《Alex Ernst Imagines!》High School Lover


When you go through so much pain and emotion because of one person...

(Y/N) Diary

21st February 2016.

12:00pm lunchtime~

Lunchtime is always the worst. Watching everyone around me laughing and joking around without a care in the world.

I sat next to (Y/F/N). She asked the same old questions again, she expects them to change but of course they don't. She asks 'What did you do yesterday', 'How are you?', 'Still not over him?'

That last question gets me every time. If she knows it troubles me, why does she proceed to ask? I decided not to answer her. I felt bad for ignoring her, but I haven't been myself these past couple of months. Her class mates soon called her over to sit with them, leaving me by myself. I didn't really care.

There's no point of packing food, I don't eat anyway. I'm too busy thinking about him.

1:30pm class~

Class also is the worst due to him actually being in my class. I always try my best to focus on my work, but it's hard to concentrate when a gorgeous boy is sat two rows beside you. He always jokes around with his class mates. Today they were throwing a paper ball around and it landed on my desk. I looked up and at his friend David. He was telling me to throw it back multiple times until the gorgeous boy stood up and walked over to me and grabbing the ball, winking at me in the process then quickly walking back to his desk. My face instantly became red as I snapped my head back to my work, totally freaking out. WHY?! Why is he sooo good looking! To him I'm just another class mate, I don't really know why I'm so crazy over him.


21/2/16. That's when Alex Ernst ruined my life. My one sided love.

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