《Volturi kings mate》17


Maya's pov:

Alec drove right into the underground park garage. Felix is already waiting for us there when we stop the engine.

„Master aro asked me to bring you all to the throne room right away. Heidi and Samantha are picking up your shopping bags so you won't need to worry about them." he tells us before leading us towards the thrones room where my mates surely were waiting for us. The new receptionist greets us in fluent Italien, however other than me, no one greeted her back or even acknowledged her existence. Two lower guards opened the huge double doors the second they see us approaching, so we right away enter the thrones room. My mates smile at me lovingly before nodding at Felix and Demetri which seems to tell them to stand next to Jane and Alec. So now I am sandwiched by all four guards. Feeling my chest warming up in appreciation for my mates, that obviously want to make sure that I am well protected.

„Ivan, it's nice to see you again. Even though our dear Felix informed us already that it is no pleasant reason for you to come here. May i see for myself?" aro says while standing up. He slowly makes his way towards Ivan who looks imitated but determined none the less. Without any hesitation he lays his hand into my mates. Aro like always closes his eyes to concentrate on what his memories will show him. When he lifts his head back up, he looks right at me with astonishment.

„It appears Ivan and his mate had already the pleasure of meeting you over a hundred years ago darling. I am happy you were able to help Elisa, she is such a sweet girl." aro tells me with a small nod my way.

„For the matter at hand right now though, we of course will offer our help. You and your mate never have broken any rules and always honored everyone within the volturi coven. So we will send some of our higher ranked guards out to deal with the new coven close to your home. I do hope you also know that you could always relocate back to Italy. We would welcome you here with open arms. Within the volturi or if you prefer as your own little coven, whatever you would prefer." aro than tells Ivan that looks unbelievable relieved. His smile looks brighter than the sun right now. No wonder thought, he just got the news that his mate and him would be safe now.


„Thank you so much my king! I will talk with my mate about your really generous offer." Ivan say with a deep bow in front of all three of my mates.

„Of Course Ivan! If you would wait outside for a few minutes? We will assign some guards right away so this coven can get dealt with within the next few hours!" caius says which seems to surprise Ivan quit a bit. He however was still too happy to say anything about it. Instead he thanked them all once again and than said his good byes to me. He also thanked me yet again for saving his mate years ago. The second he has left the room, Marcus scoops me up into a tight and comforting hug.

„It's nice to have you back in my arms my love." he softly says while peppering kisses all over my face, which of course makes me giggle hysterically. When I finally am able to breath normal again and my giggles have subdued, all of my mates as well as my children and the two guards look at me in pure wonder. My cheeks quickly getting incredibly warm, letting me know that I am blushing crimson red at their intense stares.

„You look so stunning right about now. And don't even get me started on those addicting sounds that have just left your mouth." caius voices, his huge hand softly caressing my blushing cheeks.

„Demetri, Felix, Jane and alec please get Santiago and Claudio. The six of you will accompany our dear Ivan back to Spain. The whole coven there was not only threatening them, but also didn't care much about the laws so people start to get suspicious about their behavior. Take care of them and than come back." aro instructs the four highly trained guards. At hearing the news I slightly flinch, not liking the fact that my children will have to face such a dangerous situation once again. Marcus seems to understand right away and loosens his tight hold on me. I right away run towards my children, quickly hugging them tightly, kissing their foreheads and telling them to please be careful and to come back to me in one piece. They do promise to do so and softly kiss my cheeks in farewell.


„Demetri and Felix? You two be careful as well, I won't be happy if I lose any of you." I tell the other two slightly frowning guards. Both of them look pretty shocked that I would even care for them as well. Their shy smiles also hint that way. At least they know now! They do seem happy that someone would care for their well being as well. So maybe I should start to spend more time with them all together? Maybe a movie night or something like that?

„Of course my queen." they bow and than leave the room all together.

„So, anything you would like to do now? Or do you have some more trials to do?" I ask my mates after the doors have fallen shut again. They look at me with soft smiles adoring their lips.

„We are finished for the day princess. How about we go to the kitchen and ask Pete to pack some sandwiches and some snacks and than have a small Picknick out in the garden? Would you like that?" caius questions with shining and hopeful eyes. My enthusiastic nod seems to be answer enough since aro simply picks me up while they all chuckle. Their chuckles really sound so lovely and give me such a giddy and warm feeling in my chest and stomach area. We reach the kitchen only seconds later, at least it feels like it to me.

„Masters, my queen. How may I help you?" Pete asks after bowing in respect. His soft smile however still on his lips. Ever since I complemented him on his cooking he always seems to be overjoyed to see me.

„We were thinking of taking our mate out for a Picknick. Would you please pack some snacks and sandwiches for that?" marcus says to which Pete nods right away and starts to pull out a few different ingredients. My mates have taken a seat in the same spot we sat on my first day here. Me still in aros arm, well now on aros lap but who wants to be this exact. I lay my head on his hard chest and sigh in pure delight. There is nothing that feels more like home than being this close with all three of my mates.

„Have you found some clothes to your liking my love?" marcus asks me, after a few minutes of silence.

„I did, thank you for the credit card by the way. You really didn't have to give me one." I thank them a bit embarrassed of nearly forgetting to thank them for their generosity.

„Of course princess! We want to spoil you rotten! So maybe we even shopped a few things for you as well today." caius states and winks at me, of course making me giggle yet again. I seriously hate the fact that I always giggle, especially so easily. But my mates seem to enjoy that sound a lot, so maybe it isn't that bad.

„My Kings, my queen. Your food is ready. I also allowed myself to add a blanket to sit on." Pete softly informs us.

„Thank you Pete! That is really nice of you!" I thank him with an honest smile. Even all three of my mates smile in thanks. Aro once again picks me up, this time however caius snatches me away from him and instead carries me now. Marcus My always quiet and observant mate only shakes his head at his brothers antics and takes the Picknick basket Pete hands him along sight the mentioned blanket. Giggling quietly at caius and aros bickering about them stealing me from the other one.

„If you won't stop to argue I am going to ask marcus to carry me instead." I softly threaten them. They right away shut up much to Marcus dismay. He even whines at that, telling me that in the future I should just go to him instead of saying anything. His wink however lets me giggle since I know he isn't completely serious about it.

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