《Volturi kings mate》10


Maya's pov:

When caius has pulled away from our really intense kiss, my breathing is way off. But do I care? Of course not! I don't even need to breath, it's just a habit to still do so.

„I have to say, I wasn't expecting that in any way or form!" I whisper in astonishment, touching my still tingling lips.

„Neither were we, but I am sure I can speak for my brothers and me as well, that we definitely enjoyed it very very much!" marcus softly reply's, his lips touching my ear. Making my breath speed up even more. At least I was able to hold back the moan that was bubbling up my throat.

„So did I." I answer, softly kissing his lips. Only just a small touch but enough to remind myself and him of our kiss.

„Could you maybe show me to the garden? I really like the outdoors and I am not that used to having so many people around me." I ask them while trying to get my breathing to calm down again. They all seem very smug at the picture I am currently giving them, but pay back is a bitch so I definitely will keep this in mind as well.

„Of course darling. Come on brothers, let's show our mate to the garden." aro says and slowly starts to lead me the other way we had been going only seconds prior to my question.

„Princess of i May ask you a question?" caius says making me not right away.

„Since you said you aren't used to being around so many people, I am guessing you aren't usually staying within the Cullen family?" caius questions me with curiosity. Nodding once again in answer.

„I only came to help Carlisle after he had called me. Other than him and Alice I didn't even know them to be completely honest with you." I explain and sigh in relief when we enter the beautiful garden. Taking a few deep breaths and looking around in astonishment. So many beautiful flowers and the sweet smells off them. My mood right away brightens at seeing a few huge rose bushes. I always had a weakness for those flowers, especially white ones. Those are my absolute favorite.


„if your joyous little scream is anything to go by, I would say you like the garden my love." marcus says with a small chuckle. Turning around towards him with a bright smile.

„I do! Your garden is really beautiful, especially your huge rose bushes. Look how they are blooming! And the smell is so alluring." I tell him, already pulling him closer to the sweetly smelling bushes. He only follows me with a smile on his full lips.

„They really are beautiful my love. But I do have to say nothing could ever compare to you. You are simply breathtaking!" he says and softly pulls me into his wide chest.

„Absolutely exquisite!" caius agrees, kissing my head lovingly.

„Why don't we take a seat and talk some more. I would like to know how you only know Alice and Carlisle? As far as I know Alice wasn't Carlisle first coven member, or family member as he likes to call them." aro questions with confusion. Also while talking he pulls me on top of his lap making me giggle yet again.

„Carlisle was the one that found me as another vampire tried to attack me. Back than I was new to my powers and didn't know how to defend myself properly, so he jumped in and saved me." I tell them, playing with my fingers nervously. Not wanting to look them in the eyes, not even wanting to see their eyes right now. Back than I was weak, something I am not any longer. So I don't want them to think so!

„He has learned me everything about vampires and the rules everybody needs to follow. I hadn't had the knowledge of masking my sent back than, so he right away realized that I was no human. So He hasn't broken any laws." I go on with my explanation, quickly adding the last part not wanting to get him in any trouble.


„Why hasn't he told us about you?" caius growls out in displeasure. So I quickly scoot onto his lap and cuddle myself close into him, nuzzling his neck lovingly. Everything in the hope to calm him down and to my luck it seems to work.

„But how did you meet Alice?" aro questions after a few minutes have gone by in quietness except caius low purrs against me.

„We ran into each other about three hundred years later. I was currently on the lookout for a vampire that killed for fun. Alice has seen in a vision that he would kill a small family and wanted to help, but the other vampire was physically stronger. When I heard their fight I was quick to interfere, quickly realizing that he was the one I was after anyway and ended him right on the spot. Alice and I talked afterwards, I told her about Carlisle and that's when she got a vision of her mate and that she would join Carlisle's coven with him. She thanked me again and than we part ways, we however stayed in contact just like I did with Carlisle." I answer Aros question.

„So then the rumors are true. You really were the one killing all the vampires that weren't following the laws." marcus voices and softly caresses my cheek lovingly. I slightly flinch afraid they might be angry at me for doing their job and at times overruling them.

„Love? Hey what's the matter?" marcus asks me shocked and slightly hurt at my reaction. He simply lifts me on to his lap and out of caius's, mich to his displeasure if I might add.

„My love. I would never hurt you! Please don't be afraid of me." he says in promise and I hear the begging in his statement as well.

„You hate me now that you know for sure that it was me all the time." I whimper out terrified of their rejection. My body is now shaking in fear, my eyes filled with unsheathe tears that slowly start to roll down my cheeks.

„No! We don't hate you love! We would never be able to hate you!! You didn't do anything wrong my love! Please calm down, everything is fine. I promise you my love!" marcus tells me strictly, letting no room for any disagreement on the topic.

„We Love you! You hear me love?" he softly says pressing me tightly into his chest, his arms pulled strongly around my body. Not letting me move away, not even an inch.

„Our brother is right darling. We love you! The only reason we haven't told you right away, was that we were afraid we would overwhelm you." aro tells me, his hand slowly starts to caress my back in a soothing manner.

„We Love you Princess, please believe us. Never ever could we hate you. We love you way to much for that!" caius adds with small kisses on my head, my neck. Pretty much everywhere he could reach.

„Love you all as Well." i whimper out, clinging onto Marcus neck as if my life depends on it. That's when everything suddenly stops and quietens down completely, only to suddenly hear a few joyous screams from my mates.

„Can you say it again? Please?" they beg me all at once.

„I love you!" I repeat a bit calmer and louder than before.

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