《Falling for the Hothead!- Paul Lahote》Paul Latohe
🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter🤬
I was walking out of school to my jeep to meet up with Jared. So, we can head over to Sam and Emily's place to run patrol. Jared is running to catch up with me with the biggest smile on his face. 'What the hell is with him' I think to myself.
"Paul! Paul! Paul! You are not going to believe what I just overheard Jake say!" Jared says in a rush, still smiling like a kid at Christmas.
"And what would that be?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Wonder what the hell has got my best friend to act this way.
"Aleera!" Was all Jared said with a smile on his face.
"Aleera?" I question with a look like what does she have to do with anything.
"She's back!! As in living in Forks!" Nothing but excitement in Jared's voice. If that is true I may have a chance with the girl I have been in love with.
"And why do you care? It's not like we can still be friends with her." I state with anger in my voice. I have been in love with Aleera for the last two years if not longer. I would give anything to be able to stay friends with her. God if I imprinted on her!? No one would be able to take her away from me.
"I know, I would still like to see her and tell her that we can't be friends any more before others put their bullshit stories in her head about us. Who knows, maybe one of us will imprint on her." Jared says with nothing but amusement in his voice.
I looked at Jared with pure hate in my eyes. The thought of anyone but me imprinting on Aleera, made my Blood boil. My body started to have light tremors. Jared just stood there with a smug smirk on his face.
Jared knew that Paul had a "crush" on Aleera and was trying to get under his skin. Jared only found out about the "crush" after they had shifted a little over eight months ago. When Paul was thinking about the kiss, they shared the last time she was in La Push. Jared had never told Paul what he knew, it made it more fun for Jared.
***Flashback Two years ago***
Paul and Aleera are standing on top of the tallest cliff looking down. Paul asked Aleera to spend the day with just him as they normally are with the other four boys.
"Come on Aleera. Just once for me!" Paul begged. Aleera rolled her eyes at him.
"Paul, I don't know. This is really high up." Aleera says with a shaky voice.
"We Can jump together. I'll Hold on to you. Please!" Paul pleads, staring down at her, giving her his best puppy dog eyes.
"OK one time and you better not let me go, Mr. Lahote." Aleera says with a smirk as she pokes him in the chest.
"I would never let you go. Come on, turn and face me. OK! Now jump and wrap your legs around my waist." Paul says with a smirk on his face as she turns to face him, still unsure about this.
"Are you sure about this Paul?" Aleera questions as Paul huffs out a breath.
"Yes, I'm sure! Now jump and wrap your legs around my waist." Paul demands.
"OK," Aleera says, jumping and wrapping her legs around Paul and bearing her head into his neck. Paul couldn't help the cheesy smile on his face as he held her close.
"OK! Good on the count of 3. 1. 2. 3." Paul says with a smirk, as he jumps off the cliff with Aleera in his arms. Laughing while they fall. Landing in the water Paul swam them to the surface, his arms still around Aleera holding her close to him. "See I told you I wouldn't let you go." Paul said while looking into Aleera's eyes, a smile on both of their faces.
"So, you did, Mr. Lahote. Any other risk you want to take today?" Aleera questioned him. As they swam closer to the shore.
"Yes, there is one thing that I have wanted to do for a while now." Paul said as they reached the shore.
"And what is that?" Aleera asks while biting her bottom lip. Unsure what Paul had planned for her.
Paul looked at Aleera pulling her close, tilting her head up to him as he lowered his head to hers. Slowly he kissed her, not wanting her to pull away from him. Paul was surprised when she kissed him back. The kiss started out slow and sweet then turned to needy and passionate. Paul pulled her closer to him so that their bodies were pressed against each other. Neither of them wanted the kiss to end. They both pulled away from each other so they could breathe.
"So that's what counts as taking a risk?" Aleera asked with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. Paul laughs and pulls her to him again.
*** End flashback***
I was pulled from his thoughts by Jared asking." What would you do if I imprinted on Aleera?" Jared was having fun poking the hot-headed wolf. I was not going to answer that question. But he knew he was pissing me off.
