《Volturi kings mate》4


Maya's pov:

After waking up from a good night sleep, I get myself ready for the day. I still am toying with the idea of just leaving and not help them, but than again I remember Carlisle and that small innocent girl that right away ran up to me and fell asleep against me. Sighing in frustration yet again. The breakfasts was surprisingly delicious, so I quickly eat up before making my way back to Carlisle's house. Hopefully his family will get over themselves! Or at least leave me be. Otherwise I could always just leave. This is the second and also last chance, so if they do fuck it up again than I am leaving. Carlisle definitely knows so too, he knows that I dont give second chances.

„Maya! I am so happy that you came back!" Carlisle says and hugs me tightly in his wide and comforting chest.

„Don't worry, they are coming today anyway. So it doesn't matter as much if I would of left or if I stayed to help. He nods in understanding before ushering me into the living room where everyone is already waiting. They all look pretty relieved that I am here, but after yesterday I am not that sure of them any longer.

„We would like to apologize to you Maya! We were surprised and shocked that a small human girl was the one Carlisle has been telling us about ever since we joined this coven." Edward says, he does look sincere but I am still keeping my guard up. after their treatment yesterday I don't feel like conversing with them at all anymore. At least only to a minimum!

„Good think i am no human than." i tell him just as the little bundle of joy came running right at me. I see her tripping and quickly hold out my hand to stop her fall in midair. Hearing their shocked indrawn breaths, but I ignore them. Instead I let the little girl fly into my arms and cuddle her into my chest.


„Maya!" she excitedly says between giggles, clapping her hands in pure joy.

„Aren't you a happy little girl!" I softly tell her making her smile even wider at me.

„You should get a bag ready for her with some of her belongings. I also put it upon myself to get some new passports for her and her imprint." I tell bella who keeps on looking at her little girl with love shining in her eyes. She at first doesn't seem to catch on, but when she does she ran upstairs to the room to pack a few items she might need.

„I would like to block her scent as well. If this will go the wrong way, her imprint should run away with her and that way they couldn't use their tracker to find them." I say to all of them, however not looking at them.

„You can do that?" Edward questions in wonder, never having heard from anyone having the gift to do so. Nodding at him before pointing at myself with a small shrug.

„I also block mine. But since I don't want anyone getting suspicious I also added a human scent on myself." I inform them, softly caressing the soft cheeks of their little daughter.

„That would be awesome! Thank you so much!" esme says with a soft smile towards me. What happened with her trying to kill me?

„I also would like to apologize about my behavior yesterday towards you. It was inexcusable to be so terribly rude to you especially after Carlisle told us how you are risking a lot by helping us." she says and I do believe her. She seems to really mean it but that still doesn't change the way how she and her kids were treating me yesterday. So I only nod at her in appreciation before going back to the task at hand.


„Alice and Jasper will be coming shortly but so are the volturis. We should get ready for this to happen." I sigh out, feeling already drained again. Just as I said that the door opens and in comes Alice with jasper, both of them quickly hugging me tightly in greeting. Not long after them followed Jacob. Renesmees imprint who right away growls at me for holding said little girl.

„Calm down Jake! We have no time for such nonsense." Alice tells him with a roll of her eyes. When Bella comes back down the stairs, she carries a backpack in her arms. She hands it over to me and I softly put it on the little girl in my arms after adding the passports as well as some documents they might need.

„i also added all the money we had here and some of her clothes in it." she says sadly but trying to stay strong as not to frighten the little girl even more than she already is.

„That's Great, thank you." I say before handing her daughter into her arms, knowing she needs to hold her right now.

„It would be the best idea for you to carry the little one on your back for the fight. If at any time it looks like we are losing, you run off. No looking back no nothing. Everything you might need is already in her backpack." I tell her imprint. Hoping he will listen to my instructions since I know that those will make sure they will survive, or at least have a higher chance of survival.

„I promise I will do everything in my power to keep her safe." he tell us all with determination in his eyes. Slowly I make my way towards Renesmee and softly lay a hand on her forehead before concentrating on hiding her scent, seconds later I repeat it with Jacob as well who keeps on looking irritated but I guess he seems to know that I only try to help.

„Your scents are hidden now, that way no tracker can find you. So just make sure to run out of their eyesight as quick as possible. We will also do our best to make sure you get away from them without too much trouble." I tell him before taking a seat an the couch.

„Thank you for staying after my siblings were so rude towards you." Alice says softly taking my hand in hers.

„It's fine, wasn't the first time." I whisper out with a small shake of the head, wanting to get reed of the bad memories.

„We should get towards that clearing now." I mutter out after we were quietly waiting for them to arrive. They all hug each other once more with sad smiles and than we went to the clearing I have seen in my vision. Right when we arrive they appear on the other side of the clearing as well. I feel myself stiffen up already, I was running from them for 900 years, so it's not easy to keep on standing in their sight. Especially since most of their eyes were trained on me. Judging me on my looks and smirking when they think they could easily overpower me. Oh how wrong they are!! But hey, if they think of me as weak they won't expect me to beat them up.

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