《Alex Ernst Imagines!》I can trust him right? (Part 2)



'Grabbing my coat and putting my shoes on, I dial my best friend, Gabbie's number. "Hello?" She answered with a grizzly tone to her voice. "Hello. Sorry to ring you this late, something has come up and I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?" I sniffled into the phone. "What's happened? Are you okay?" She asked concerned. "I'll tell you when I get there, see you in 5." I hang up and get everything together and head outside using our balcony door. It's safe don't worry, we have steps. I had no intention using the front door as that means I'll have to try and go past Alex, he will definitely try and stop me. Not this time, he's made to many stupid mistakes, this one by far being the most stupidest.'


I careless and dangerously drive to Gabby's not giving any shits about red lights, driving through them all. I reach her house and knock her door gently. She opens the door and as soon as she sees me her facial expression softens. "Come in quickly." She says taking my bags. Once I get in I sigh and just burst into tears. It was that sort of uncontrollable cry, I just had to get it out. "What's up sweet?" Sweet is a nickname we have for each other, yes our friendship is so strong we have nicknames."It's Alex. He did something that I thought he'd never do.." I say crying into her shoulder. "Your kidding. He'd never?!" It clicked with her. "He cheated on me Gab. Brought home a girl when I was sleeping! He was so drunk that he forgot about me. The even sad thing is that it's our anniversary tomorrow.." I wipe my tears from my eyes, calming down the slightest. We talked for a bit about what happened, Gabby hugging me every time tears would swell up. She made me a cup of tea to help me relax and then showed me to my room making sure I was comfortable and okay before we both went back to sleep.


I didn't have a nice sleep at all. I could only think about what just happened, what am I going to do? I'm sure I can stay with gabby for a bit, right? I tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Laying on my back, I closed my eyes for a brief moment when everything went black.

The sun shone brightly through the crack in the curtains causing me to rub my eyes and sit up, I stretch to wake up slowly. How I wish everything was a blur last night but unfortunately it wasn't. Moments came flooding back into my memory. I felt like shit honestly. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I got up and went downstairs obviously familiar to where I was, Gabby's apartment. She was sat down on the sofa with her phone in one hand and a coffee in the other. She looks up. "Good morning." She smiles softly. "Morning." I say with a grizzly voice. I plop myself next to her, resting my head upon her shoulder. "How'd you feel?" She asks. "Never better." I say sarcastically. "Sorry. I just don't know how to feel after what has happened." I apologise. "It was kind of a silly question really." She puts her head on mine. "What are you going to do now?" Gabbie asks. "Unfortunately I have to face him, talk things through." I say sighing. Great. This is going to be dreadful.

-Few hours later-

I leave Gabbies apartment, determined to sort things out. He's hurt me really bad. I'd never imagine him doing such a thing like this..

I pull up in my garage way and get out shutting the door behind me.

Walking through the front door, putting my keys in the dish. Something feels weird, really weird. I quietly walk throughout the house checking to see where he is. I finally go upstairs, hearing faint snores coming from the bedroom, I assume he's in there.

I regret everything from coming back to the house to opening the bedroom door.

There he is with the same girl from last night, all cuddled up in my bed!

I turn around to catch my breathe before I hear a faint noise.


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