《Volturi kings mate》11


Maya's pov:

Not long after i have repeated that I love them again, they literally picked me up and sped in vampire Speed to my room. Marcus who was the one carrying me, carefully lays me on the bed before they all curl around me. My stomach feels all funny and as if a bunch of butterflies were having a party in me.

„We Love you so much darling!" aro says, pecking my lips a few times. The giggles fly out of my mouth in pure joy.

„Love you to." I say pecking him once before turning around to repeat my love declaration and peck with my other two mates as well. They seem to be more than just happy about that and cuddle me closer into them. The now familiar purrs slowly are luring me back to into a deep sleep, while soaking up all their love and their closeness like a dry sponge.

Knocking is what wakes me up again, still cuddled up into my mates protective embrace. Slowly i lift my head, alerting my mates right away. They also are very quick in pulling me back down.

„There is someone knocking." i whisper softly since they look pretty frantic. Caius is the first to understand and stands up to open the door. When I see who is standing outside I giggle in delight! Opening my arms for them to come and hug me. And they do, even though they at first look a bit unsure if they should come closer or not. Now with jane and Alec back in my arms I feel even calmer than seconds ago.

„How are you two? I do hope you haven't had any trouble with anyone?" I ask them while squeezing them a bit tighter before letting them go again. Their wide smiles make me smile even wider back at them.

„We are fine mother, thank you for asking." Jane says with a shy smile.

„There also was no trouble at all. We do hope you had a good time with your mates mother?" alec asks me. He is such a sweetheart just like his sister. I honestly don't know how anyone could of ever been mean to those two. Caressing both their faces lovingly, they simply are perfect!


„I did have a really good time with my mates, but I do have to tell you that I missed you two a lot. My mates even needed to reassure me that nothing would happen to you." I tell them and feel the blush already creeping onto my cheeks at the end of my sentence.

„That was really nice of you Masters. Thank you for calming our mother back down." alec says before slightly hiding beside me. Giggling at his cuteness.

„Don't worry dear alec, since you and your sister are the son and daughter to our mate, you can tell us whatever you want. Nothing will ever make us hurt either of you. For us you always were family, now you are even more so." aro tells my two children soothingly which seems to surprise them quit a bit.

„Did you really think I would allow them to hurt you? Not over my dead body!" I inform my children that look at me in shock but over all in pure thankfulness. My mission is to show them how a real mum is treating their children. So they will learn that it's normal that I will protect them from absolutely everything and all the time! I also need to show them how it feels to be loved and cared for, now that I finally had a glimpse of it, I will do everything in my power to show them as well. They need to learn what loved really feels like. They deserve it even more than I do!

„So tell me about your day sweethearts." I tell my children and cuddle myself into Marcus chest since he has sat himself close behind me. He quickly kisses my cheek before looking at my children with a soft smile.

„It was a really relaxing day. Our masters have asked us to please look for a new receptionist since the old one wasn't doing her job properly." Jane starts with a shy smile towards my mates, but they only stay quiet and let me enjoy my talk with my two children.

„That sounds like something that can be a bit annoying. Many of the humans I met were at least." I answer her with a small wink. Afraid she otherwise wouldn't go on with how her and Alec's day have been. At hearing me say that, she giggles and nods her head vigorously in agreement.


„There were a few that actually were pretty annoying, but at the end of the day we found someone who looks to be able to do her work properly." alec says with a chuckle as well.

„Thats Good you two! I am very proud of you for finding someone. I am sure it's not that easy to be around humans all day without drinking them all dry." I say and squeeze their hands in mine with an honest smile.

„I hope you did take a small break to drink your food? Wouldn't like for you to be thirsty the whole day!" I ask them right afterwards. They suddenly became quiet and look to one another, not looking me in the eyes at all. Sighing, understanding right away that they haven't eaten all day.

„Well than I suggest we go and find you something to drink. I will not let you starve if I can change that." I tell them already standing up from the bed to go on a hunt for some blood.

„There should be some blood bags around here or something. Right?" I question towards my mates that look a bit guilty.

„There are some blood bags in the kitchen refrigerator, there also are some humans in the dungeon. So you can pick for yourself what you prefer." aro is quick to answer me. Nodding at him in thanks and than lead my children out of the room.

„So you two. What do you prefer?" I ask them not understanding why they look at me a bit unsure again.

„What's the matter Sweethearts? I don't care if you drink from humans or blood bags. That's your way of feeding. The only thing I do care for is that you aren't thirsty or starving." I say and explain to them lovingly. Kissing both their cheeks again, hoping they will believe me.

„So what do you prefer? I want to get your belly's full so please answer me." I say with a small frown. That seems to do the trick since they right away lead the way towards the dungeon. When we came to a holding cell, I quickly kiss their cheeks again before giving them the wave to feed while I am waiting out here. They nod and hug me once again in thanks before doing their business. Only a few seconds after they are out of side thought, a stranger, well at least for me walks up to me and grabs my throat tightly.

„How did you get out of your cell?" he wants to know with a threateningly growl.

„I wasn't in a cell and if you value your life you better fucking get your hands off of me!" I seethe right back at him. He only laughs out darkly at my statement, not believing me in the slightest.

„now I am really worried!" he says mockingly and pushes harder on my throat. Having enough of this nonsense, i use one of my gifts on him. right as the immense pain got to him, he lets go of my throat while his screams echo throughout the dungeon. Maybe I should feel bad, but I did warn him beforehand! His screams though make my beautiful children appear right at my side in worry.

„Mother! What happened?" Jane asks me in panic. She softly caresses my neck that now definitely has taken a blue color in the shape of that idiots hand shape.

„Don't worry sweetheart I am fine. Nothing I couldn't handle. Just wanted to give him a chance to stop his treatment on me, but he didn't like to hear." I say with a small shrug. Both their eyes grow darker the second they realize that the vampire screaming in agony was the one who had hurt me.

„Did you two at least were able to feed properly?" I ask them, needing to make sure they got their belly's full after not feeding the whole day.

„We did mother, thank you. But I am afraid we need to get this lowlife to our masters. They surely won't appreciate his treatment on the queen!" alec says and kicks the still screaming vampire. I guess the screaming has gotten even a lot more attention if the hurried footsteps are anything to go by.

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