《Alex Ernst Imagines!》All jokes aside.


You sit at the pool with your boyfriend, Alex. You were reading a book. As you were reading Alex snatched the book out of your hands. "Hey! Give that back!" You say getting up. He shut the book closed and holds it up. You jump in the air trying to reach it. "Babe please." Alex took a step back to avoid you. You jump again but this time he falls and lands in the pool. You let out laugh when he dropped your book. "Haha!" You say looking at the pool. You realised he wasn't coming back up. "Babe?" You yell and jump in, throwing your book aside. He was at the bottom of the pool, not moving. You start to freak out. You grab his body and swim to the surface. "Alex!" You say pushing his stomach. Nothing happened. No ones around to help. You lean down and decide to perform CPR. As you lean down and open his mouth, your lips touching his he starts to laugh. Your eye widen. He sits up and looks at you, touching his lips with a smile. "That was nice." He says leaning in for another kiss. "What the hell!?" You say hitting his shoulder. "I almost had a heart attack!" His smile drops. "I'm sorry sweet. It's just you were so into that book and I wanted your attention." You look at the ground and feel guilty. "I'm really sorry." He put a hand on your thigh. "I know how I can make it up to you." He says rubbing your leg. You look and his lips were instantly on yours. He kissed you happily. "I love you (Y/N)." He says sucking your bottom lip. "And I love you."

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