《Volturi kings mate》20


Maya's pov:

Strong arms suddenly pull me into a protective and wide chest. Seeing both Patrick and Pete smiling softly before excusing themselves from the room. My chair gets slowly turned around and I come face to chest to one of my amazing mates.

„Did you abandoned your brothers?" I ask marcus with a small giggle.

„Nope. I told them that I wanted to look how you are doing. We also needed to leave so suddenly earlier on that we didn't even had the time to introduce you to Patrick." he answers and kisses my forehead, my cheeks, my nose and my chin. Pouting at his actions, why doesn't he give me a real kiss?

„I think you missed!" I tell him still pouting a little. Slowly he leans closer towards me, but just before his lips touch mine he stops. The anticipation building up more and more until I can't take it anymore and just kiss him with all the love I feel for him. He may teases me from time to time but I love him so much.

„I love you!" I tell him, still not ready to pull away from him. So I lay my forehead against his with my eyes still closed. Enjoying his closeness and this intimacy with him right now.

„I love you my love. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and my brothers." he whispers back with love. My cheeks right away get warm, like always when my mates complement me on something.

„Can you please open your eyes now my love? I miss your baby blue eyes already." he asks me softly and of course I open them right away! Who would be able to not do as their mate asks them to do? I sure as hell can't!

„There my love is." he whispers. His tone so soft, it feels like a warm and comforting embrace. Marcus always has that kind of aura around him that soothes my whole being and makes me concentrate on him and my other two mates completely. With the exception of my children of course!! No one would be able to get me too distracted that I would forget about them. They are just way too important to me.


„When do you think are my children along with Demetri, Felix and the others coming back?" I ask marcus slightly afraid something might have happened to them. They said it only was a very small coven they were going after, so it's confusing that they haven't gotten back already.

„They are fine my love. Aro and caius were just saying that they are on their way back now as I excused myself to look for you." he answers me and soothingly caresses my back. A sigh of relief leaves my lips. At least now I know that I will get them back in one piece again.

„How much more work do you and my other two mates have for the rest of the day?" I ask him and nuzzle my head into his neck. Taking a deep breath of his addicting sent.

„I am afraid we will have to work through till 5 am. So nearly fourteen more hours. I really am sorry my love. We wished we could be done with everything already to spend some more time with you." he answers in apology. A small whimper leaves my lip even though I tried to not let it be heard. It hurts to be away from them for so long. But I do understand that it's their job and that this is what keeps everyone around here happy and safe. So I have to suck it up, they can't change who they are and what their jobs are.

„I am so very sorry my love." he apologizes with regret. His arms pulling me closer into his body, seemingly not ready to let me go just as much as I am not ready to let him leave again.

„I understand. It's your jobs your duty to keep us all safe. Understandable that there are some sacrifices to ensure that." I try to sound as normal as I can. But on the inside I feel like crying my eyes out. I don't even understand why it hurts so bad to not have them glued to my side the whole time. Normally mates only feel pain when they are apart for a longer period of time and not only a few hours.


„I am sorry that it hurts you so much. It should be our sacrifices and not you being in so much pain." marcus says with a heavy sigh. Strange, he normally never sighs. At least I haven't heard him sigh ever before. But than again, we don't know each other for that long.

„Why does it hurt anyway? Isn't it supposed to only hurt after days not seeing each other? So why does it feel like that after not seeing you for a few hours?" I ask him the question that I was asking myself the whole time. Maybe he does have a reasonable answer on that.

„My guess is that it is more intense since you are mates to three vampires. But that is only my guess, I am afraid I don't know for sure why it is that way." he says kissing the top of my head a few times and swaying us from side to side. Hmm, i mumble out in answer and understanding. Not really an intelligent answer but an answer none the less.

„Master Marcus, i am afraid you are needed back in the thrones room." Patrick says after knocking on the kitchen door. Guess the two males have shut the door after leaving the kitchen to give my mate and me some privacy. Another sigh leaves Marcus lips, his eyes shining in sadness as he sees my dull eyes starring back at him.

„I will send your children to you when they come back from their mission. Maybe we could hold off the most of the trials a bit faster than normal so we be free tomorrow to spend the whole day with you my love. I won't be able to promise, but I at least can promise to try to do so!" he says before kissing me a few more times with so much love and passion that my heart skips a few beats. When he has left Pete and Patrick walk back in with sad smiles.

„I am sorry you miss your mates so much. If there is anything that would help, please tell me! I would like to help!" Pete voices softly and hugging me in reassurance that everything is going to be fine.

„That is really nice of you, but I am afraid there is nothing anyone could do about it. Thanks for the offer though! I really do appreciate it." I answer him softly.

„I will go back to my room now. Patrick you can stay here with Pete. I won't go anywhere, just going to lay down and rest or read a bit." I tell them not wanting to pull them apart as well. It's already bad enough that I am away from my mates, no need for someone else going through the same thing as I am.

„Our mother is right Patrick, spend some time with Pete. Jane and I will keep our mother company." alecs voice suddenly says from behind me.

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