《Volturi kings mate》21


Mayas pov:

Turning around I see both my beautiful children standing in the doorway. A smile automatically pulls on my face. Not being able to contain the relief of them being back unharmed, I quickly hug them tightly.

„I was so worried my sweethearts!" I whisper softly, not wanting anyone except those two to hear that statement. The don't answer me vocally, instead they cuddle even closer into me. Well to be honest it's them pulling me into their chest since the two are bigger than me. That however isn't unusual since I am really small.

„Shall we bring you back to your room mother?" Jane asks me softly. Caressing her soft face before kissing both of their foreheads.

„Why don't we go to one of your rooms? We could go through the hair products if you would like?" i question them in return. Wanting to spend some quality time with them. I could read later on anyway. They look at me with wide smiles, happily nodding their heads in reply. Giggling at their joyous faces, I take one of each their hands and start to lead them to their rooms.

„That is a really beautiful bracelet mother." Jane complements while softly caressing said bracelet. Alec quickly asks if he may also see it, and of course I let him. Happy that both of them seem to like it really much. Feeling happiness bubble up at the realization, at least I now know they will like their little present.

„I took the liberty to bring the products to each of your rooms. Hopefully you aren't mad for entering without you being there." I softly say, kind of knowing that they won't have a problem with it. Especially if their still smiling faces don't change into frowns or something along the line.

„That was really nice of you mother. I really appreciate it." alec answers before kissing my cheek lovingly.

„You two are very welcome." I giggle.

„So in which room would you like to go to?" I question as we stopped in the hallway right next to their separate rooms.


„why don't we go in my room?" Jane asks. After our agreement she softly pulls me to her room while alec rushes to pick up his products. I tell Jane that I will be waiting in her little living room area. Wanting for her to find her present on her own just like her brother surely just did. The door gets pushed open and I am tuckled into a tight hug from my sweet boy.

„Thank you so much!" he whimpers out nuzzling my neck. His grip is pretty tight but I don't care. The only thing I do care for, is that he is seeking comfort in me and I am more than willing to offer it to him.

„Mother?" Jane whimpers from the bathroom door. She is holding her bracelet to her chest, her other hand is holding the letter seemingly just as tightly. Smiling softly at my daughter I open up the second arm, and of course she right away nuzzled on the opposite side as alec just did.

„It's ok my lovely's. I just wanted to tell and show you how much you mean to me. You are my children and i love you dearly!" i softly tell them. Their whimpers slowly seem to subside, but they still keep on clinging onto me.

„No one ever showed us so much love than you have ever since you came here mother. And I promise i will treasure this letter and the bracelet for the rest of my existence." alec says so softly I nearly didn't hear it even though he was talking right next to my ear. Smiling at those two amazing children, my children. I still can't believe how incredible lucky I got to find not only my three mates but also my two beloved children.

„Shall I help you two with putting it on?" I ask them just as softly. Definitely not ready to let this precious moment pass by. They nod against my neck, making me giggle at the tickling effect. They smile softly at me, now sitting next to me on each side. I carefully put the bracelets on their wrists, first alec and than Jane.


„I asked an old friend to make them for me. It's a special material that no one other than yourselves can reopen. So you won't have to worry if it will rip during a fight." I inform them and see their smiles getting even bigger at that information.

„That is awesome mother! I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything! You always are so caring and loving towards my sister and I." alec says, his eyes shining in honesty and love. My chest literally warms up, my heart offering even more space for those two very special vampires.

„My brother is right mother! We are so thankful that we finally have a mother that actually loves us. Thank you mother!" Jane adds her own piece of mind. Feeling my eyes glistening with tears of pure joy and thankfulness for those two.

„I am the blessed one here. Since eternity I have been always alone. I did make a few friends, but never had I allowed myself to dream about getting a family. And here you two are, my beautiful children! I love you two so much, I hope you will never forget that!" I tell them, tears rolling down my cheeks. Alec and Jane are quick to wipe the tears off of my face, going back to nuzzling my neck and purring softly. When I finally was able to calm myself down, their constant purring playing a huge part in that, I decide it's time to show my children how to use the products they were so intrigued with.

„This one is really easy baby boy. Just take a small piece of the hair wax, then you rub it onto a few fingers, like that." I say and at the same time showing him. He follows my direction and when he was ready I go on to explain how he simply needs to run his fingers through his fringe. With a joyous shout he looks at the mirror in front of him. His hair having now a way more put together look, it also doesn't fall into his eyes any longer.

„That is amazing! Thank you mother!" my lovely son says and kisses my cheek in thanks. I only smile at him, happy he is that happy for something this simple!

„Now to you sweetheart. I am afraid braiding isn't as easy as your brothers hairstyle, but I know you will learn it in no time." I say encouragingly since Jane looks pretty unsure. Slowly I explain her the different types of braiding and I have to say she is an absolute natural! Within about twenty minutes she is braiding like a pro!

„That's Great Sweetheart. It's not that hard is it?" I ask her as she looks at her reflection with wonder and shock. Just as I was about to try to say something she suddenly jumps up and down in glee.

„That looks amazing! Thank you mother! Thank you so much!!" she says and hugs me tightly before kissing my cheek.

„You two always looked beautiful! But I understand it's quit a change those simple products made. You both finally seem to see how absolutely breathtaking you really are." I complement them honestly. They always are so unsure of themselves, but right now they look proud of their looks. Once again I am pulled into a hug from the two of them. My growling tummy however makes them pull away rather quickly.

„Should I get you some food or would you prefer to walk to the kitchen and eat there?" Jane asks me still smiling brightly. Honestly I would of preferred to stay in, but I do want them to present their new hair styles, so the kitchen it is.

„Let's Go. I am really curious what Pete has cooked this time." I answer and link my arms with each of my children.

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