《Volturi kings mate》25


Maya's pov:

After I was fully dressed and ready for the day, I walk back into my bedroom. With a deep breath I inhale the scent of my mates. I mean, yes I was the one who was angry at them, but I still miss them. They are my mates! A soft tap on my door let's me stop in my tracks. Did they come back already? No, they wouldn't! Right?

„Who is there?" i ask softly, unsure who it might be.

„It's me Pete along with Patrick. We weren't sure if you wanted to leave your room so I wanted to at least deliver you some breakfast." Pete's soft voice says. A smile appears on my face for his thoughtfulness. He really is such a sweet man and a really good friend! Instead of telling them to enter, I hurry to the door and open it up for them.

„Come on in you two." I say, already waving them in and shutting the door behind them.

„It's really nice to deliver me some food. I honestly was contemplating if I should go to you or not." I thank him and blush slightly at his knowing smirk.

„I heard you put your mates in line?" he giggles and wiggles his eyebrows at me. The giggles leave my mouth without my permission but his are to infectious! When we both calmed down from our giggle fit I ask them to please sit down with me and remove the lid Pete has draped over my food. My eyes went wide at seeing the overflowing plates. He even made me some hot cocoa with marshmallows and two different flavors of milkshakes!!

„You are incredible!!! Patrick you really are a lucky man!" I say in astonishment. Patrick smiles brightly at me and pulls his mate on his lap, nuzzling his neck. The younger man right away blushes at my compliment, the blush deepens even more as his mate shows his affection in front of me.


„He is the best thing that ever happened in my life and existence!" Patrick tells me, his eyes shining in love and honesty. That's exactly how it should be. Those two really are such a cute couple! I totally ship them!

„that's good to hear! Since I see Pete as one of my closest friend and I want him to be happy and loved! So I do hope you make sure that stays that way!" I tell him sternly. His smile even widens at my statement. I mean it's not a real surprise to them that I see Pete that way. Have told them about it a few times already.

„I will do my very best my queen!" Patrick says, the promise clear to hear in his voice. Nodding at him in satisfaction. Since that is out of the way now, I start to eat my wonderful breakfast. Pete has not only made me some waffles with chocolate and vanilla sauce, he also made me some ham and eggs. To the side he also added a fruit salad and the hot and cold beverages. He is an absolute incredible cook, easily five star material. No idea why he had chosen to work within the volturi? with his cooking skills, he could of easily worked wherever his heart would of desired.

„May i ask you why you decided to work within the volturi? Don't get me wrong, i am more than happy you did! It's just you are way to good to just cook here." I ask him since I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I also need a deflection from my mates. He looks surprised at my question, but after watching me for a few seconds he shrugs his shoulders.

„The volturi offered me a very good payment and back then I desperately needed the money. My parents died when I was seventeen, so I decided to step up and make sure my sister will be able to stay with me. That's why I needed money to provide for us and to show the children protective service that I can take care of my sister just fine. When I heard the volturi's were searching for a cook I right away wrote to them and delivered the letter to their secretary personally just to make sure it gets there right away." he says sounding a bit sad but he still smiles softly.


„Only a day later they asked me to show them my cooking skills, of course I jumped right in on that opportunity and cooked various things for them. To shorten the story, they were happy with what I delivered and I got employed." he ends with a thankful smile plastered on his lips.

„I am happy you got that position. Is your sister still living with you?" I ask really interested. The death of their parents must of been really hard on them and I think that would tighten their bond as siblings immensely. He looks at me, surprised I would ask, but I don't understand his confusion.

„Haven't you met Demetri's mate yet?" he asked me. Totally changing the theme, confusing me even more.

„No, I am afraid I haven't met his mate yet. He only told me about her since she was on some spa trip." I answer still confused but I also don't want to be nosy. It's his sister, so maybe he isn't ready to tell me about her just yet.

„Right, i totally forget about the spa trip." he says with a light giggle.

„Anyway, Corin, Demetris mate is my baby sister. They met as she once came with me to work since she wasn't feeling too good. The moment they saw each other, I knew that she is his mate. They took it slowly, getting to know each other a bit better before they deepened their relationship." he explains with a loving smile. Smiling at him as well, happy she has found love within Demetri. Also with her being his mate the two siblings will forever be able to be together. That's just amazing!

„Corin is special in a way." he says softly. Patrick quickly kisses his cheeks and muttering something to him I don't quit catch.

„She is a bit slow. Learning wise I mean. She is much more childlike than it's normal at her age. But Demetri seems to love that about her. He really is the best I could ever wish for her." he ends a bit unsure of my reaction. Only smiling at him with adoration.

„I would love to meet her. Do you think She would have time right now? Or anytime in the near future?" I ask him softly. Giving him the easy way out if he doesn't feel comfortable about me meeting her. To my surprise he right away nods excitedly at me.

„She will absolutely love to meet you as well. I have told her already a lot about you and she even asked me if she will ever be able to meet you too. So if you want to, we could go and meet up with her right away?" he says in a rush because of his excitement. Giggling at him I take another sip from my delicious milkshake before standing up.

„Lead the way than!" I say and off we went.

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