"We need to get to Sam and Emily's place for patrol now!" I said with anger in my voice taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down before I phase in front of half of the school. Getting into my jeep, slamming the door shut and starting it up. Pulling out of the school's parking lot. I couldn't stop thinking about Aleera. I wanted to see her, no I needed to see her.
Jared and I pull up to Sam and Emily's house. Getting out of my jeep, making the call to let them know that we are there. Walking up to the door Jared and I noticed that Sam's truck wasn't there. "Hey Emily! Where is Sam?" Jared asked, walking in the house.
"He went to Billy's, something about a rumor about a tribal member not living on the res. He is worried how that will affect the treaty." Emily said with a shrugging of her shoulders.
Jared and I share a knowing look. There is only one tribal member we know of that isn't living on the res and that was Aleera. I worried for Aleera's safety not being on the res. We can't protect if she isn't living on tribal land, due to the treaty that has been in place the last 80 years or so. About 10 minutes later Sam came in the door angry as all hell.
"Did you two know?" Sam yells anger laced in his voice. Pacing the living room before sitting down.
"Know What?" They both ask, not sure what he means. But I had a good idea it was about,Aleera.
"Aleera! Did you know she was back and not living on tribal land?" Sam asks, trying to calm himself down. But I know he was worried about her as well.
"I heard a rumor yesterday at school, but I wasn't sure if it was true or not. We haven't seen her in two years." Jared states, looking down at the floor. Jared knew Jacob wouldn't lie when Aleera was involved.
"Are the rumors true is Aleera back?" I ask with a mixture of emotions in his voice. while looking at the floor not wanting to reveal my excitement if she is back.
"Yes, Aleera is back. She is living with Chief Swan and his daughter Bella. She's at Billy's right now, but I think they are headed over to the beach." He says rubbing his face with his hands. "She is still the sweet, happy, loving girl I remember." Sam said, looking slightly afraid. I smiled slightly. Happy to have Aleera home. Now we just need to move her back to her family's home on the res.
"What's wrong Sam?" Emily asked, looking worried at her fiance. "You saw her?" Both Jared and Paul ask with excitement in their voices.
"Yeah I saw her. I also talked to her." Sam says looking from me to Jared. "Emily, I'm worried about the Cullen's getting to her. She is not just a member of our tribe she is family to the three of us and we can't protect her when she is not on our land. I'm worried that if something happens, they will hurt her to get to us." Sam said as Jared and I growl.
'Like hell will I let that happen. No leech will touch Aleera.' I thought
"I need you two to go to the beach and talk with her, see if she plans on moving back to the rez and see what she knows about the Cullen's." Sam says with concern written all over his face.
Jared and I immediately left to go find Aleera and talk with her. As we pulled up to the beach, I started to look for our best friend that we have missed so much. It only took a few seconds before I found her with three boys, I knew all to will. Our former friends Jacob, Embry and Quil. Jared and I started to walk to them.
"Yeah..... Wait where are Jared and Paul?" Aleera asks. I couldn't help but smile when Aleera said my name.
"They don't hang out with us anymore." Quil said with a hint of anger in his voice. I couldn't help rolling my eyes.
"Why don't they hang out with you anymore? " Aleera questioned a hint of sadness in her voice. I whimper knowing that she is sad.
"They're a part of Sam Uley's cult." Jacob said with disgust. Jared and I roll our eyes at this.
'Why does everyone think that we are in a cult? If only they knew the truth about what was really going on.' I thought to myself.
"Yeah! They stopped hanging out a little over eight months ago. They missed some school. Cut off their long hair, got tattoos, and now follow Sam around like lost puppies." Emery says with a little bit of venom in his voice. Jared and I growled at that statement.
"They walk around here like they own the place. Embry calls the Hall monitors ''on steroids." Quil says the three boys laugh. I was now getting pissed that our former friends would say these things about us.
"What!?!" Aleera said/asked with shock in her voice.
'God I wished she would turn around' I thought.
"It's for the best." Jacob said without a care.
"Why is that?" Aleera questioned her cousin.
"I mean Paul has always been a dick even before you moved away, But Jared... It was like out of nowhere. You would joke with him and if he didn't like it, he would want to rip your head off." Embry says with a straight face. Jared growled at that.
'If they ever shift, I am going to sink my teeth into them. Payback for all the shit they are talking.' I think to myself.
