《Volturi kings mate》15


Maya's pov:

Taking another few deep breaths. trying really hard to calm myself down the best I can, because right about now I feel like I am going to vomit in sheer panic! When I fold the paper open, I right away see the elegant handwriting. The letters are nicely designed, like you see in those really old books. Knowing it is from one of my mates, my heart flutters at the thoughtfulness of a personal written letter. It would of been way easier to simply type it on a computer and print it. There is something really personal about handwritten ones. Smiling softly to myself in appreciation of it.

Dear princess,

I do hope you can forgive me for my thoughtless words. It never was my intent to hurt you! Nothing would be further away from the truth. Hurting you, my beloved mate, is the one thing I promised myself to never do. But it seems that i already broken that promise to me. I can only apologize from the bottom of my heart, for my behavior. My brothers and I have waited and longed for our mate, you princess, for our whole existence. To think, that I have destroyed our only chance of true happiness and our chance to live with you princess, breaks my unbeating heart. We all love you already so much! So please, I am begging you princess, please give me and my brothers another chance. I know that you are our equal and that I along with my brothers should and need to treat you like that!

We promise to show you our love and treat you like you deserve to be treated. So please princess, don't leave us. Don't allow my fulishness to destroy our bond.

Forever in love


Smiling at his lovely words. It feels really good to know that he in fact didn't mean his words to be hurtful and that he knows that I am their equal. My heart flutters at the fact he has written me that they all love me already! I guess I really do love them as well, even though I don't know them for long. Still my heart knows that it belongs to those three. Looking at the watch hanging over the door, I decide that now is not the time to dwell too much. After all, my children are still waiting for me and I also need to grab something to eat while we drive to a shopping center. I exit my room, and softly knock on caius door next to mine. What? I can't just leave after reading his letter! They might think I left them if I did!! A furious and threatening growl was heard within his room. Biting my lip a bit nervous, suddenly not so sure anymore if it really was a good idea to disturb him. Maybe I should just let him? I don't know. The door gets thrown open, deciding for me it seems. Caius angry face, changes into one of hope and slight panic when he sees me standing in front of him.


„I want to thank you for your letter as well as your sweet words. Right now I promised my children to go shopping with them, but maybe we can meet up together when I get back?" I ask him softly, seeing his features relax completely before I get pulled into a tight hug from his strong arms.

„Please tell me you are coming back? You won't leave me? Us?" he questions so quietly that I nearly couldn't hear it. Caressing his face softly, finally seeing that my usually tough as nail caius has a real fragile side on him as well. My heart hurts at seeing him like this. His head leaning into my hand, afraid I would never touch him like this again. My poor, poor caius!

„I will always return back to you and your brothers. You are my mates!" I softly reply. Making sure to keep eye contact while talking. Needing him to see that I am telling him the truth!

„i am so unbelievable Sorry for hurting you!" he whimpers out brokenly. Now finally seeing that i should of talked with them right away! No matter that i was really tired. But it would of spared them and me so much heart ache!

„I know that you are. I am also very sorry for simply leaving and not talking it out with you. From now on I promise I won't just leave again. We are going to talk about everything that might bother any of us. Communication is really important in a relationship. And you three are simply too important to risk just because of a misunderstanding!" I tell him. Getting on my tippy toes to give him a sweet and short peck on his lips. He seems really surprised by it, but really relieved as well.

„I will do my best that nothing like this will ever happen again." he promises me with determination. Shaking my head at him with a soft smile. Of course he will try his best!


„I know! But if something happens, we will talk it out because I don't want to spend another night without my mates around me." I inform him with a shy smile. Feeling his thumb and pointer finger taking my chin to softly lift it up again.

„if you don't want to sleep alone, my brothers and i would be more than happy to welcome you into our beds and arms." he honestly tells me. Kissing my lips a few more times.

„I am afraid I need to get going now. My children surely are already waiting for me. Please tell your brothers as well that I am out with my children. I don't want them to worry any longer." I softly say and turn around to leave. When I am about three steps away from him, I turn around once again.

„I also want you to know that I love you three as well." I whisper with a bright blush. His face splits into a wide smile and I quickly hurry my way to my children. Knowing that if I would stay a second longer I wouldn't leave but instead stay with my mates.

„Have fun princess. And do use your new credit card!" he yells after me. Hmm, what is he talking about? Shaking my head, I don't care. Right now I need to go and get to my children! I have made them wait long enough already. Softly knocking on janes door first, and To not much surprise alec is already waiting in her room as well. Those two really are extremely close, but after what had happened to them it's no surprise they have such a tight bond.

„Sorry That i took so long. I had a talk with caius after reading his letter." I apologize. But instead of them being annoyed, they seem overjoyed that i talked with one of my mates.

„That's Good to hear mother! We do hope you were able to solve the problem with your mate!" Jane says with an honest smile. My heart swelling in joy at how perfect my children really are. They are so unbelievable thoughtful and care so much about me. It really is heart warming! Kissing their foreheads, I ask them if they are ready to leave. After their enthusiastic nod and Alec handing me some breakfast burrito we leave for the shopping center.

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