《Volturi kings mate》19


Maya's pov:

Since a guard came after a few hours of fun in the garden, I now am back alone in my room. My mates were requested to finish up the rest of the trials so I didn't held them back. Thought I would of preferred it to spend some more time with them. Sighing a bit lost, not really knowing what I should be doing now. Remembering that Felix said that someone would pick up my new clothes, I hurry into the dressing room with new found excitement. That right away lessen and instead internally grinch at the system my poor clothes got put in. They are completely chaotic! Shaking my head in frustration, well, at least I have something to do now. I start with the long sleeves since i don't have that much of them. Gradually I get my walk in closet in pristine order again. When I put the last dress in the correct place, I smile at my work. This is way better!! Every item where it belongs and color coordinated, just like I love it!! Looking towards the bathroom, I see that they have put all the bought hair products there. Well, I guess I should bring them to my children where they belong. How comes they just put it in my bathroom? This is kind of strange! Anyway, I grab the few items I have bought for my children, also grabbing the small bracelets I asked an old friend to make for the both of them as well as one for me. I do hope they will like it! It has the word family bond engraved. Maybe it is too early to give them something so meaningful, but I need for them to know that I meant it when I said I love to be their mum! When I open the door, I come face to chest with an unknown guard. He is incredible tall!! Even taller than Felix and that says a lot!!

„My queen! How may I help you? Would you like to go to the kitchen?" he asks me a bit afraid that he needs to talk with me. When I giggle, he seems to be slightly embarrassed for his rambling.


„I am fine. Thank you...." I trail off, wanting to get his name.

„Patrick. My name is Patrick my queen!" he says and bows in respect.

„It's nice meeting you Patrick. I would like to go to my children's rooms. I got some things for them when we were shopping earlier. Would you like to accompany me?" I say with a soft smile, feeling like he is a bit shy and afraid of doing something wrong.

„I would appreciate it since I got assigned as your guard for the time being seeing your mates are still doing trials and the other higher up guards are out on missions." he answers me. Obviously relieved I let him accompany me willingly. Nodding at him in reassurance before starting my walk to janes and Alec's room. When I stop in front of them I ask Patrick to please wait outside since I don't know if my children would like the thought of someone else in their rooms. I place the hair products in their separate bathrooms. With an after thought I decide to write them a short but loving letter. Adding the bracelets along with the letters in an envelope and leaning it on their mirrors. With another look at the placement from the few items, I nod in satisfaction and leave their rooms yet again.

„Can we go and visit Pete in the kitchen now? Or do you need to be somewhere?" I ask Patrick. He seems to brighten right up at the mention of Pete. Hmm, interesting!

„No where to be my queen! My instructions are to make sure you are safe and well taken care off." he answers when we start to walk towards the kitchen. I can already smell something sweet in the air and that even though we are still pretty far away from the kitchen!! So Pete surely is baking some of his masterpieces!

„So Patrick, tell me about yourself." I encourage the silent Gigant walking to my right. He looks at me in surprise and slight shock. Guess he didn't thought I would care enough to talk with him. Thinking about it, till now pretty much all of the vampires and humans around here where shocked whenever I talked to them willingly. Strange!


„what would you like to know about me my queen?" he asks trying to hide his surprise. Giggling at him and his shyness.

„Don't know, anything you are willing to share wit me." i softly say not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. Quit the opposite is my goal, I want him to losen up around me.

„I am afraid there is nothing interesting to tell about me. The only thing that is worth telling is that I found my mate a few months ago. Since he was and still is a part of the volturi i asked to join them as well and luckily I got permission to do so!" he says and smiles brightly at the mention of his mate.

„Let me take a wide guess here. Your mate is Pete!?" I say with a hopeful smile towards him. He stops right in his track and looks at me in fright and panic.

„He is my queen. Please don't make me leave him. I know it is uncommon since he still is human and we are two males but I love him. I am begging you my queen!" he rushes out, his eyes glistening with tears. His voice was laced in sheer panic.

„Why would I do something like that? I think you two are a really cute pair! And about your worry since you are two males, who cares!? If you are mates you are destined to love each other no matter what! Many will also think it's strange that I am mated to three males, but that is their opinion." i softly tell him and shrug when I see he brightens back up a bit.

„In my eyes, I am sure we all get paired with the one person that completes us, the one that makes us the best version of our self. It's like our souls are bound together, no matter the gender or race or like in my case, to how many we are mated to." I tell him a bit cheekily however making sure that he understands that I really mean what I just said. He looks so relieved it really is heartwarming.

„You are an incredible queen, my queen! Thank you!" he answers me. Feeling my chest warm up in proudness that someone thinks I am a good queen. Hugging him quickly in thanks for saying that, before stepping back again with a bright blush. Feeling a bit embarrassed for hugging him like that.

„Sorry, i get excited easily." I say and hear him chuckle at me.

„That's fine my queen. Let's get to the kitchen now. I am sure my mate has already baked or cooked something amazing for you." he says and we walk the last few hallways to the kitchen. The second we enter the kitchen I hear a loud squeal from Pete. He has cuddled himself right into Patrick's strong arms which makes him nearly getting completely swallowed by his huge form.

„You two are so cute together!" I squeal in total glee! Always loving to see happy couples, even more so now since I have found my own mates. Pete looks shocked, than surprised and finally blushing bright red.

„My queen, would you like something to eat or drink?" Pete questions with a small bow. Shaking my head at him.

„How often have I told you to just call me Maya? And if it is alright with you i would make myself a milkshake." i ask him with small frown on my face. Pete is a really good friend, at least I see him as such. So I don't like it when he calls me his queen.

„My apology Maya, it's just a habit. And of course you are free to take whatever your heart desires or try anything you want." Pete says and smile at me. I shoo him and Patrick to the side and start to make myself a milkshake. After it finally tastes the way I like it, i sit myself to the two lovebirds where we enjoy an hour or two with lots of laughter.

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