《Volturi kings mate》13


Maya's pov:

Standing in front of the thrones room, makes me feel a bit nervous. What if my mates won't listen? Quickly shaking my head to get reed of my bad thoughts. Right now is not the time for thinking negative! Instead I take another deep breath before nodding towards my two children. They pull open the doors and we enter the already full thrones room to the shock of not only devan but also my mates.

„My love, is everything alright with you?" marcus worriedly asks me already walking towards me in wide strides. The second he was close enough he pulls me into a tight hug. Right away it feels like coming home to be this close to him, cuddled tightly into his wide and protective chest and arms.

„I am fine babe, no need to worry. Just finished my food and wanted to talk to you about what will happen to devan now." I answer him, nuzzling my head into his chest. He seems to relax right away and softly kisses my lips. When he pulls away from my lips, he takes my hand in his and slowly leads me towards his currently empty throne. He sits down to the left of aro and quickly pulls me on top of his lap in one smooth movement.

„Darling, it's nice to have you here with us!" aro says with a wide smile, caius quickly nods along with his brothers words.

„You wanted to know what will happen with devan, right?" caius asks and walks closer towards me now as well, obviously not liking the distance between us.

„I do, yes. Because even though he attacked me, I also know that he had no knowledge of who I am and to whom I am mated to. Therefore i think a simple warning will be enough." I explain my point of few. The whole room has fallen completely quiet after my declaration. Well, guess here goes nothing.


„We can't overlook how he attacked our mate!" caius growls lowly, his eyes burning in hatred.

„He left a mark on your neck. We could of lost you!" marcus softly explains the problem they have. Way calmer than Caius was thought.

„Devan, would you Of attacked me if you knew I am mated to your three masters?" I ask the vampire kneeling in front of us. His eyes widen, completely shocked I would even talk to him or side with him at all.

„No! My queen I would of never done anything like that. I am deeply sorry my queen." he honestly answers me, his head bowed in respect and regret of what he had done. Everyone keeps on looking in between me and Devan with curious eyes.

„You heard it, and i am sure you have read his memory's. I don't think you should execute him. He only did what he got instructed to do. How should he of known that I am not just a human that got out of the cell?" I go on, hoping that my mates will finally agree on not killing one of their guards because of me. I don't want to be this feared queen that no one dares nor wants to interact with! Not when I finally start to feel like I belong somewhere.

„So you want us to let him live on as if nothing had happened?" aro questions with astonishment. Sighing a little before nodding my head in answer. Caius looks at me as if I lost my very mind, but that is my opinion and I won't just shut up and let my mates rule like they want to. That is my opinion on this topic and I think they should care for my opinion just as much as for their own!

„He didn't know I was your mate! And if I wasn't, you wouldn't have even bat an eye at him and you all know that!" I growl right back at him to everyone's surprise. His eyes slightly tighten, his lips pulled into a predator like smirk. He slowly leans closer to me, so close that his lips are now touching my ear.


„You have absolutely no idea how hot you are when you are angry and fighting for what you think is right." he growls sexily in my ear. Being so quietly thought, that no one else other than his brothers could hear it. When he pulls back, I lift one of my eyebrows at him in a silent challenge.

„You heard the queen! This once, and only once! We will overlook your treatment towards my brothers and mine mate. You are excused." caius tells the still kneeling vampire that looks at me with a thankful smile.

„And devan, I hope you know this chance won't be given again." aro spoke strictly to which the now standing Vampire quickly nods at. My children also bow a little before scurrying everyone out of the room to leave me alone with my mates.

„So, since we were nice enough to follow through with your opinion. Don't you think we deserve a little treat for that?" caius asks me. His eyes still black and dangerous looking. Without thinking too much into it, i stand up from marcus lap and stop right in front of him.

„What would you like as a treat?" I ask and softly caress his neck with one of my fingers. The dangerous growls from behind me were completely ignored by me as well as by caius.

„I do have a few ideas that might be a good payment." he answers me, his eyes even darker as before. His nose is flaring to deeply inhale my scent while his hand is holding my cheek to make me look in his eyes.

„You know. I am your mate, so I don't think the word payment is the right term. Because as your mate, I am your equal. You should think about that." I tell him a bit hurt. Yes I do understand that I was playing along with his game, but he made it sound like I am some prostitute and not his mate.

„I will go and get some sleep, while you think about it!" I say and teleport myself to my room since I was afraid that my mates won't let me leave without a fight. I however am way too tired and emotionally drained from this day to fight with them. Sighing yet again. When I hear a soft knock on my door I really think of leaving to somewhere else, afraid that my mates won't take a no for an answer.

„Mother? May we come in?" janes soft and worried voice penetrates my brain. Quickly opening the door to see my two wonderful children standing outside with two similar frowns on their faces.

„Come on in you two." I say before laying myself on the big and comfy bed.

„Your mates asked us to stay with you since they think they might have hurt you." alec says quietly and cuddles himself next to me. His twin sister mirroring his move and cuddles me from the other side which right away puts a small smile on my lips.

„Thank you for staying with me." I mumble, already feeling myself falling asleep surrounded by my amazing children.

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