《Volturi kings mate》5


„So not only did you turn a child you now also bring another human to your trial?" caius growls out darkly. I do have to say his voice has a really unwanted effect on me. It can't be! Caius volturi cant be my mate!!! I must be so desperate of finding my mate that I start to hallucinate! Yeah, that sounds pretty logical!

„We didn't commit any crime! The little girl you see is the child of Edward and Bella themselves. She carried and bore that child while still being human." Carlisle answers them matter of factly. They look shocked, confused even, before their faces go back to bored and uninterested.

„Show me than!" aro says, again feeling a pull to yet another volturi king. This can't be right!!! It just can't! Carlisle starts to walk towards aro and to everyone's shock I accompany him. Some of their guards where openly smirking at me. All of them are, all except Demetri and the twins. Hmm Maybe they have a suspicion who I might be. Well, only one way of finding out. Feeling a small sting, I know that Jane was trying to inject pain into me. So with a sugar sweet smile on my lips, I look at her and she falls to the floor, now getting a dose of her own power. Well, serves her right! How impolite Of her to try and use her gift against me without even knowing my name!! The whole guards as well as the kings now look frightened towards a still screaming Jane. Alec's eyes narrow on me before shouting that I should stop, even going as far as pleading with me! And of course I stop, I am not that mean after all. Jane is still wheezing in pain and lying on the grass. Her eyes look at me with fright but also astonishment. Only shrugging my shoulders before Carlisle starts to walk further up to them. I am quick of putting a small shield all around us, that way he still could show aro what had happened, but he would be safe from any surprise attacks. Aro takes his hand in his and closes his eyes for a few seconds. When he lets go he has a wide smile on his lips, even going as far as clapping excitedly just like renesmee has done not too long ago.


„What have you seen Brother?" Marcus asks and i swear I am going crazy when his voice like the others show me that he as well is my mate. That means I need to be even more cautious around them, and definitely NOT look them in the eyes or otherwise I am screwed!!

„That he was telling the truth. Bella was carrying her while she still was human." aro answers his brothers, he however keeps on watching me carefully. Not once averting his eyes away from my slightly bowed head.

„I would like to know what she is here for. May i get your hand?" he asks but I know that he wouldn't let me leave without doing so. Trying to hide my smirk I turn towards Carlisle nodding towards his family. He quickly understood and went back to his family, leaving me standing alone in front of them. Since I didn't lift my hand on my own, Felix was waved towards me to make me. But he doesn't even get towards me before collapsing on the floor unconsciously! I can hear their shocked gasps and the quiet whispers from all around me. I on the other hand have to hold myself back from giggling out loud. When I can feel another one coming closer towards me, I slightly stiffen up again. But Demetri was wiser than his friend was and stops right in front of me.

„Could you please lay your hand in my masters? I can assure you he will not hurt you." he asks me to cooperate. Nicely!!! I smile at him with an honest smile this time, before laying my hand in aros without another word. He smiles at me with a small and reassuring nod before going back to his place next to Marcus.

„Interesting! I see absolutely nothing, just like with our dear Bella." aro says with an unpleasant frown. Well, just because I did as I was asked to do, doesn't mean I would actually allow him to see anything from my life. He still is holding my hand in his so I quickly pull it out from between both of his. Turning around, I get ready to walk back towards the cullen family. But a hand on my shoulder quickly stops me only a second later. Hating to be touched i turn right back towards the one who dares to touch me.


„What!?" i growl out furiously. Feeling myself get even more pissed off than earlier! No one is allowed to just touch me!! How dare them!!

„I would like to know your name dear. Seeing as we haven't had the pleasure of meeting till now." aro says he however was smart enough to not touch me any longer.

„Wouldn't know why my name should be any of you concern." I answers with a hiss, still furious.

„Do you not know Who we are? You should start to show us respect!!" caius growls out which only makes me smirk.

„Oh, I do know perfectly fine who you are. But that doesn't mean I need to show respect to any of you, if you have none for me. I am not the one touching anyone around here or have I!" I growl right back at him. And I right away know my mistake! I was way too angry to remember to not look them in the eye!! Fuck!!

„Oh! That changes pretty much everything." caius suddenly says way softer. He slowly makes his way towards me before pulling me into his chest, hugging me tightly. I can feel his chest vibrating from the soft purrs that has started to leave his mouth. And as much as I really love the feeling of him cuddling me this tightly, I can't allow this. I had been running and hiding from them all my existence! So I can't just mate with him or any of them!! I can't trust them! Softly pulling out of his anaconda like grip, I walk back towards the Cullens. They were shocked beyond their believes, but so was I! I was searching for my mate and now I find three! And not just any, no I had to get extra unlucky and be mated to not one but all three of the volturi kings. Caius looks hurt but even more than that, he wants this thing to be over already so he can talk to me again.

„Brother, we have figured out that they haven't turned a child but conceived it. There was no crime committed! So can we end this trial now so I can go and talk to my mate!" he openly asks with only slight hidden urgency. Looking up, wanting to see their decision, I once again curse myself for my dumbness! Of course I have to look right into aros and Marcus eyes! Damn it!! Two more growls where heard before aro explains that the trial is over and that the Cullens haven't done anything wrong.

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