《Volturi kings mate》12


Maya's pov:

My children softly pull me in between themselves so they can protect me from everything that might come our way. Yeah, my children are just the best!

„My love! What happened?" marcus worried voice right away calms them, since now it was obvious there won't be another attack on me.

„What happened to your throat?" caius growls lowly. He stomps over towards me, his brothers right next to him.

„I was standing here to wait for my children to finish their dinner, when this one asked me how I got out of my cell. He was quick to grip me by my throat, but since I wanted to give him a fair warning I told him to let me go before he is going to regret it. He didn't seem to believe me, which is why he still is screaming in pain. I really don't like it to be laughed at." I answer my mates that softly caress my throat, eying the bruise with worried frowns.

„My children came running the second they heard the commotion so please don't look at them like this." I slightly scold my mates since they were eying my children in displeasure.

„Of Course, we are sorry my love. We know that they would of never let anyone hurt you if they could stop it." marcus says looking apologetic to my surprised children.

„We are really sorry it took us so long to interfere." my children apologies to me and my mates all together. Frowning a bit at them, why do they think it's their fault? I quickly pull them into a tight hug, wanting to calm them down again.

„You Did come to me the second you heard something. There was no way for you to know that something like this would happen." I softly reassure my children, not liking for them to talk themselves into their guilt. Not if I can stop it, after all it wasn't their fault but the vampires at my feet.


„You came running right to protect me, pulled me in between you after hearing someone running our way. Everything you did was protect me." I explain them and slowly see them calm down again. Smiling softly at them, that's way better!

„Masters? May we know what the matter is Here?" one of the guards I haven't met till now watches me with calculating eyes.

„Devan obviously tried to hurt mine and my brothers mate! Your queen! His queen!" caius growls out. Everyone right away bows down in front of me.

„My queen!" they are quick to say in unison. Feeling slightly uncomfortable at that, it's strange to be called a queen, especially after everyone always overlooked me till now. Another set of footsteps were coming our way hurriedly. Demetri stops right in front of me, his eyes wide in panic.

„My queen! I just heard what happened, should I call a doctor? An ambulance?" he questions in quit a frenzy. Smiling at him in thankfulness, it's nice of him to come running after hearing what was going on just minutes earlier.

„That's really nice of you Demetri, but I don't need a doctor nor an ambulance." I answer him softly. He nods at me before glaring at the vampire still grinching in pain. What? No one asked me to stop till now, but I am getting tired of his screams and it also takes a lot of energy out of me.

„I am going to stop this now." I tell my mates with a nod towards the ground. They look surprised but agree in the end. So I stop to inflict any pain on him. Instead of getting right back on his two feet, he stays down on the floor, holding tightly onto himself as if that will help cope with anything.


„Can I leave with my children now? I am getting slightly hungry now myself after using that much of my energy on him." I ask my mates who quickly agree. Kissing all three of them softly, before alec picks me up and carry's me to the kitchen. Jane has run off to I don't know where, but as we enter the kitchen I see her already getting a plate out of Pete's hands.

„Ah! My queen! Your daughter asked me to make some food for you. I hope you enjoy. If you need anything please get me right away!" he says and turns around to leave us alone.

„Oh, before I forget it. Your macaroons are in the refrigerator. I hope they are to your liking. Have a nice evening my queen. Alec, Jane!" he adds just as he was about to leave the room completely. Looks like my children and him do get along greatly with him as well. At least they look pretty comfortable with him around which is not that common.

„i hope you like waffles mother. Pete said you apparently have a sweet tooth and as much as I remember waffles are delicious." Jane says as she shyly sets the plate in front of me.

„Thank you sweetheart, that is really thoughtful of you. And thank you as well for carrying me, my sweet alec." I thank both of them, Kissing their cheeks as well. When I cut into the first piece of my waffles the sweet smell makes my mouth water right away! The first bite makes my taste buds explode in joy. Clapping my hands in glee! That is exactly How waffles need to taste like!

„They are absolutely delicious!" I tell my children that were watching me with wide smiles.

„Mother, are you really sure that you don't need to see a doctor?" Jane asks me after eying my bruise throughout my whole dinner. Softly I take her small hand in mine.

„Don't worry sweetheart! I am not human, that's only a small bruise that will vanish after I eat and sleep some more. That's how it has been for my whole existence." I soothingly tell her. She nods in relief at my explanation.

„Do you know what now will happen with devan? I mean, at the end of the day he had no knowledge of whom I am." I ask them since I was thinking about it for the whole time now. They quickly exchange a certain look with each other.

„What is it? What are you two hiding from me?" i ask them a bit hurt they won't tell me. They seem to realize that as well since they quickly look down at me in guilt.

„Our apology mother. We are not sure what our Masters will do with him now, but I am guessing they are currently in the thrones room to discuss his actions." alec softly says after another deep breath. Nodding along with his explanation, that makes sense.

„Can you two please take me there? I at least need to tell them my point of few before they kill him." I ask them, hoping they will understand my need to make this right.

They seem to be unsure but in the end, they bring me to the thrones room none the less.

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