《Volturi kings mate》24


Maya's pov:

It has been a week since my mates have fully claimed me. The week has been the best one I ever had! My mates only left my side for one hour each day to hold the most important trials. That hour I always was spending with my children. They were really happy for me and even threatened my mates that if they hurt me they will hurt them. I only had giggled at the shocked expressions my mates had, but they also seem to understand the need of my kids to keep me safe. Ever since than they have fallen in a lovely relationship. My mates now really are treating them like their own kids and I love them for that. Today would be the first day my mates go back to work. It has been a lot on hold since they refused to leave my side longer than that one hour, so I am afraid I won't see them much the next few days. Sighing sadly at that realization. It was just so unbelievable amazing to have them nearly all the time next to me. They informed me that they had put a fourth throne into the throne room. Just so I could always sit in with them for any trials and also to tell everyone that they have found their mate. I honestly had no intent nor interest to watch any trials nor the executions. During the many I had seen and held myself, I had seen way more than enough of dead body's. Instead I decided to spent some time with Pete and Patrick. My wonderful children promised to come and spend some time with me also. But firstly they need to come back from yet another mission to do so.

„My love. What are you thinking about so hard?" marcus questions, kissing his big mark and making me moan.

„Don't do that all the Time!" i whine embarrassed. It feels like this is his new hobby, don't misunderstand me! I love when he does it! Really, really love it. But it's highly embarrassing when there are others around.


„Sorry my love, but my brothers and I just absolutely love that sound! He says with a smirk.

„That is true Princess! Your moans are so addicting!" caius says cheekily.

„Ugh! Don't you three have somewhere to go to? Trials to hold?" I ask them feeling like if I keep on blushing like that, my skin will be melting off of my face! Getting pulled into a hard chest with a low growl.

„Do you really want us to leave darling? Or should we stay here and show you just how much we love your moans?" aro asks me mischievously. Deciding to give them something of their own medicine.

„If you put it like that." I answer and bat my eyes at him seductively. One of my hands caressing is broad shoulder while I slowly get my face closer to his by pulling his head down to me. Instead of going for his lips I lean to his ear, biting into it knowing he always loves it when I do it.

„Maybe we can try that thing you have told me about. Daddy." I whisper and get pushed into the wall. Aro is squeezing me between him and the wall, his chest rumbling with a low growl.

„You are playing with fire darling!" he growls before kissing me heatedly. Loud knocks were coming from the door which is replied with three furious growls. Making whoever was standing out there scramble away. Giggling at my mates antics, scaring their poor coven family.

„That was not nice!" i gently scold them, even clicking my tongue in disapproval. They completely ignore my statement though. Insert huge pout here! Aro pushes his lips back on mine only pulling back when caius had enough of him hogging me up the whole time. His words, not mine!! So now caius is the one kissing me like a man starved. Hm, Maybe they really are going to stay a day longer here with me? That thought was however quickly washed from my brain as another round of way louder knocks were heard. This time the knocking not even stopping while my mates growl harshly and louder than before! The door gets thrown open by none other than caius. Pissed off that he got interrupted from whoever is standing outside. To my surprise nearly the whole higher up guards are standing outside. Everyone except my children since they were off on the mission.


„Masters, we deeply apologize for disturbing. But you gave strict orders to not stop until you leave this room and start to work again." Demetri says with finality. Another round of growls were coming from my mates but that's where I draw the line! They gave the orders, so no way are they going to growl at the ones who are following them.

„Stop That right now! How dare you growl at them!?" I asked them completely angry with them. They all looked completely shocked at my sudden outburst. The guards even more than my mates. Guess they all are not used to someone standing up for them, especially not against the kings.

„You are going to the thrones room and work as you are supposed to! And on the way there you can start apologizing to your guards! Especially since those are the ones you all trust the most!" I sternly tell my mates. My arms crossed in front of my chest, a deep scowl on my lips and an inpatient tap off my foot.

„We are Sorry for growling at you all. That was in no way called for." marcus says with his brothers nodding in agreement.

„That's better!" I tell them still angry at them. Not liking at all how they were treating their coven members and I will make sure that this will change as soon as possible! For me this coven is like a family. You always have people you are closer than others, but at the end of the day, I think we should all treat each other with respect, since we all live in this coven family. And family sticks together! No matter what!

„My love? We are sorry for growling at them. Please don't be mad at us any longer." marcus says softly with pleading eyes.

„You three better get going. I am sure your needed in the thrones room." I simply state and went to the bathroom.

„Princess? At least let us kiss you goodbye." caius begs through the closed door.

„I am not ready to forgive you yet." I simply say after I finish brushing my teeth. Rolling my eyes that they really think I will just say, sure let's kiss and completely forget it ever happened. They really have a lot more to learn about me!!

„Can we talk later about it darling? Maybe at lunchtime?" hearing the fright in aros voice hurts, but I can't step over my shadow. They wanted me to become the queen, and as such it's my job to make sure that everyone in this coven gets treated the way they deserve to get treated! I want everyone to know that they can come with their problems to me and that I will help them the best I can. So, to fulfill that, I need to show my mates how to act and how to talk with their coven members.

„maybe when you finished all your trials for this day." I say with finality. Hearing their heavy sigh on the other side of the door.

„Ok. If that is what you want, we will leave you for the times being. Please stay safe." they say together.

„We really are sorry my love." marcus adds sadly. Hating to hurt them by acting that way, but it's just too important to me.

„I love you." I whisper, at least that I can say. Their relieved breaths say it all.

„We Love you too!" they answer and shortly after, the door gets shut. Letting me know that they have left to do their job.

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