《Volturi kings mate》16


Mayas pov:

The day till now was absolutely perfect! I don't even remember when I had this much fun throughout my whole existence!! My children were just so sweet and caring but also always so guarded as if they never had any good experience with people. So the best thing in this whole day till now are the times they seem to relax and enjoy themselves. Till now I have bought a few clothes for the both of them. To my utter shock both of them had no experience with much hair products. I also only realized it after I ask alec why he doesn't get some hair wax to prevent his hair from falling in his eyes the whole time. He looked so utterly confused, just like his sister Jane. So I made it my mission to buy every item they will need and maybe a bit more but who cares. Also adding a few hair ties and clips for my precious Jane since she whispered in shame that she has no idea how to do anything with her hair except put it in a bun or a ponytail. I also softly informed them on how I will show them how to use everything and that I can't wait to learn them everything I know! They seem relieved that I didn't scold them or made fun out of them. Why should I thought?! Or why would anyone do anything like that!? It's simply not their fault that they have no idea of those things. No one took the time out of their day to show my wonderful children how to use those things, but I will do that. Even do it with a wide smile on my lips and real excitement. I always loved to make cute hairstyles, so being able to show my children is a huge plus in my books. When we get out of yet another clothing store, we decided to make a small trip back to the car since our hands are getting pretty full already. Just as we were only a few more cars away my children suddenly halter my steps and look a bit cautiously to our parked car. I was just about ready to ask them what they were seeing that worries them so much when Felix and Demetri walk out of an near by alleyway. They nod at us shortly before walking up to our car.


„Excuse me sir. May we know what you are doing on my car?" Demetris deep voice asks threateningly. Alec and Jane have taken a few small steps closer to me so they now are kind of shielding me from the one at the car.

„What is going on sweethearts?" I ask softly. They weren't answering me right away, instead they seem to overthink how to tell me in the best way.

„A Vampire from another coven was leaning on our car. We didn't part on good terms with them, so since we wont ever put you in any possible harms way, we stopped." alec softly explains. He now looks more relaxed since the other two vampire guards have appeared.

„Which coven than? Maybe I do know them?" I ask interested. It's not like I know many vampires personally but names never seem to leave my mind.

„Ivan, he once was in a small coven in Italy. The coven however formed a newborn army in the hope of eliminating our coven. We did get warned by your friend Carlisle. His daughter, Alice has seen the vision of them coming to attack us, so we quickly overpowered them before they could turn even more humans." Jane explains after sighing deeply. That kind of sounds not good at all, but if they where breaking their laws and try to attack the volturi, how comes there still are some of them alive? They seem to right away guess my thoughts since Alec goes on to inform me how they killed every member except two young ones since they refused to fight us. Aro also found out that they weren't happy with the choices their coven leader were making but they were too afraid to simply leave. That's why they were given another chance. Since this day, no one of our coven have seen either of them again. Rumor had it that they were living in Spain now. But no one knew for sure. Hmm, thinking about it I did once come upon a vampire near Spain. It however was a small and fragile female. Her mate was introduced to me as well, but it was so short after a heavy battle that I didn't really concentrated on him much. My focus was on the badly wounded female.


„So you don't think he would try to hurt us?" I ask them, needing to make sure. It did sound like he was a pleasant person but there are people out that can act so good that they could fool pretty much everyone.

„I don't think so. But like my brother already explained mother, we didn't wanted to take the risk of losing you or getting you hurt. That is a thought neither of us would like to have, nor would we want to see it coming alive." Jane quietly says. Smiling at their concerns. I have no idea how anyone can look at them and describe them as mean. They are so lovable and sweet, always looking out for one another and everyone they care for. Kissing their foreheads softly before we slowly start to move forward to the car.

„Maya! It is so nice to see you again your highness!" Ivan says slightly bowing in respect. Finally able to look at him, I realize that this Ivan is in fact the mate of the female I once safed.

„Ivan, pleasure to see you as well. How is your mate, Elisa doing?" I ask him with honest interest. The small female was such a sweetheart and kind of reminds me of Renesmee after meeting the little toddler. His face brightens up immensely at the mention of his mates name. My children along with the other two guards look on confused and slightly alarmed. Waiting for any movement that might put me in danger.

„Elisa is doing very Well. Thank you for asking. I do have to thank you for that your highness. If you wouldn't of been there that day." he starts to answer before he gets chocked up, his eyes filling with tears

„It was nothing Ivan. I am just happy the both of you are still going strong." I say, softly squeezing his hand in encouragement.

„I am afraid we need to get Ivan to our masters now. He requested to see them." Felix says with his usual calm tone. Frowning slightly at that information. I thought they are both doing fine? So why does he need to see the three kings?

„I thought you guys are fine?" I ask worried that something might be wrong that he wasnt able to say beforehand. He however quickly shakes his head to calm me down again.

„I promise you my highness that we are doing perfectly fine. We however heard of another way bigger coven, that we need to relocate. They insist that if we don't leave within the next two weeks they would attack us." he says and slightly frowns in the end. The guards, my children and I all look shocked and pissed at the audacity the other coven has. How dare them!?

„Would it be ok for the two of you if we drive back to the castle now? I really would like to accompany Ivan when he presents his case to my mates." I ask my children in apology. They simply nod in understanding.

„Of course mother. We already were out for nearly five hours now anyway." alec says with his sister nodding along, both smiling at me. So we all get into the car, except Felix who instead ran towards my mates to inform them on their new case coming towards them. No doubt also telling them that I knew Ivan and what this meeting was about.

„Where is Elisa staying while you are here? Not that they try anything while you are gone!" I ask Ivan on the drive back. He smiles at me, surely understanding my worry.

„I called your friend Carlisle to ask him to please stay with her while I present our case to the volturis. He arrived a few hours ago with two of his sons, emmet and Edward. They promised to look after her till I get back." he explains and I feel really relieved at this news. At least now I know for sure that she will be safe since those three definitely will look out for the sweet vampire.

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