《Volturi kings mate》14


Maya's pov:

When I woke up again, still surrounded by my two children, I still feel emotionally drained. I did sleep, however not good at all. The most of the night I was turning from left to right in worry if it was right for me to leave my mates like that. Maybe I should of talked it out with them before leaving to sleep. But back than I was just too tired and way too hurt to talk. To be honest I was even playing with the thought of leaving all together but I am not that cruel. Caius surely hasn't meant to hurt me with his words. He simply tried to get something out of it for himself. Which i kind of understand. once again a sigh left my lips. Even though I kind of understand, it doesn't change the fact that I still am hurt by it. Maybe he did mean it like it. I after all don't know them really. Only met them a day ago? Or am I Here for two days already? Anyway, i met them on a war field. The field where they were not far away from killing my only real friends as well as his family and that cute little girl that has me wrapped around her tiny little fingers. Caius back than was growling at me, yelling at me to respect them. He was talking to me like I am worth absolutely nothing. Of course that changed the second they realized that I am his and his brothers mate. But does it really make that much of a difference to them? After another deep breath, Jane softly squeezes my hand.

„Mother? How may we help you? We hate to see you so sad." she asks me with venom tears in her usually brightly shining eyes. I softly touch her face with my hand to caress her cheek lovingly.


„You along with your brother are doing everything you can with staying by my side. I am sure without you two with me, I wouldn't of been able to even sleep for one hour this night." I honestly answer her. Kissing her forehead before repeating the same thing with Alec who had been eying me just as sadly.

„I am going to shower and dress myself. Do you two have Any duty's to fulfill today or are you free?" I question after sitting myself upright. They look to one another before shrugging at me.

„To be honest, we don't know yet mother. But I can go and ask our masters while you get ready if that is alright with you?" alec answers me. Thoughtful like he always seems to be. Smiling at him in thanks I ask him to please do so. Fighting myself free from the blanket that I was curled into and kiss their foreheads again. Than after another be right back, I enter the huge bathroom. Not wanting to make Jane and Alec wait too long for me, I decided to only quickly shower in hope to wake myself up a bit more. With my wet and freshly washed hair, I dry myself the best I can. Realizing that I completely forgot to pick some clothes before entering, I only wrap a big towel around my body. The second I leave the bathroom I see my children patiently waiting for me while whispering to one another.

„Mother!" alec says with a soft smile the second he sees me standing in front of them.

„Did you find out if you and your sister have some duty's to fulfill today?" I ask him, sitting down on the bed along with them. My hair still too wet to dress now anyway. He quickly nods at my question, his eyes shining brightly.


„Our Masters asked me to hand you this letter from them. Other than that Jane and I have nothing to do today." he answers me. Handing over an envelope with some elegant written Maya on top. It also has a volturi seal on it which makes me roll my eyes a little. Of course they still are sealing their envelopes! Nodding my head slowly in reply, my fingers softly caressing my handwritten name on the pure white envelope.

„How about the three of us go out shopping together? Or would you prefer to do something else? I wouldn't like to hold you off from spending time with some friends." I ask them before realizing they may like to spend some time with someone else as well. They were already laying with me throughout the whole night after all! So I definitely would understand!

„We would love to go shopping with you mother! Although I need to ask you to please read the letter beforehand." alec says his face shining in joy only to get slightly serious to the end. Jane also seems more than happy to go shopping with me if her wide smile and bouncing form is anything to go by.

„Of course my sweet boy. I will read it right away. Why don't you two get ready yourselves and I pick you up when I am finished?" I ask them and get two enthusiastic nods in answer. Both kiss one of cheeks and than leave my room with the promise to wait for me in their rooms. Taking a deep breath, I decide to get ready and afterwards read the dreaded letter within the elegant envelope. So since I know to wear something comfy on shopping trips, I pick out some light grey flowy pants and a cute pastel purple strapless top. Deciding to put on my white converse and just for fun I added a silver necklace that has an angel wing dangling on it. My hip long blonde hair is slightly dry already, so I quickly braid it into a sideways braid. Since I never liked to wear a lot of makeup, as well as having the luck to not needing it, I only add a bit off eyeliner, some mascara and some lip balm. After looking into the mirror once more, I decide that I look presentable enough for some shopping! When I walk back to the main room, I once again see the still unopened envelope laying on my bed. It looks so innocent, but I kind of have the dreaded feeling whatever may stand in it will make or break the bond i have with my mates. Only slightly touching the envelope with my fingertips, before I shake my head at myself! It's a damn letter, nothing more, nothing less! I also told my son I will read it so I need to do so! I will not break a promise towards any of my two children! This alone was in the end the reason I pick up the envelope and sitting myself on the window seat. After taking a few more deep breaths, I finally am ready to open it! I am not usually someone that is afraid of anything! So why am I trying to talk myself out of this? Shaking my head once again, I simply rip the envelope open. The folded letter falls out right away, landing on my lap.

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