《Volturi kings mate》6


Maya's pov:

The second i hear his statement and I know the trial is over and done with. I teleport myself to my motel room. Guessing that I do have enough time to pack my few belongings up and leave before they will find me. Loud knocks make me sigh at my own stupidity. I should of known that it would of been best to just leave right away. Deciding to open the door before they crash it down in their need to find me. There in all their glory stand the three kings, their most trusted guards behind them, who were watching what their masters next move will be.

„Can I help you?" I ask since they were only staring at me for nearly five minutes straight.

„Why did you leave right after we ended the trial?" marcus asks me with a sad frown . Seeing the door next to me slowly creeping open, i quickly usher everyone in before closing the door yet again. Why would i do that? I could of just closed the door in their faces!

„My job was done that's why." I answer Marcus prior question with a shrug.

„Since your job is now done." aro starts to say slowly as if trying to figure me out. Well, good luck with that!

„why don't we get to know each other better?" he finishes his statement.

„I don't see why we should do that? And I also am needed to go back to my original job." I say and take a seat on my bed.

„Don't you feel the mate pull?" marcus asks sad and a bit hurt I seem to completely ignore the pull. Sighing again, I am afraid I am not that cruel. I do want them to be happy, it's just strange to talk to the people who were after me for so long.

„I do feel it. Why do you think i wouldn't make eye contact with either of you back at the field? I just forgot after getting too angry at you." i say, closing my eyes. The bed next to me drops a little, not knowing who it was I quickly reopen my eyes.

„So you knew we are your mates." aro asked from in front of the bed. Nodding at him in reply, not wanting to talk much more.


„You are afraid of us. Why?" marcus asks me softly. He had taken my hand in his after asking for permission and I do have to say that it feels amazing to have him caressing my hand, drawing soft patterns on my skin. Not knowing how to answer that, I decide to instead stay quiet. It's not that I am afraid of them, I just feel uneasy to be this close to them. The ringing of my cellphone lets me look towards the nightstand. Without thinking I open my hand and let the phone fly towards me.

„Hey Carlisle." I say and hear three jealous growls from my mates.

„Hey! I suppose you have some company with you at the moment!" he says with a chuckle. Well at least someone is back to their happy self now that the threat is dealt with. At least his threat is dealt with.

„You know this could be a good thing. I know how lonely you were the last centuries." he says softly. He is right, I know he is. But what if they don't want me anymore when they find out who i am?

„I know that I was. But you know why it's hard to trust anyone, especially them." I say slightly defensive. I never liked to disappoint Carlisle.

„I still think you should try it. You can always start to run again, so why not give it a shot before you do so?" he says and I do hate it when he comes with logic and is right with it as well.

„I guess you are right. Again..." I mumble out not really happy about it.

„Well, than I am letting you go to talk to them. They are your mates Maya, this could be the best thing that ever happened to you." he says before ending the call again. Rolling my eyes at him, he always had this strange ability of making me agree on his opinions. When I look up again I see my three really happy mates that keep on looking at me in expectation.

„I am not afraid." i state matter of factly.

„It's just hard to trust the people who were trying to catch me for centuries." I explain after a heavy sigh. Here goes nothing, so let's hope they wont just kill me. They look at me confused while Demetri eyes me with wide eyes. Well, I always knew he is a smart boy!


„You are the angel of Death!" he says and he doesn't let it sound like a question, more like a statement. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

„Knew you are a smart boy!" I answer him with a smirk. He looks surprised before slowly realization creeps onto his face.

„You were there when we arrived at all those fire places! You have been watching us! I knew I wasn't paranoid!!!" Demetri says and pulls me into a hug. The threatening growls let him quickly step back again though, making me giggle at their possessiveness.

„Mine!" The three Kings growl out crashing me into their chests. To my luck I am no human, otherwise I would of surely died from lack of air! They were starting to sniff me, so I decided to be extra nice today and let them smell my real scent. They right away moan at my sweet smell and push their heads closer into my neck and chest area.

„Come with us to Volterra? Please!" They say in between their sniffs and content purrs. I am fighting with myself, not knowing if it really would be wise of me to come along with them. On the other hand it feels so amazing to finally have someone who cares for me. Even three mates that would care for me, maybe some time even love me. Who knows? A girl could at least dream!

„Darling, we promise nothing is going to happen to you in Volterra! You as our mate are the queen, therefore no one will dare hurt you, or even come near you if you don't like it." caius tells me. Softly caressing my cheek with so much love and hope shining in his deep red eyes. Honestly, how could I possibly deny his request?

„Ok, i Come along. But if you try to play me I am leaving!" I tell them matter of factly and they right away agree to my demand. Taking another deep breath to calm myself as best as I can before standing up from the bed and grabbing my suitcase. I make sure to put the room back to normal before teleporting everyone within this room to Volterra.

„Wow!" Jane and Alec whisper out in astonishment.

„I am afraid the rest of your coven need to take the plane back to Italy." I tell my mates with a small smile. They nod at me before we slowly make our way into theirs castle without getting seen. I do have to say that their home looks absolutely amazing!!! The paintings where perfectly drawn. I even have seen a few with all of the kings sitting in their thrones, Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix standing close behind them with stoic faces.

„Do you like the painting Love?" Marcus asks me suddenly standing so close that his chest is touching my back.

„I do. It nearly looks like a photograph with all those details." I say slowly reaching out to touch it. But I quickly pull my hand away, not wanting to destroy the beautiful masterpiece.

„Caius has painted it. He is quit the artist." marcus explains, softly he take my hand in his. Turning me around to now be face to face, well face to chest but hey I am small, get over it!

„Thank you. For explaining." I say before getting on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek in thanks. His face has lit up like nothing I have ever seen before.

„Do you want to see your room? We were thinking that we would give you time to adjust to us before asking you to please stay in our rooms. If you would prefer it though , you could also stay with any of us." he asks me with a mischievous smile.

„I would of stayed with all of you, since the three of you are my mates, but since there isn't a room big enough for all four of us, I am going to stay alone. Don't want to get any of my mates jealous, or do I?." I answer him innocently but inside I am smirking broadly. Yeah, two can play that game.

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