《Alex Ernst Imagines!》Uzzlang Couple


"Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel! Today I'm joined by Alex, my boyfriend, to film a collab together. Say hello!" You say into the camera. "Hey." He smiles warmly. As requested by popular demand we are doing 'The Boyfriend Tag' and then on his channel 'Girlfriend Does My Makeup'. I'm so excited, so let's get started!" You both click at the same time.

"So the first question says, 'she's sitting in front of the tv what is she watching?'. This one is easy wow! It's definitely those K-Dramas, she's obsessed!" Alex says laughing. You smile shyly, letting your head fall. "It's cute babe." He lifts your head up and kisses your cheek. "Okay what's next?" You giggle. "What size shoe do I wear?" You look at Alex whilst covering your feet. "Her feet are adorably small, so this one is easy also. She's a size 3." He waits for you to announce it correct. "I have a feeling you're going to get all these right..." you say with raised eyebrows. "I'm going to because I'm just the best boyfriend ever." He says flipping his imaginary hair. "Lets see then. The next question is 'If I was collecting anything, what would it be?'" Hmm let me think a minute." Alex says while grabbing your hand to hold. "5, 4, 3..." You tease. "Nononono! There's no time limit." He panics. "Al the video is going to be forever, a whole 10 minutes of you thinking." You joke. "Shh...alright I got my answer, which is..." He pause. "Which is?" You question. "Bath-bombs. Preferably Lush. Lush if your watching this please sponsor (Y/N), she's a hoarder of your products." He laughs.

"Is it that obvious that I love them?" You giggle. "You got it right again too! Gotta find a hard one for the last question!" You scroll through the questions crazily. "Gotcha. Alright Alex listen up because this is a hard one." You smirk. "Shoot." He lays back in his chair. "How long have we been together?" His eyes widen and his lips part slightly. "Um...uh..oh give me a moment." He stutters. You feel kinda hurt that he didn't know or what you thought he didn't know. Out of the blue he calmly says. "23/9/13" you just sit there looking at him blankly. Until he repeats again. "The 23rd of September 2013. Easy as pie." He smirks. "I thought you didn't know..." "Yeah you though." He teases.


You look back at the camera and say. "Well that's all for today. I'm glad Alex knows me very well. See you guys next week! BYEEEE!" You smile brightly, placing your hands on the lens while Alex turns the camera off. "Sorry for thinking.." Alex cuts you off with a kiss. "Don't worry babe. I thought it was cute."

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