back to the bar?" Izuku asked. Tenko wonder what it would take to scare this kid. First he breaks into the league's hideout asking for someone that's not there then he starts running away. When he's finally cornered he backchats and calls him a kid. "Yes hurry up haven't got all night." Izuku pauses. "What now!" The hand man says angrily. "Hold on to me you can uses all your finger disintegration boy." Izuku says teleporting them back to the hide out. "What the-" a man with several deep purple scars says looking at the two who just appeared out of nowhere. "Dabi!" The kid shouts running up to him. "My favourite villain that's not really a villain!" The boy continues hugging the man. Dabi just stares at shigaraki who looks just as confused. "Uh kid? Who are you?" He asks the boy. "Wha-!" He sounds offended before catching a glimpse of himself in the glass. "Oooooh. Sorry no wonder you don't recognise me Toy!" The mans blue eyes go wide before slapping a hand over the boy's mouth. "The heck you call me?" He says lowly shigaraki shudders at the tone. The seemingly unfazed childs just laughs. "Sorry I didn't mean to out you but by the looks of it no one heard."

"Heard what? Who are you?" The mist man said. "Oh me? Haha" the kid brushes off the question, continuing. "I know you don't want me to say your real identity! That is if you even remember who you used to be." The mists eyes flicker and the man known as shigaraki sucks in a sharp breath.

"Shig you can't just disappear on me like that!" A sweaty toga says slamming opening the door. "Ugh... sorry? This kid just teleported me back. Do you know him?" Toga shakes her head and walks over to the boy. The boy just shrugs and starts talking again. "Okay now that most of my problem children are here let's get started. But first..." the tv communication shattered. "There now! T-that won't hear or see us." Izuku says glaring at the pile of wires. "Whoa what the new guy got against the old dude?" Toga asks poking the junk pile. "" Every one froze terrified. "That tone... I've heard that tone before. There's only one person that could scar me more that my dad." Izuku giggled at Dabis words. "The one and only dabi!" He says spinning around. The boys appearance started to change. Black hair letting green streaks in, dull red eyes changing to a brilliant green that held life and light. He shrunk a few inches and the all black outfit changed to a happier one. "Damn it Izuku why are you here!" Dabi demanded. "Izuku!" Toga squeals crushing the boy in a hug. "Izuku?" Shigaraki says as if making sure the boy is telling the truth. The boy turns to the blue haired boy. "Hay there koko..." he says interlocking there hands together. "Miss me?" He questions.

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