《Volturi kings mate》18


Mayas pov:

When we reached the spot next to the wonderful smelling rose bushes, Marcus sits down the basked and lays the pretty big blanket in between the flowers. He as well as my other two mates take a seat and I sneakily crawl out of caius lap and onto marcus. His surprised smile makes me giggle and softly kiss his lips.

„Thanks for carrying my food!" i thank him and cuddle closer into his chest.

„Of course my love. How about we look what our dear Pete has packed for you." he softly says and grabs the fully packed basket. Seeing one of Pete's most famous tls sandwich I squeal in delight. Hearing chuckling, I look up to see all of my three mates chuckling at me. Not understanding why they are chuckling like that? Did I do something funny?

„It's nothing darling! It just brings us immense joy to see you this happy about some simple sandwiches." aro explains with an honest smile on his face. Nodding at him, relieved that they weren't laughing at me but with me. A hand with a sandwich in it appears in front of my eyes. Clapping my hands in glee, I happily take the offered sandwich from caius outstretched hand.

„Thank you." I say before taking a big bite from the absolutely delicious sandwich. Pete really is an incredible cook and baker!!

„You guys made an incredible good job by offering Pete a job within this coven!" I tell them. They at first look shocked at my simple statement but than they smile in relieve.

„We are happy to hear that darling! Pete is with us for a few years now and we never have seen him this happy like he is since you got here. He seems to enjoy it pretty greatly to cook and bake for you." aro answers me with a chuckle. His eyes though shine in happiness and relieve that I appreciate their chosen cook.

„Princess, May we know from where you know Ivan? Felix did inform us that you helped his mate once?" caius questions after I have finished my sandwich with a satisfied sigh. Looking at them in thought. Should I really tell them the whole story? On the other hand aro surely has seen in Ivan's memories what had happened back than. Biting my lip in thought like i always do ever since I can remember. That is till a soft and cold finger slowly pulls my lip free from in between my teeth's. Blushing at aros intense stare on my lips. Clearing my throat a bit, to get his attention away from them and instead on what I am going to say. It isn't a bad story, so why not tell them what had happened.


„it was about 208 years ago when I heard whimpering coming from a pretty vacant beach. So being the curious person that I am, I decide to see who might be in use of some help." I slowly start, playing with Marcus long fingers while talking.

„When I came in sight with a pretty young looking woman and five huge and creepy looking vampires, I right away knew I had to interfere. So I did!" i go on with a small shrug. They might think i am crazy for doing it, but I always had a huge need of helping the weaker ones and punish the bad guys so to speak.

„I made my presence known by throwing two of the guys against each other so they couldn't fight any longer. Two of the others were shocked and attacked me." I say and immediately am stopped from three furious growls. Marcus pulling me even tighter into his broad chest. So I nuzzle my head into his neck, knowing this will help him calm down again.

„I am safe, no need to worry about me my Kings." I softly say. They seem to enjoy my nickname since their growls quickly change into pleased purrs. Loving that sound, I decide to let myself enjoy a few more minutes of their purring before going on with my story. They also scooted closer towards Marcus at least their breaths on my back and next to my neck tell me this much.

„Can you go on my love? My brothers and I need to know what happened with those filthy vampires that dared to come near you." Marcus softly asks, so I of course go on with my explanation!

„I quickly killed them by beheading them. Having the gift of alighting fire with my hands I also set them on fire as well, just to be sure that they won't come back. They were screaming for a few seconds before there were only ashes back. Since the first two slowly got back up on their feet I repeated the same treatment to them as well." I say and take a few deep breaths. Still feeling ashamed that I concentrated my whole attention on those four. Because of that, the fifth and last one of them was able to creep up to innocent little Elisa and ripped her arms off of her.


„Princess? It's ok. Please don't cry! We are sorry for asking! You don't have to continue." caius says with a pained voice. Shaking my head at him. I need to finish this. It did end good, but this is the part I always hated the most!

„When I finally set my eyes back on the last one standing, I saw he had ripped Elisa's arms off. He was just getting ready to rip her head off as well but that's when I saw red! I was so furious that he would even think of doing it, that i made his head explode." I end quietly. afraid they might hate me now at how violent I was and what I actually can do with my gifts.

„That's Good to hear darling! Those vampires got what they had deserved! I am very proud you could handle yourself so well!" aro tells me honestly. Feeling relieved and happy that they didn't turned their backs on me for doing that. Not only are they fine with it, they even are proud off me for doing it! They still keep on looking at me with love shining in their eyes and sweetly touching my cheek, my back and arms. Feeling content! That's the only word to describe my feelings right now. Content and unbelievable happy and grateful for my mates!

„Anyway, to finish the story. I got Elisa her arms back, but since I had no blood on me and I can't let any vampires feed from me. I instead used my healing gift on her to assure she would survive and still have both arms. In that moment Ivan came running towards us. He was out hunting and only than realized his mate was missing. Ever since then he is calling me your highness, and thanking me for saving his mate. I still am in contact with them so after hearing that they had troubles with another coven I was frightened for them. Especially since I know sweet Elisa could never purposefully hurt anyone and Ivan would happily die to safe her." i end my explanation. My mates watch me with astonishment and love.

„You know my love, I always knew you are way to good for us. But after hearing this story. it really shows how unbelievable unworthy we are of such an angel!" marcus says with self loathe. Looking at him completely shocked! How can he say that? The three of them are the ones who deserve someone better than me! Not the other way around!

„My brother is right princess. But I promise you, we will try the rest of our existence to get worthy of you! Till than I am selfish enough to say, that I don't care how unworthy we may are, that we won't let you leave us! Not now and not ever!" caius states and softly kisses both of my cheeks before kissing my lips softly. Blushing right away again at his show of affection.

„That's right darling. We will do everything in our power to make you stay with us." aro adds and kisses me a bit more passionately. When he pulls away from my lips, I am quick to straddle Marcus lap to kiss him as well. Can't kiss only two of my mates, now can I!?

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