"Great they're here!!" Jake said with venom laced in his voice. Stepping closer to Aleera. I was now glaring at the three boys about 50 feet away from them.
"Who's here?" Aleera questioned as she turned around to see who they were talking about. 'She looks beautiful.' I think. She looked from Jared to me. Looking me right in the eyes I had to stop and catch my breath. A smile on her lips.
'Everything stopped moving. It was just me and her. I would do anything, be anything for her, a brother, a friend, a protector or a lover. I saw our past, our present and our future together and it was amazing. Oh god! I imprinted on her! I can't believe this.' was all going through my head. I was pulled from my thoughts by Jared bumping me.
"Jared and Paul." Quil says it looked like a storm came and rained on our parade. I couldn't help but smile at how unhappy they were.
"That's Jared and Paul?" Aleera asked, a little surprised.
"Yep hall monitors on steroids." Embry says with complete disgust.
'If he ever shifts, he will pay for that comment.' I thought to myself.
"HO! OK! I'm going to go and say Hi! Because I have missed them and I least want to get a hi and bye from those two. If what you say is true." Aleera said with a little sadness to her voice. She meets us about 15 feet from Jacob, Embry and Quil.
'It wouldn't be hi and bye. You will be in my life. You are my life now.' I thought as I smiled at her.
"Hey Aleera, we heard you were back." I say with my sexiest smirk on my face. She smiles back with a blush on her checks.
"Hey guys!! How are you? " she says/asks, while giving Jared a hug. She then turns to me and gives me a hug longer than Jared's hug. 'God, I want to kiss her so bad right now.' I think to myself as she pulls away from me..
"We're good. Are you going to Forks high school right? How do you like it? Are they being nice to you?" Jared asks with an edge to his voice.
"Yeah! I'm going to Forks high. It's OK, not my first choice of schools, but nothing I can do about that right now. Most of the kids there are nice. Bella turned into a real bitch all because she wants in some dude's pants." She states waving her hand like it's no big deal. But you can see the hurt in her eyes.
"What guy?" I ask, trying to hold back my laugh at the thought of plain Jane Bella liking a guy. Stopping myself from pulling her into another hug.
"Edward Cullen," She says with a roll of her eyes. 'Hell, no the leech better stay away from my imprint. Sam will want to know this. Maybe she can move in with Billy. He is her uncle as well.' I think looking at Jared with concern.
"Are you friends with any of the Cullen's?" Jared asks with concern on his face.
"God no!! I would rather stick my leg on a bear trap and eat it off myself, before I became friends with them. Luckily, I only have one class with one of them. They give me this creepy vibe. I stay clear of them as much as I can." She states with a raised eyebrow at us. I couldn't help but smirk at her.
'Thank god my girl is smart and will stay away from those leeches' was going through my head.
"Aleera give me your phone." Jared demands, holding out his hand.
"Why?" She questions him as she glares at him.
"So, I can put mine and Paul's number in it. That's why!" Jared says with a duh look on his face. She hands over her phone and her screen saver is a photo of her, Jared and I from two years ago. Both Jared and I smile at that. She never forgot about us.
"What are you doing tomorrow night?" I ask with a shy smile.
"Nothing, why? What's up" she asks with a twinkle in her eyes looking at me.
"I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner with me?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck. Jared looks at me like I have lost my mind.
"Sure, I would like that. What time?" she says/asks with a shy smile that I love so much.
"I'll pick you up at 5. Does that sound good? I say/ask. I can't help the cheesy grin that is now on my face.
"It's a date. Jared, give me back my phone now." She states holding out her hand.
"See you then!" I say giving her a sly smile. 'This girl will be mine by the end of tomorrow. Like she was meant to be.' I think to myself.
"OK! well I better get back to them." She says while pointing to the other guys as she starts to walk away. This causes me to let out a small growl. Before I pull her into another hug.
"See you tomorrow!" I said as she walked away from us.
"Dude! What are you doing? Sam will not let us be friends with her. And he sure as hell won't let you date her." Jared growls at me. I smile as I start to walk away from him. I need to plan the perfect date.
"He will when I show him, I imprinted on her. And don't act like you want to push her away, we've been friends with her forever." I say with the biggest smile on my face.
