《Volturi kings mate》22


Maya's pov:

The rest of the day was really great! Pete has cooked some curry which I absolutely loved. Both of my children getting compliment after compliment on their new hair style. Finally they realize that I had only told them the truth as I said how amazing they were looking! The best reaction however was coming from Demetri. His, I always knew you two looked stunning, but now you really are rubbing it under our noses that you look way better than we do. I know for a fact that if my children were still able to blush, they would of been redder than red! The thing that made me feel the best though, was when my mates had complemented them. They even got out of a trial to look at my children since they heard that I had given them a once over. I felt really proud that they liked their new style as well. Demetri also informed me that even though my children always were my mates favorite, they now treat them differently. At first I was terrified that they might hate the idea of them being my kids but Demetri was quick to stop that thought. He goes on to explain that it looks like they have taken on a kind of fathering position for them. That made me feel all warm inside and my love for my mates grow even more. My biggest fear had been that my mates might try to subtly push my children away, but till now they haven't. And with what Demetri has told me, it looks like this would never happen.

„Should we bring you to your room mother? You look exhausted." alec questions quietly to not distract the other guards from the film we decided to watch. Feeling suddenly completely drained, I lift my arms up, not wanting to walk at all right now. Alec chuckles softly while picking me up carefully. The guards all wished me a good night so I wave at them with a smile on my lips. I cuddle closer into alec and feel my eyelids slowly falling shut. Something soft was suddenly around me and only seconds later a soft blanket gets draped over me as well.


„Can you stay?" I ask a bit ashamed but I dont want to be alone. My mates are still fulfilling their duty's of the rulers from the vampire world, so that means I would be completely alone once again.

„Of course we stay mother. Just go to sleep, we will stay with you." Jane says quietly. The bed tips a bit down, indicating that at least one of them got on it. Another tip was felt and than I am cuddled into both my children's chests. Sighing in delight of not being alone. They both start to purr again and that's the last I remember before darkness engulfs me.

„Thank you two for staying with our mate. We also want to thank you two for making her so happy whenever we can't." I hear aros quiet voice.

„Of course masters, we only want our mother to be happy and safe." the delicate voice from Jane says. Slowly opening my eyes, blinking a few times to get my surroundings clear.

„Good morning mother. Your mates have just arrived. My sister and I will have to leave now." alec says softly and kissing my cheek. He slowly scoots out of the bed where I now am laying alone.

„Thank you for staying sweethearts. That meant a lot to me." I say to my children that were just about to leave my room.

„Of course mother. We hope you enjoy the day with your mates!" Jane says and only seconds later the door falls shut with a quiet klick.

„Good morning my love! We are sorry we had to work for so long." marcus says and crawls up to me. Hmm, i mumble. Nuzzling my head in his neck and inhaling his calming scent with a smile.


„Missed you three." I mumble embarrassed for sounding so clingy and desperate. But to my defense, we as mates haven't had much time to ourselves and we only know each other for a short period of time. Not to forget the fact we haven't fully claimed one another yet. Maybe if the days goes well? I could take the first step? Let them decide if they want to go farther or not...

„What are you thinking about so hard princess?" caius growls in my ear. The shudder of awareness washes over me right away to their joy it seems.

„It's amazing how you react to us. We love it. We Love you!" aro says, caressing my neck with two of his fingers. Another shudder runs over my body. Hearing their chuckles I decide it's time to stand up. I need to shower and get myself ready for the day.

„What is that?" caius growls darkly as he grips my bracelet.

„From a lover?" he asks threateningly. Quickly shaking my head at him.

„No! I swear it's not!" I cry out. Why would he think I had a lover? I was waiting for my mates my whole existence!!

„Our mate is right brother! Our darling would never do something like that!" aro tells his brother sternly.

„I am sorry princess. It's just that I easily get jealous. My beast also isn't too keen on letting you wear some jewelry that isn't from us, your mates." caius apologizes and at the same time explains his action to me. Nodding at him, understanding where he is coming from. Since he was sitting on my bed, I slowly crawl to him and sat myself on his lap, straddling him. Pecking his lips before pulling back again even though I know he would of liked to deepen the kiss some more.

„It's a bracelet that shows the family bond between my children and I. I bought them the same, so please don't make me take it off." I softly explain and feel my desperate need for him to accept that. He pulls me into his broad chest whispering his apology's over and over. Saying he would of never reacted that way if he would of known. He also told me how he thinks it's a lovely idea for us to match that way. So after that storm had quickly passed by, I excused myself to get ready for the day. Marcus told me to just go ahead to the shower and that he will get me some clothes since they apparently have planned the day through. Giggling excitedly at the news, I run into the bathroom happy to spend some time with my mates. Just as I wrapped myself up in a bath towel, there is a small tap on the door.

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