《Falling for the Hothead!- Paul Lahote》La Push


🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter🤬

Thank, the ancestors, I am on my way to La Push to see my cousin Jacob and his friends Emery and Quil. It has been two year since I have seen them. Hell, it's been two years since I set foot in La Push. Nothing can bring this day down. It took me about 20 minutes to arrive at Jacob's house.

Jacob already told me they will be in the garage, but I'm going to say hi to uncle Billy first. There is a light rain so I can walk up the house and knock on the door.

"I'm coming," I hear uncle Billy with annoyance in his voice. I giggle at him. "Aleera what are you doing here?" Billy asks, looking at me concerned.

"Oh! I'm hanging out with Jake and the guys today, but I wanted to stop by and say hi to one of my favorite uncles first. " I say, giving him a smile.

"Well that is sweet of you. You do know you only have two uncles, right?" He says pointing at me and I laugh. "Oh, you remember Sam Uley?" Billy asks, looking over his shoulder at Sam and back to me.

"Yeah his mom used to watch me when you all did date night. I used to love when he would tell me the stories he wrote. Looking good Sam." I state with a smile on my face as he smiles back at me.

"You to Aleera, look how you have grown. It's been two-three years since the last time I saw you. That's far too long you know." He says moving to give me a hug. "You will have to come over and meet my fiancé Emily." Sam says with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

"I would love to meet the girl that stole your heart Sam, and you are right two years of not stepping foot on the res was far too long!" I say, giving him a big smile. "Well I'm going to head over to the boys. See you later Uncle Billy. Sam see you around." I say pointing over to the garage. I wave bye before I head that way.

"Bye Aleera." Billy says with a smile as he shakes his head at me.

"Hey Aleera, wait a second." Sam says moving away from my uncle and closer to me. "Could you do me a favor?.." He asks as he looks concerned at me. I nod my head at him. "Don't listen to the rumors about me and the guys that hang out with me. Please! It's not true and if you ever need anything you can call me." Sam says with a hint of sadness in his voice while writing down his phone number and handing it to me.


"I don't listen to rumors Sam. I was raised better than that and if I ever need help, I will give you a call. Bye Sam" I say with a smirk as I give him a hug before I walk away from him.

"Bye Aleera" Sam says with a laugh and a sly smile on his face.

I walk over to the garage and knock on the door. You never know with boys!! I hear a tool being dropped on the floor. Jacob opens the door with the biggest smile on his face. Stepping away from the door to let me in. "Hey cuz!! See boys I told you she was coming over today!!" Jacob said with a smug smirk as he closed the door.

"Ye! of little faith!! " I state while shaking my head at the two boys standing before me.

"Aleera!!!!" Emery and Quil say together, running over to give me a hug.

"It's been forever since we have seen you. How have you been? What is the pale face school like? Do we need to come over there and kick some ass?" Emery asks while giving me a big bear hug.

"It's been two year, but yes it feels like forever. I have been good. School is school. As for the ass kick part well see. I may have one guy in mind!! How have you all been?" I say/ask while giving Quil a big hug.

"We've been good. You know, same old same old. Who the guy?" Embry says/asks with curiosity.

"I'll give him another week to get his shit in gear and if he doesn't then you'll be the first to know. So, what are we doing today? I mean don't get me wrong watching Jake work on his car is fun and all but.... Yeah!!!" I ask/say! As my cousin glares at me.

"We could go cliff diving." Embry says with excitement in his voice as Jake nods his head while me and Quil shake our heads no.

"Yeah, a little cold for me!" I say. Putting my arms around me. Quil nodded his head. 'It's March in Washington really boys?' I think.

"Baby!" Jacob jokes with me. I stick my tongue out at him. Me and Quil glare at both Jacob and Embry. While they just laugh at us.

"We could go to the beach and walk around. The Tide pools should be full." Quil says. I point at him and nod my head.

We all agree on going to the beach. Jake is finishing what he was doing to his car. We all get in my car and head to First Beach. Once we arrived and were walking talking about old times, the tribe's legends. Just laughing and having a good time. "God, I have missed this place!" I say throwing my arm around Embry as we walk.


"Feeling good to be home and on your land my Lady Black Swan." Embry states with a straight face bowing to me. I laugh at him.

"That it is Lord Call, that it is." I say back to him with a giggle as I curtsy to him.

"I don't know how I keep forgetting that you two are related to each other." Quil says pointing between Me and Jacob. We all laugh and continue to walk the beach.

"She might be a Swan to the pale faces, but she is a Black on the res." Jacob states as I laugh at him as he smiles ear to ear. "It is good to have you home even if you aren't in La Push with all of us.." Jacob says with a sad smile.

"You don't know? Do you?" I question them. They look at me waiting for me to continue. "A week before my birthday I move in with you... Jake. And next year I will be going to La Push High. It was one of the things my mom put in their will. As well as the house." I say all smiles.

"Really you will be going to school with us next Year?" all three of them ask. I just nod my head. I'll have asked Billy why he didn't tell Jacob about this.

"Yeah....Wait where are Jared and Paul?" I question as I realized that my two best friends aren't here and I have not seen or heard they're names yet.

"OH!!! They don't hang out with us anymore." Quil says with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Why don't they hang out with you anymore?" I questioned a hint of sadness in my voice.

"They're a part of Sam Uley's cult." Jacob says with disgust. I raise my eyebrow at him. wanting him to continue.

'Sam said there were rumors going around about him and the boys that hang out with. I didn't know that Jared and Paul were those boys that he was talking about. Why didn't he say that?' I think to myself.

"Yeah! They stopped hanging out a little over eight months ago. They missed some school. Cut of their long hair, got tattoos, and now follow Sam around like lost puppies." Emery says with a little bit of venom in his voice.

'What the hell is going on around here since I left.' I thought.

"They walk around here like they own the place. Embry calls the Hall monitors ''on steroids." Quil says as they all laugh, I look at them confused.

"What!?!" I say/ask with a shocked look on my face.

"It's for the best." Jacob says without a care about how I would feel about it.

"Why is that?" I question now, looking at my cousin a little annoyed.

"I mean Paul has always been a dick even before you moved away, But Jared... It was like out of nowhere. You would joke with him and if he didn't like it, he would want to rip your head off." Embry says with a straight face.

'Paul has never been a dick to me, unless you count when I was five and he was six and he pushed me in the mud. But then again we were playing in the rain and I pushed him first.' I think to myself.

I am facing my cousin and two boys who are like family as they talk shit about the other two boys who were also like family to me. I was completely lost in thought. With a look of what the hell happened while I was gone, look when... "Great they're here!!" Jake says with venom laced in his voice as he stepped closer to me.

I turned around to see who they were talking about. I see two men not boys walking our way. 'They were hot!! Tall, tan, muscular and no shirt!? What the hell, it's March in Washington.' I think to myself. "Who's here?" I question looking from one to the other. While everything seemed to stop and I feel like it is just me and him.

"Jared and Paul." Quil says, looking like a storm came and rained on our parade.

"That's Jared and Paul?" I am more shocked than anything. They look good. Like really good. Paul more than Jared. It doesn't help that I've been in love with Paul for years.

"Yep! hall monitors on steroids." Embry says with complete disgust in his voice.

"OH! OK! I'm going to go and say Hi! Because I have missed them and I at least would like to get a hi and bye from those two, if what you say is true." I say with a little sadness to my voice looking back at Paul. Hoping that is not true.

I start to walk over to the two boys who I have love like family. A little scared they would turn me away like they did the others. Suck it up Aleera you can do this and you will not cry if they are dicks to you. And if they are you will get Sam to kick their asses.

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