"No, you didn't!!" Jared says not convinced I imprinted on her. "And... Of course, I don't want to lose Aleera. She's family." Jared says looking down at the sand.
"Oh yes I did!! Aleera is my imprint and there is no way you nor Sam can keep me away from her. Now we get to keep her in our lives. You as a friend and me...." I stated, but was cut off by Jared.
"So, you finally got your crush that you have been pining after for years?!" Jared says while jogging away from me laughing.
'What!? How in the hell does he know about that? Oh No!!' I thought to myself before running after Jared.
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History’s Strongest Senior Brother
The first time Yan Zhaoge crossed worlds, he landed in a martial warrior civilization that was at the peak of prosperity. He ended up in the book storage building of the the Divine Palace, which collected and preserved the classics of the entire world from all fields of knowledge. However, a world class calamity struck soon after and even the Divine Palace was destroyed. Yan Zhaoge’s soul once again crossed over, but this time he arrived in the same world, except countless years have passed. With his brain full of rare books and classics from the era of peak prosperity, Yan Zhaoge’s second crossing over to the present era was like a gamer who was used to playing hell mode suddenly finding himself playing the game on easy. That was just way too awesome. But before that, he needs to fix a certain problem. “I’m not a main character? In fact, I’m actually the the main character’s love rival and the antagonistic Mr. Perfect senior martial brother? This script is wrong!” PS from author: ‘History’s Number One Founder’ is already complete with 4.6 million characters, I welcome you readers who have favourited and fed my book until it became fat to enjoy this book as well.Thank you for reading updated History’s Strongest Senior Brother novel @ReadWebNovels.net
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To Play With Magic
My name is Alexis Everette. I'm the only daughter of Earth's greatest hero. My dad is a normal man, but he's still my greatest hero. While he may be normal, I can bend the elements to my whim and have power over space and time. Of course, that's who I am at the end of the story. There's a lot I have to go through to get there. And even with all the power I gain... The world ends on a Tuesday. ... This is currently a completed story arc, though it's not the end. New updates are starting March 28, 2022. Actively updating. Mostly on Mondays/Thursdays. WARNING: FLAWED MC and not great early writing. Edits are on the list. ... *LitRPG-Isekai start with a return to Earth to stop the System apocalypse goal. Still a first draft, but with a bunch of edits from you guys thrown in. Thanks for that. Guaranteed updates on Monday and Thursday. This story is only available on RoyalRoad and my Patreon. If you find it anywhere else, please reach out to me. Thank you. Old cover provided by Asviloka. She's also does werds!Current cover provided by Fuyudust. Old synopsis "Hi, my name is Alexis," I say into the camera, as I attempt to calm my nerves."And I'm Sab," I hear my best friend add from beside me. It's good to have her there, it's been far too long."I'm trying to focus," I tell Sab as I look into the camera. Will anyone even watch this?"What, just cause I didn't get sent to another world, where magic and dragons are real, I don't get to be a part of this?" she questions me. I can hear the hurt in her voice. I wish she'd been there. Things might have been... different. I can't believe I thought it was a game. If it had been, she'd have been the better choice."I said I was sorry. It's not like I knew I was going to be kidnapped by the system," I lamely apologize. She deserves more, but this is important."Coming soon, to an earth near you," she might be making light, but I can hear the fear in her voice."It's not funny Sab. It really is coming," I can't help but reply to her words, even though I know she didn't mean it."Come on Lexi, it's a little funny." she tries while chuckling nervously."Sigh. Look, can we just get back to telling them?" I ask, pointing at the laptop."Sure, but first you should show them some magic," Sab declares while waving her arms around."I told you. It's not that simple. I only showed you because you could tell it wasn't fake. They'd just think it was special effects," or come after me to try to lock me in a basement."Yeah, well they're not going to believe you anyway. It sounds pretty crazy, even to me. And I've seen what you can do," she proclaims. I didn't think it was that special, but she was super impressed by my magical abilities."Maybe, but I have to try. We don't have much time," I state as I stop the recording, before starting a new one."Hello, my name is Alexis," I pronounce, projecting as much confidence as I can at the little camera."Remember, the world ends on a Tuesday."
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