《Volturi kings mate》23


Maya's pov:

„Come on in." I say knowing he will be able to hear me. The shocked look on marcus face slowly changes into one of hunger and desire as he keeps on looking at my still wet body. Feeling a bit naughty and also with the thought of getting them to finally claim me as theirs. I slowly walk up to him, making sure to swing my hips a bit more than usually.

„Thank you my king." I whisper softly looking up into his eyes through my long lashes. This usually makes me look completely innocent which drives my mates crazy, that's what they told me so don't be mean to me for saying it!!! A rumbling growl comes out of his chest. Laying my hand on it, I can feel the vibration against my hand. Slowly I stand myself on my tippy toes and softly peck his lips.

„I will be right with you my king." I say and turn around to leave but a deep growl stops me where I stand. Guess I have awoken the dark side of my usually loving and calm marcus.

„We have been planning this whole day out, but if you don't behave right now we won't be leaving this room at all." he says darkly. His hands gripping my hips in a possessive manner and since I had only pulled the blanket around me in a haste, the blanket slowly untangles itself and falls off of my body. Letting me stay now completely naked and still wet from my shower in front of my growling mate.

„That's it!" he growls and simply picks me up before walking myself to my bed where he simply lets me fall. My body bouncing on the bed, while I slightly feel like I have accomplished something.


„What a very pleasing surprise!" aro says eying my body hungrily. Caius the always inpatient one is the first to bounce on me, his tongue already shoved in my mouth and his hands groping my breast's and caressing me wherever he can reach without breaking the kiss.

„Please tell us you are ready to be claimed princess!" he growls on my neck, placing kisses on it. From time to time even nipping on it which makes me whimper and moan in delight.

„Yeah! I am ready! So ready!" I say and suddenly get pounced by two more heavy body's.

„Are you sure my love? The second we start we won't be able to stop." marcus asks back to his sensible side. Nodding my head in agreement. My lips already getting devoured by aro, caius leaving a trail of kisses and small bites, of course making sure to not break my skin!

„Tell us Darling, Who would you like to go first? It's your choice!" aro questions but my head is already way too consumed by pleasure to even think straight, forget even trying to make any choices. A hand slowly caresses down my stomach, not stoping to move more and more south til it is right on my most sensitive spot. A loud moan leaves my mouth as fingers start to play with my clit. The coldness Of their skin adding even more to this sensation. More hands start to caress my body, mouths are on my neck my breast basically they are everywhere and I absolutely love it. Marcus pulls me into a heated kiss right at the same time as two finger get pushed into my entrance. Moaning into Marcus mouth allowing to deepen the kiss even more. Tasting his scent on my tongue, stealing my senses away even more.


„Decide my love. We won't be able to wait much longer." he growls before biting my neck hard but still not hard enough to draw blood. Two more fingers get pushed into me, my body rearing up. As a tongue suddenly is pushing into me as well, I can't hold back a scream of ecstasy as my body convulsed into an orgasm. I heard that it will wash everything away from you, but this is nothing like I thought or heard! My body is burning in need for my mates touch. For their kids, their body for everything they are willing to give me!

„Please!" i beg them. Not feeling like myself right now. The only thought that I can get is that I absolutely need them to make love to me, to finally claim me as theirs.

„Shh, my love! We will take such good care of you! Gonna make you cum so often for us. Fill you up with our seed. Just tell us who you want to go first. No one will hold a grudge to you. Just make a choice so we can finally mark you as fully ours!" marcus whispers into my ear. His lips brushing over my ear while he speaks. The four finger have never stoped to move in me. Caius is sucking my breast while his hand is squeezing the other one. Aro is the one with his fingers in me, his eyes completely black as he licks his still wet lips from me coming on him.

„So good, so sweet!" he growls while still staring into my eyes. Feeling my body turning bright red at his statement, caius stops his sucking right away and instead starts to suck on my clit. Screaming at the completely new but delicious sensation.

„Choose! Or we will do it all at once. We can't wait!" marcus growls trying hard to focus on his words. But the only thing that I understand is all of them. That's what I want, what I need!! I need them all! Frantically nodding at him before moaning even louder than before, since caius has apparently decided to add three of his fingers alongside aros fist.

„As you wish my love!" marcus growls before attacking my mouth heatedly!

Well, what shall I say? I had the best day and night of my life!! I don't even know how often they made me scream out in ecstasy from all their body parts. They made me feel so unbelievable loved the entire time! Their mating bites were also an extremely intense feeling. They did it all three at once! Marcus on my left neck, right on my sweet spot that now is even more sensitive. He even enjoyed it pretty much that he was able to make me cum just from kissing that spot once. I was absolutely embarrassed but he was quick to tell me that he loved my reaction. Aro has claimed my neck on the right and caius took it upon himself to bit my left chest right at the start of my breast. When I fell asleep it was to all my mates cuddling me tightly while they purr loudly as if they were singing a lullaby to me. In within seconds a was out like a light.

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